
Agent Hollow: Voidsent

"The void will swallow all." Arriving on planet Sumeria G-9, in the heart of Babylon City, Agent Hollow, a shadowy figure with a haunted past finds himself with a single goal: stop the unfolding schemes by order of the Interastral Peace Organization. A blend of sci-fi, action drama, mystery, spy stories, and fantasy, all into one!

Shadowquill_ · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

The shipment

The gate....how to cross that thing.

Stealing an official's card seemed straightforward enough, but the consequences gave him pause. Opening such a massive gate would undoubtedly draw unwanted attention. As a mere servant, his presence on this restricted floor was already suspicious. No, that plan was too risky.

Teleportation crossed his mind next. Under normal circumstances, it might have been the perfect solution. But the man's earlier warning about heightened security due to the shipment's arrival made Hollow hesitate. The stakes were too high for such a gamble. He never knows what could be waiting for him on the other side of the gate.

Hollow decided to explore the floor further. Perhaps there was another way through, a path less guarded. His search led him to what appeared to be a meeting room. Though not particularly spacious, it contained a large window offering a breathtaking view of the world beyond the tower.

There was one man sitting inside, reading some kind of report sheet. Slipping in unnoticed was out of the question. But as Hollow's gaze fixed on the window, a daring idea took shape in his mind. It was risky, perhaps even reckless, but it just might work.

Hollow focused his power. In an instant, he teleported outside, materializing in the air, he was 164 levels above the ground, and falling would mean immediate death. With a growl of effort, he managed to grab onto the edge of the wall, his fingers digging into the surface.

The climate-controlled comfort of the tower's halls vanished in an instant, replaced by a searing heat that seemed to penetrate to his very core.

As he clung tightly to the tower's exterior, fighting against both gravity and the buffeting winds, Hollow gazed upwards. Another burst of teleportation brought him just above the window. Dark mist swirled around him, a sign of his power's use. The man inside noticed the strange phenomenon, his head snapping up from his report. But as quickly as it had appeared, the mist dissipated, and the man returned to his anterior activity.

With careful, deliberate movements, Hollow began to climb.

The altitude made every breath a struggle.

As he ascended, the heat only intensified. The tower's reflective surface amplified the sun's already brutal rays, and Hollow could feel his skin beginning to burn.

Moments later, he finally arrived at the next level. He focused his power once more, and in a swirl of dark mist, he vanished from the tower's exterior. An instant later, he materialized inside the building, stumbling slightly as his feet met solid ground once more.

He bypassed the gate.

The sudden silence and still air were almost disorienting after the constant barrage of wind and sand.

Hollow's skin tingled as it adjusted to the cooler temperature, the air inside was refreshing.

He knew he needed to blend in quickly. His eyes darted around, searching for an opportunity. A man in a white blouse - likely a scientist - walked past, oblivious to the danger lurking nearby. Without hesitation, Hollow made his move.

With swift, silent steps, he closed the distance between them. In one fluid motion, Hollow wrapped his arm around the man's neck, cutting off any chance of an alarm. The scientist struggled briefly, but Hollow's grip was iron-tight. He dragged his captive into a secluded corner, away from prying eyes.

He stripped the man of his white blouse, identification badge, and any other items that might prove useful. Hollow then paused, considering what to do with the unconscious scientist. Leaving him here was risky, but he had no time for anything more elaborate. He made sure the man was hidden from immediate view, then stepped back into the corridor.

Hollow set out down the hallway. As he walked, Hollow's eyes constantly scanned his surroundings. The sterile corridors stretched before him, leading to what appeared to be a high-tech research and development facility, likely dedicated to some cutting-edge scientific work.

The hallways were lined with laboratories visible through large glass windows. Inside, scientists in protective gear worked with advanced equipment and holographic displays. Some labs seemed focused on biological research, with rows of containment units housing seeds and planets that seemed nonnative to the planet. The planet's struggle with crops and agricultural decline was a known fact, planets couldn't grow in such boiling lands with sand as far as the eye could reach.

The air hummed with the sound of powerful ventilation systems, likely designed to contain any potential contaminants.

Suddenly, Hollow is stopped by a passing scientist.

"Doctor Herlio, alien name... " the scientist squirted his eyes looking at the ID badge on Hollow's blouse. "You're one of the new ones that have been arriving lately right?"

"Yes," Hollow responded, maintaining an expressionless face.

"The king sure is keen on finishing the project huh? Anyways, head to floor 212, all outworlder scientists are called there."

"Ah, it's about the shipment, right?" Hollow inquired, it was his chance to unravel more information.

"Yep, don't be late man," the scientist nodded, before walking off down the corridor.

King, project, ones that have been arriving lately...It has become clear, what he heard about from the man in the tavern, strange disappearances of visitors. It seems the king has been hiring researchers from all over the cosmos for his big project. They enter the tower on the first day of their arrival, hence they were rumored to have 'disappeared'.

Something big is impending.

Hollow stepped into the elevator, his finger hovering over the button for floor 212. With a silent determination and a serious piercing gaze, he clicks on the button and the elevator starts ascending.

The door opens.

With calm determination, he moved forward, ready to blend in with the gathered scientists and extract whatever information he needed.

The air buzzed with an undercurrent of excitement and tension, scientists hurrying about with an air of urgency.

"The energy output is unprecedented," one scientist exclaimed. "We're looking at levels that shouldn't even be possible!"

Another researcher joined the conversation, "If we can't stabilize the core, this whole project could blow up in our faces. Literally."

As he approached the main laboratory, snippets of conversation reached his ears. Words like "unprecedented energy output," "core stabilization," and "energy redirection" were repeated with increasing frequency. It seemed the device's purpose was to draw and redirect energy from some source.

Sensing an opportunity, he addressed the nearest senior-looking researcher. "Where exactly is this source, head researcher?" Hollow inquired, hoping to get some more information.

The head researcher gave him a measured look. "I'm afraid that's classified, Dr. Herlio. Even I don't have access to that knowledge."

Hollow nodded, accepting the answer without visible reaction. He turned his attention to the central chamber, a hive of activity. Holographic displays flickered with complex equations and schematics. In the center stood a partially assembled complex-looking device, it was undeniably related to the 'shipment'.

"Impressive, isn't it?" A voice beside him said. Hollow turned to see a scientist gazing at the device with pride. "Once it's complete, we'll be able to harness energies beyond our wildest dreams."

"Indeed," Hollow replied with a flat voice. "The energy redirection you mentioned, how exactly does that work?"

"The redirection of the energy is the goal of this project," the scientist enthused. "What we'll be redirecting it to, however, let's just say the king hasn't revealed that to us yet."

"And the core stabilization? That seems to be a key concern."

The scientist's excitement dimmed slightly. "Ah, yes. That's our biggest challenge. The energies we're dealing with are so 'chaotic', keeping them contained is... well, it's pushing the boundaries of what we thought possible. That's why the king has commissioned the Ingenuity Guild to make a device capable of stabilizing and converting the energy we're dealing with, they say they charged him a hefty price hahaha."

The Ingenuity guild?

Whatever they're creating in this tower, it must be unprecedented to ask the help of the followers of the Ingenuity.

Just then, an alarm blared through the chamber. Scientists scrambled to their stations, a sense of urgency permeating the air.

"It's here! The shipment's arrived!" someone shouted.

The head researcher's voice cut through the commotion. "All right, people. This is what we've been waiting for."

Hollow stepped back, his eyes sharp as he watched the unfolding scene. A large, secure container was wheeled into the center of the room. As it was opened, a strange, pulsing light emanated from within.

The scientists moved with practiced efficiency, carefully extracting the device. 

"Alright, everyone, listen up," the head scientist announced, his voice cutting through the excited chatter. "I want to clarify something important about our project."

The room fell silent, all eyes turning to the head scientist. Hollow remained perfectly still, his attention focused on every word.

"There are two devices here," the head scientist continued. "First, we have a stabilizer that's going to be installed around the source. This component will be handled exclusively by the king's trusted researchers for secrecy purposes."

Murmurs rippled through the crowd. Hollow noted the mix of curiosity and frustration on some of the scientists' faces at the mention of restricted access.

"The second device," the head scientist went on, "is a converter that we will be integrating into the machine here. This is what most of you will be working on."

"Dr. Hassan," one of the scientists spoke up, "can you tell us anything more about the source? It seems crucial to understanding the full scope of the project."

 Dr. Hassan- shook his head. "I'm afraid that information remains classified. Your job, as per the terms of the deal, is to focus on the tasks given by the king - ensuring the converter functions as intended when connected to the stabilized source."

He walks to the elevator with a small group of scientists in black blouses, then, before the door closes, he confronts the remaining men with a serious look, "Head researcher, I trust you and your team will respect the agreement.", his tone leaving no room for argument.

"Of course !" the head researcher panicked.

The secrecy of those scientists was too suspicious. They are doing their best to hide the truth about this source of theirs, which would suggest it was something questionable, perhaps even illegal.

The next course of action became clear now: to investigate the true nature of the source the king is hiding.

Hollow made his decision in an instant. As the elevator doors closed behind Dr. Hassan and his team, he moved to an empty corner, far from curious eyes, then he focused his power and teleported, materializing beneath the ascending elevator. With practiced ease, he clung to its underside, his body tense as he ascended alongside his unwitting targets.

When the elevator stopped and its occupants exited, Hollow waited, listening intently to their retreating footsteps. Once the doors closed again, he teleported inside the elevator car, emerging with silent efficiency.

He trailed the group stealthily, his movements calculated and precise. The stabilizer they carried was his beacon, leading him deeper into the tower's secrets.

"Halt ! " a sudden voice threatened

A figure materialized before him with startling speed, a spear's tip suddenly pressed against Hollow's throat. Hollow's eyes widened slightly—not in fear, but in surprise at being detected. The man before him was clearly no ordinary guard.

He was an imposing figure, standing firmly while carrying his crimson spear. the guard was exceptionally muscular and bulky, his physique speaking to years of intense physical training. His vibrant pink hair, short and spiky, gave him a fierce appearance.

He wore no shirt, which was common in the city due to the intense heat. His bare upper body revealed not just his impressive musculature, but also intricate tattoos adorning his left arm and chest. A thin chain with a golden pendant hung around his neck.

His lower body was clad in dark, loose-fitting pants that were torn and tattered at the knees, possibly from combat or harsh conditions. These were held up by a sturdy belt with a prominent buckle. Over the pants, he wore a long, open-front skirt or coat that reached below his knees.

The guard's feet were protected by sturdy, practical boots, suitable for both combat and the harsh environment of the city.

His golden eyes fixed on Hollow with an intensity that matched his physically imposing presence. The spear he held to Hollow's throat was steady, indicating both skill and readiness for action.

The tension in the air was palpable as the two locked eyes, a silent battle of wills.