
Agent Hollow: Voidsent

"The void will swallow all." Arriving on planet Sumeria G-9, in the heart of Babylon City, Agent Hollow, a shadowy figure with a haunted past finds himself with a single goal: stop the unfolding schemes by order of the Interastral Peace Organization. A blend of sci-fi, action drama, mystery, spy stories, and fantasy, all into one!

Shadowquill_ · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

Tower of Secrets

As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, casting long shadows across the city of Babylon, Hollow emerged from his room at the inn, his mind focused on the task ahead. The holographic map had revealed two potential locations for the mysterious shipment: the Babylon Tower and the Order's HQ. Determined to uncover the truth, Hollow set his sights on the imposing structure that loomed over the city skyline.

The Babylon Tower stood as a testament to the wealth and power of the king, its towering spires reaching toward the heavens. Guarded by a formidable security force and shrouded in secrecy, it was a symbol of authority and influence.

As Hollow made his way through the bustling streets, the early morning air was alive with anticipation. Vendors hawked their wares, street performers entertained passersby, and the city slowly stirred to life.

Arriving at the base of the tower, Hollow paused to take in the sight before him. Armed guards patrolled the perimeter, their stern expressions betraying no hint of emotion.

It seemed there was no other entrance to the tower except the main one. He was left with no choice but to confront them head-on.

As Hollow approached the main entrance of the Babylon Tower, he was greeted by two towering golden doors that seemed to gleam in the early morning light. The doors were adorned with intricate carvings and ornate patterns, each detail meticulously crafted to perfection. Golden shapes adorned the surface, catching the light and casting shimmering reflections across the stone steps.

With a glance, he locked eyes with the two armed guards standing watch at the entrance, his expression unreadable, his gaze piercing and intense. They were carrying golden spears and wore silver and scarlet armor.

At that moment, a wave of cold swept over the guards, their faces growing pale as drops of sweat beaded on their brows. Their eyes became empty, devoid of all emotion, as if they had been swallowed by some dark void. They stood frozen in place, unable to move or speak, their minds consumed by whatever bewitched them.

With a silent command, Hollow commanded the guards to step aside, their movements stiff with fear as they obeyed without question.

As the guards stepped aside, the massive golden doors swung open with a resounding creak, revealing the grandeur of the chamber beyond.

As Hollow stepped into the main chamber of the tower, he found himself immersed in a world of luxury and opulence. The expansive lounge was filled with figures adorned in wealthy attire, their garments shimmering with exquisite fabrics and intricate designs. They mingled effortlessly, sipping on expensive beverages served in crystal glasses as they engaged in lively conversation.

The atmosphere was one of sophistication and refinement, with soft music playing in the background and the scent of exotic perfumes lingering in the air. It was clear that the Babylon Tower catered to a select clientele, only welcoming the most renowned and influential figures from across the universe who were visiting the planet.

After some discreet inquiries and careful observation, Hollow uncovered the layout of the Babylon Tower, a monumental structure comprising 278 levels, each serving a distinct purpose within the grand edifice.

The lower levels, spanning from the ground floor to the 108th level, were dedicated to the luxurious hotel that catered to the needs of the tower's esteemed guests. Here, visitors from across the universe could indulge in opulent accommodations, exquisite dining, and a plethora of services designed to ensure their comfort and satisfaction.

Above the hotel, from the 109th to the 164th level, lay the quarters reserved for the nobles, where dignitaries of the highest rank found sanctuary amidst sumptuous surroundings. These exclusive floors provided a haven of luxury and refinement, offering privacy and exclusivity to those of noble lineage.

from the 164th to the 228th level, the Babylon Tower housed a complex network of political, economic, scientific, and military facilities. These floors were not merely administrative but served as the nerve center of the tower's operations, encompassing a wide range of essential functions critical to the kingdom's governance and security.

At the uppermost reaches of the tower, spanning from the 229th to the 278th level, rose the imposing domain of the king himself and his royal castle, where the royal family resides. Here, amidst fortified walls and towering spires, the ruler of Babylon held court, surrounded by the trappings of power and authority.

The grandeur was absurd.

How in hell could he know where the shipment will arrive?

Hollow started regretting his choice, the Order's HQ would've been easier to investigate.

He gambles on the possibility of the king being the one pulling the strings of this shipment himself, If he was right, infiltrating the king's domain would be the key to unraveling the mystery once and for all.

With his resolve steeled, Hollow set his sights on the uppermost levels of the tower, where the king's chambers awaited.

He made his way through the opulent lobby, his keen eyes scanning for the elevators. He found them tucked away in a corner, their doors decorated with carvings of silver and ivory inlays. As he approached, a uniformed attendant bowed slightly.

"Which floor, sir?" the attendant asked, his voice carefully modulated to convey both respect and discretion.

"The highest floor accessible to hotel guests," Hollow replied smoothly, adopting the air of a wealthy patron. "They say the view there is breathtaking,' he added to avoid any unwanted suspicion.

The attendant nodded and pressed the button for the 108th floor. As the doors closed, Hollow felt the smooth acceleration of the elevator beginning its ascent.

The ride was swift and silent, the only indication of their rapid climb being the changing numbers on the digital display. Hollow used this time to center himself, mentally preparing his plan for what comes next.

With a soft chime, the elevator doors opened onto the 108th floor. Hollow stepped out into a hallway that seemed to shimmer with luxury. The carpet beneath his feet was plush, muffling his footsteps. Ornate light fixtures cast a warm glow over the richly paneled walls. The corridor was lined with doors leading to different rooms, and in the center was a big glass window revealing a breathtaking view indeed on the horizon: golden dunes as far as the eye could see.

Hollow approached, drawn by the beautiful scenery bathed in the warm glow of the setting sun. With a sigh, he tore his gaze away from the window and continued down the hallway, his mind once again focused on the mission that lay ahead.

As he reached the end, he encountered an unexpected obstacle. A set of heavy doors, different from the others, stood before him. Next to them was a security panel with a fingerprint scanner and a keycard slot. A small sign above the panel read: "Restricted Access - Authorized Personnel Only."

A few curious guests glanced at the doors as they passed, but most seemed accustomed to their presence, accepting it as just another boundary in this foreign planet.

Hollow frowned, maintaining his composure as a group of laughing guests brushed past him. It was clear that beyond this point lay the entrance to the nobles' quarters and the upper levels of the tower. But without the proper clearance, his ascent was halted.

As the last of the guests disappeared around the corner, Hollow seized his moment. He took one final glance around to ensure he was alone, then closed his eyes in concentration. A cloud of dark purple energy began to swirl around him, enveloping his form until he was nothing more than a shadowy mist.

In an instant, the mist vanished from the hotel side of the door.

On the other side, a cloud of black mist materialized silently in a dimly lit corridor. It coalesced rapidly, taking shape until Hollow stood there, solid once more. He blinked, his eyes quickly adjusting to the change in lighting.

The corridor, though dimly lit, was adorned with intricate tapestries and gleaming metalwork. The floor beneath his feet was polished marble, its surface reflecting the soft glow of ornate light fixtures.

It opened up into a grand plaza, a space clearly designed for the comfort and luxury of the tower's noble residents. Plush couches and elegant sofas were artfully arranged throughout the area, upholstered in rich fabrics that spoke of extreme wealth.

But what truly caught Hollow's attention was the centerpiece of the plaza: a massive aquarium that dominated the space. Inside, exotic fish unlike anything native to Sumeria glided through crystal-clear water. Their alien forms and bioluminescent patterns created a living, moving artwork that cast an ethereal glow across the entire plaza.

Just how many resources did it take to build this tower?

As he moved through the opulent plaza, the stark contrast became increasingly apparent between his attire -his casual black cloak that didn't match up to the luxury of the place- and his surroundings. 

He should've worn those clothes he bought with Elyas, at least they made him look like some rich local.

Around him, the few nobles present were adorned in garments that seemed unlike anything he saw outside in the city.

Men wore long, intricately embroidered robes that fell to their ankles, cinched at the waist with wide, jewel-encrusted belts. Their heads were adorned with tall, cylindrical hats or elaborate turbans, each seemingly trying to outdo the other in height and ornamentation.

Women dressed in equally luxurious attire – long, flowing gowns with wide sleeves, the fabrics shimmering with metallic threads that seemed to change color as they moved. Their hair was elaborately braided and adorned with golden ornaments and strings of precious stones.

Every noble, regardless of gender, was draped in an abundance of jewelry – heavy gold necklaces, arm bands that spiraled from wrist to elbow, and rings on nearly every finger. The air was thick with the scent of exotic perfumes and oils.

The place was too opulent for any outsider's eyes, the heavy jewelry and vibrant colors everywhere nearly blinded Hollow.

His relatively plain clothing stood out like a splash of dull paint on a masterpiece canvas. He realized that his presence here, dressed as he was, would soon draw unwanted attention. Already, he noticed a few curious glances from passing nobles, their eyes lingering on his out-of-place appearance.

Hollow's eyes locked onto a passing servant, a young man in a simple yet well-made uniform that marked him as part of the tower's staff. The servant moved with purpose, carrying a tray of empty glasses, likely heading to replenish supplies.

He followed the servant, keeping a discreet distance. He watched as the young man entered a small side room - probably a service area for the staff to restock and prepare.

Hollow waited patiently outside, listening carefully. When he was certain the servant was alone, he made his move. He slipped into the room, closing the door behind him.

Moments later, the door opened, and Hollow emerged, now clad in the servant's uniform.

The outfit was a long, flowing tunic made of rich, emerald green silk, adorned with intricate gold embroidery along the edges and cuffs. A wide, decorative golden sash with Babylonian motifs was tied around the waist, complementing the slim-fitting trousers in a harmonious shade. Soft leather sandals with subtle gold detailing completed the ensemble, along with a simple gold armband that signified their service in the tower.

With his new disguise in place, Hollow picked up a tray of filled glasses, mimicking the posture and gait of the other servants he had observed. He stepped back out into the plaza, ready to continue his mission.

There was an ID card in the uniform he picked, probably used to access different rooms in the nobles' quarters.

In the back of the plaza, there were two elevators, allowing ascent into higher levels. Hollow used the card and accessed one of them.

He clicked on floor 164's button. 

Moments later, he arrives at the last level of the quarters. It contained no rooms whatsoever, only a wide area where people in ties and blouses attended to different matters. The carpets of the previous were nowhere to be found as the metallic floor was uncovered. The ambiance quickly changed from that of an opulent hotel to that of some sort of facility.

Holographic displays flickered with data, and the air was filled with the hum of technology and muted conversations.

In the back of the room was a huge metallic gate denying passage to ordinary servants. Once again he found his disguise out of place in the heart of such a restricted area. The gate, imposing and stern, had intricate patterns carved into its surface, glowing faintly with a shining blue light.

He needed a new plan, and a new card with higher clearance.

 A group of officials in elaborate uniforms caught his attention. They were engrossed in a heated discussion, too preoccupied to notice him.

Carefully, Hollow inched closer, eavesdropping on their conversation.

"The shipment will arrive at the secured docking bay in an hour," one of the officials said. "We need to ensure everything is in place. The king won't tolerate any mistakes."

Another official nodded. "All personnel have been briefed. Security is tighter than ever, there is no room for worry."

The shipment was arriving soon. He had to find a way past the gate and into the docking bay.

But how?

He remained still, staring at the intimidating metallic gate with no plan whatsoever.

"What a bother."