

To stop the increasing crime in the world, the President created a team called 'Agents.' Agents are those who cannot be corrupted by anyone, including ministers, police, army, lawyers, judges, government officials, undercover agents, and others. The agent's job is to eliminate terrorists, fraudsters, drug smugglers, human traffickers, and similar individuals. This story is about a boy who became an agent at the age of 17. Impressed by his work, the government formed the 'Head of Agent Committee' when he was 22. His nickname was 'Agent 073,' and his real name was 'Aaru.'

Shek_Arman_Hoque · Realistic
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1 Chs

Rise Of a Genius

<p>One day, Aru was sitting at his desk and looking outside. He was watching a bird's nest with great attention to see how a bird feeds its children. He was so engrossed in the scene that he was ignoring the talks and discussions of his classmates. He saw the bird flying again and again in search of food and then bringing it back to feed its children.<br/><br/> Suddenly the door of the classroom opened and Aru's attention went towards it. The "Vice Principal" entered and all the students became quiet. Coming inside, the Vice Principal said something to the teacher and then the teacher made an announcement in the class. He told that someone had written down a girl's number in the bathroom, due to which his privacy was invaded. Now, the girl is not coming to school, and if the school committee finds out who wrote this, that student will be expelled. However, if the student voluntarily reports his or her name to the office, the punishment may be reduced.<br/><br/> Hearing this, all the students started speculating and rumors started spreading. As soon as the holiday came, all the students left their classes. After everyone left, Aru was sitting alone engrossed in thoughts and after some time he came out of the classroom and went towards the bathroom. When he reached the bathroom he examined the writing on the wall.<br/><br/> He noticed that the school staff had erased most of the writing, but the last few digits of the number had not been completely erased. He began to wonder who could do this.</p>