
Agent Hollow: Voidsent

"The void will swallow all." Arriving on planet Sumeria G-9, in the heart of Babylon City, Agent Hollow, a shadowy figure with a haunted past finds himself with a single goal: stop the unfolding schemes by order of the Interastral Peace Organization. A blend of sci-fi, action drama, mystery, spy stories, and fantasy, all into one!

Shadowquill_ · Sci-fi
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10 Chs

The Shamash festival

The man and the boy arrived at the festival venue, a wide plaza where a hologram of the planet's crest—the twin suns—floated majestically in the air. 

The plaza was a vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds, capturing the essence of Babylon's rich cultural heritage and futuristic advancements. 

Multiple screens displayed different local products: tempting dishes, exquisite clothes, and finely crafted instruments. Each screen showcased the craftsmanship and pride of Babylonian artisans.

Beautifully crafted tapestries floated with the evening breeze, their intricate designs dancing in the light, adding a touch of traditional elegance to the high-tech ambiance.

A captivating mix of eclectic and traditional music filled the air, creating a lively and inviting atmosphere.


ts and performers entertained the visitors with their breathtaking feats of agility and skills, drawing applause from the crowd.

Beautiful women in silk robes and colorful veils performed captivating belly dances, their movements perfectly synchronized with the rhythm of the music, attracting all the men's cheers.

Elyas's eyes sparkled with excitement as he took in the vibrant scene.

His attention was quickly grabbed by a local Babylonian dish , a savory pastry filled with spiced lamb, dates, and herbs, wrapped in delicate layers of flaky dough and served with a tangy yogurt sauce.

"Look at that, it's Zametsu!" Elyas exclaimed, pointing to a vendor selling the local dish. "You have to try it!", he adressed Hollow with enthusiasm.

Hollow followed Elyas to the vendor, it wouldn't hurt to let the young man have some fun after all.

The enticing aroma of the dish filled the air, making even Hollow, who was previously unimpressed, soften slightly by tempting dish.

Elyas eagerly ordered two servings.

As they received their plates, Elyas turned to Hollow with a mischievous grin.

"You have to pay for both of us," he said, not even trying to hide his cheekiness.

Hollow sighed, but nodded in agreement as he handed over the credits to the vendor. It's the least he can do for a boy still mourning his father's death.

"Fine," he muttered.

Elyas laughed, taking a big bite of his Zametu. 

Hollow tasted the dish, and despite his initial reservation, he found himself enjoying the rich blend of flavors. The combination of spiced lamb and sweet dates, balanced by the freshness of the herbs and the tangy yogurt sauce, was a delightful surprise.

As he enjoyed his meal and despite the festive atmosphere, Hollow's mind remained focused on his mission.

This gathering was more than just a celebration—it was an opportunity to gather valuable intelligence.

His gaze shifted to the perimeter of the plaza, where members of the Twin Suns' Order--the local authorities-- stood watch, their imposing presence a testament to their authority.

They moved with a disciplined grace, their vigilant eyes surveying the crowd for any signs of trouble.

Among them, one figure stood out—a tall, imposing figure who commanded respect with every step.

It was evident from their demeanor that this was the leader of the Order, the captain who oversaw the security of city.

The captain had long, flowing white hair catching the light as he moved with purpose. Clad in gleaming golden armor that hinted at his authority, he wielded a crimson halberd with practiced ease.

Despite his youth, his demeanor exuded confidence and command, marking him as a formidable leader. His firm posture and piercing gaze spoke of his skills, leaving Hollow in no doubt of the man's position.

Hollow looked at the man, trying to memorize all of his features. His instincts told him there was more to this man than meets the eye. But he knew that he couldn't stare for too long. The festival was teeming with people, and he needed to blend in seamlessly to avoid drawing suspicion. 

Hollow turned back, only to find Elyas waving at him, calling for him to come over.

"Mister Hollow! Come here!" the boy was smirking, "Let's try something fun."

He stood before an old lady draped in a black veil that covered her face, leaving only her wrinkled eyes visible. She sat in her small stall, surrounded by multiple candles, and an array of herbs and stones burning on small braziers, filling the air with an exotic, mysterious scent.

She was a fortune-teller.

"Welcome, welcome," said the teller as Hollow approached the stall, her old voice shaky.

"Up for a fortune reading?" she asked,

"What is this?" Hollow replied with a hint of offense.

He wasn't one to believe in such foolishness.

"I'll go first!" the boy was excited as he extended his hand to the old lady.

She grabbed his hand and closed her eyes, mumbling some sort of incantation or prayer.

"I see..." Her voice was unsure.

"I see a journey cut short, a path ending abruptly." 

Elyas blinked, unsure if he had heard her correctly. "What? What do you mean?"

"I see darkness closing in, a life snuffed out too soon. "

"Your time is... limited, boy."

Hollow, who had been watching the exchange, mockingly smiled, finding the reading as foolishly funny as he had expected.

"C'mon, aunty, you didn't have to do me like that," he sighed.

The fortune teller's eyes then shifted to Hollow. "Would you like to know your fate?" she asked.

"I'm fine." he declined with a flat voice.

"Don't worry, just give her your hand," Elyas encouraged, he was clearly curious about what the old lady would foresee.

Hollow hesitated for a moment, eyeing the woman warily.

With a sigh and a silent ''whatever', he extended his hand to her, since he couldn't decline the boy's visible excitement.

The old woman's touch was shaky and loose.

She grasped his hand and closed her eyes, mumbling the usual incantation. Her voice was low, almost a whisper, as she chanted in a language Hollow didn't recognize.

Hollow watched her intently, with lots of skepticism in his expression.

Elyas stood beside him, watching the ritual with wide-eyed fascination.

"I see....a dark path..." she suddenly said, her eyes still closed, almost as if she was concentrating on something.

"N-No..." she added, her voice trembling as drops of cold sweat began to form on her brow.

Her grip on Hollow's hand tightened as she began to mumble nervously, her earlier confidence evaporating.

"I-I don't see a path at all..."

"All i see an endless, cold, dark void...."

"I can hear suffering screams.... those of a woman.... and....and... "

Hollow suddenly pulled back his hand, his face filled with visible anger.

"Enough," he snapped, his tone commanding.

Elyas was suprised, it was the first time Hollow's expression conveyed his emotion in a clear way.

Hollow turned away from the old woman, his jaw clenched.

"Let's go," he muttered to Elyas, his voice tense. Without another word, he began to walk away from the stall, leaving the fortune teller behind, still shaking and muttering to herself,

"It- It will swallow all!"

Elyas hurried to catch up, glancing back at the old woman with a mix of curiosity and fear. "What was that about?" he asked, his voice hushed.

Hollow didn't answer immediately, his eyes fixed on the path ahead.


"Just foolish superstition."