
Agent of Affairs: Seducing The Wives

Leopold is an agent from an agency that specializes in breaking up marriages. He doesn't believe in love, thinking that women are shallow creatures who only care about money. That's why his agency, which he founded, always managed to complete missions no matter how high the risks were, paving his way to becoming a wealthy man as he had always dreamt. He never involves his emotions in any mission. His tactics are very well-planned and precise, regardless of the type of woman he faces. He always has a strategy to conquer them. Until he meets Serena. A divorcee from an old-money tycoon who assigned him to the mission of becoming an "Alimony’s breaker" by getting Serena to marry him, as he refuses to give her a substantial amount of alimony every month. Serena is the woman who challenges his principles and judgments about women. Despite her simple nature, his charm does not tempt her, no matter how close he gets. This both frustrates and obsesses him at the same time. Will Serena succumb and boost Leopold's ego that no woman is beyond his conquest, or has Leopold fallen too deeply into his obsession with her?

WuSaKoRi · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter 6

Leopold's car arrived at the lobby of his apartment, and Mark looked astonished at the towering building with dazzling luxurious ornaments that could be seen at the entrance.

"Is this your house?" he asked enthusiastically. Mark looked at Leopold with his large blue eyes, waiting for Leopold's answer.

Leopold had never realised that the life he had now could amaze others. He had been too accustomed to his life and facilities, so it wasn't as dazzling to him. Mark made him aware of that.

"Um—yes, this will also be your home as well. Are you okay with that?" Leopold asked hesitantly. 

He hadn't considered other people's opinions before, but adopting a child instantly, if not to be called hasty, was a concept that was quite different. He didn't know if it would be good for him or not.

"What?? Of course, I love it!! This is spectacular! I get to live in a place I've only seen on TV..." Mark exclaimed in awe, and Leopold took a relieved breath.

The doorman approached them and opened the door for them. His smiling expression greeting Leopold instantly changed when he saw Mark getting out of the passenger door.

The small boy carried his oversized backpack, still amazed at the beauty of the building.

"Hi, young man, may I know your name?" greeted the friendly doorman named Ted, bending down to look into Mark's eyes.

Ted was of Mexican descent and had worked in this apartment for over 40 years. He loved his job because the tips he received from the residents of this apartment were relatively large and could support his family. That's what Ted once told Leopold.

"Hello, Mr Doorman, my name is Mark Ashford. I'm five years old, and I go to Kindersun Preschool. My teacher's name is Miss Delilah, and we have a pair of hams—"

"Mark, I think the introduction is enough with the name and age," Leopold interrupted to stop the overflow of information from Mark.

'I have to remember to teach him that; it could be dangerous if he tells people about my profession, let alone mission,' Leopold thought.

"Okay, Dad," Mark obediently replied, closing his mouth tightly as if afraid that if he didn't, he would blurt out the words he had worked so hard to restrain.

Meanwhile, Leopold, who was just called "Dad" by Mark, stood frozen in his place. 'W-what did he just say? D-dad? This is too much for me to handle...' Leopold complained inwardly.

'What now? What should I do if I have to return him to the orphanage after this mission is over?' panicked Leopold. 

He hadn't considered it this far before, and now that the closeness of their relationship seemed genuine, he only realised the seriousness of the consequences he would have to bear.

As Leopold looked at Ted, the man also seemed surprised. He glanced at Leopold curiously, comparing him again with Mark, and perhaps the dissimilarity between them was evident. While Leopold was a man with black hair and brown eyes, Mark had blue eyes and blonde hair.

"Why? Is there something strange, Ted?" Leopold asked, wanting to know the man's opinion of him.

"Mm—nothing, Sir. He's a brilliant child," Ted commented.

"Thank you, Sir... Miss Delilah also said the same thing, and the head nurse always praises me as the neatest when making beds!" Mark responded excitedly. 

Leopold had to quickly pull Mark inside so his loose lips wouldn't provide more information.

In the elevator, he glanced at Mark, who was looking at Leopold enthusiastically. He scrutinised every move Leopold made. Even when the elevator doors closed, he observed it as if it were the most significant discovery of the century.

Leopold observed the direction of Mark's gaze, which focused on the lit elevator buttons and the changing floor indicator above.

Leo smiled, imagining what might be happening in the little boy's mind, possibly experiencing something for the first time in his life.

"Mark, we need to make some adjustments to your habits. Do you like playing detective?"

"Yes! Of course!" Mark answered without taking his eyes off the elevator, as if afraid he would miss a precious moment he would never forget.

"What do you think detectives do?"

"Mm—catch bad guys?"

"Yes, but there's one essential thing about a detective that you need to know," Leo intentionally lured him without directly telling Mark.

"What is it?" Mark asked, shifting his gaze from the elevator button and looking at Leo curiously.

"Detectives gather information, not give it," Leo answered briefly.

Mark's mouth formed an "O," and Leo hoped his explanation was enough for now.

"Can you act like a detective with people other than me and Aster?" Leo asked a moment after the door to his apartment opened.

"Aster? Who is she? Is that Mom's name?"

"No... I am your grandma; you can call me Gammy or Aster if you like," Aster greeted.

The old woman waited for the two of them with a glass of warm chocolate milk and two cookies, smiling warmly at Mark.

"Wow! Is that for me, Gammy?" Mark asked politely. He didn't immediately grab what Aster had but waited for Aster's approval first.

"Of course, you can enjoy it on the sofa over there," Aster pointed out while handing the treats to Mark.

The boy accepted them and happily sang as he carried his treats to the sofa and began to eat there.

"What about me?" Leo asked with a pleading expression to Aster.

Aster chuckled at Leo's pretended weakness. She walked back to her desk, and Leo followed her closely. When Aster sat down and started typing, Leo sat on the bench across the table and stared at Aster with an intimidating look.

"Are you happy seeing me in distress?" Leo asked.

Aster shifted her gaze from the computer screen to Leopold and then to Mark.


"I don't see any distress at all. I have to admit you chose the right kid. He's remarkably wise for his age. I must compliment you for that," Aster praised.

"But you didn't tell me I had to prepare a lot! Dealing with a child is one thing, especially when this child has to understand my mission, too! If not, it will be a mess. Oh... I shouldn't have followed your advice from the beginning," Leo complained, slumping in his chair while massaging his bridge nose.

"You're exaggerating. The kid will understand," Aster responded coldly and emotionlessly.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Leo asked, causing one of Aster's lips to lift in a sneer.

"I thought you're the boss here, not me," Aster taunted.

"Come on, Aster. I know you have experience with young kids, while I have zero knowledge," Leo pleaded with teary eyes, seeking sympathy.

"Just tell him that you're on a mission. Kids usually enjoy and are good at role-playing," Aster suggested.

"A mission? Alimony's breaker mission? It's not the right time for him to know about that," Leo rejected, shaking his head in disagreement.

Aster took a deep breath before saying, "Not that, dummy. A mission to find a mom for him."