
Age of Primals

when an archeologist is thrust into a new world full of magic but is parallel to earth Prehistoric era what will he do, will he survive and speed up the development of humanity or will he fail and fall prey to the many dangers of this new world ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hi, this is the author and I would like to say I hope you all enjoy my book and disclaimer I am a 16 yr old novel writing newbie so I hope you all like it, and feedback is much appreciated (Sorry for the hiatus but I’ve hit a writers block with this story so I’ll be taking a break for a bit, sorry once again.)

LazyCaveman · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The start of a village

(Day 21: Chiefs hut)

When I first go there I was expecting a buff man but that was an understatement, this man was easily 2 meters maybe more and he was cut like a Greek god and he had long jet black hair coupled with a scar running from his forehead across his left eye down to his jaw he's obviously seen some battles, he even gives Hercules a run for his money and once I looked at his status I knew why...

[Name: Torg]

[Affiliation: Twin lake tribe(Chieftan)]

[Title: Warmonger: given to those who have killed more than 1,000 people in times of war.]

[Age: 83]

[Warrior Realm: 2nd tier warrior]

no wonder he seems so strong he's in the next major realm! I guess that also explains how he looks so young even though he's 83.

After going through formalities with the chief we finally got down to negotiations, first I offered to give them an acre worth of crops every month and in return, they would provide me with cattle and other types of livestock like sheep, pigs, and chickens, additionally, they agreed to provide me with workers in which we agreed to 10 male workers and 12 maids, I had no idea why they gave me maids but they insisted so I guess plus I decided to accept them because all the workers and maids were pretty much like serfs from medieval Europe on earth so I technically am saving them from a life of slavery in the tribe.

after that we started talking, he introduced himself as Torg son of Crak the chieftain of this tribe.

"Haha it's been a while since I've seen a warrior who also cultivated Magic arts," he said while laughing

"wha- how did you know I was also a mage!?" I said startled

at first, the tribal elders in the hut were skeptical when I first came in but now all of their faces clearly showed shock as there were only two mages in the tribe and they were both regarded very highly, I could also sense some hostility from a couple of the elders who felt their authority threatened.

"Haha I could tell because all warriors who enter the warrior realm have to know how to circulate large amounts of mana through their bodies and when doing so in the eyes you can see the amount of mana someone has as long as said person mana pool isn't too outrageously large," explained Torg

"Hey kid, what do you think about joining our tribe, I could give you the position of elder or even make you my heir since I have no children, so what do you say, you wanna join?" asked Torg

"hmm, sadly I have to decline I have no problem with you or the tribe it's just I like to do my own thing and not be chained down by others, plus I sense my presence here would be well received by your elders considering the faces their making," I said

"Haha their opinions don't matter! the only reason they have this position is due to the valor their ancestors showed in the founding of this village! but I guess I'll respect your wishes, at the very least would you like to form an alliance between us?" he asked

"Sure why not since we'll be trading partners from now on it's only right to become allies," I said

Once we got done with the negotiations and our little conversation I went back to my home to prepare for the new inhabitants of my farm so once I was back I used my geokinesis to make two stone houses one for the men another for the females.

(Day 22)

In the morning I got up and went to another part of my land next to the farm and I planted another 2 acres of crops on my land so I can keep 2 acres and trade away the 1 so I won't be out of food.

(A few hours later)

As I was out patrolling with my wolves a group of 24 came up to me 22 of them the workers they agreed to send(they call them workers but they're basically slaves) and the other 2 warriors who both were tier 6 Warrior apprentices.

We exchanged small talk and they left the workers and told me I own them now and then left, after that, I showed my new helpers to their homes and when they saw the clean stone houses I built for them they broke down into tears which were weird until I realized their living conditions must have been horrible in the tribe.

[Name: Lang]

[Affiliation: Midnight tribe]

[Age: 32]

[Warrior Realm: 2nd tier Apprentice]

"Hi I'm Lang the rag-tag leader of us slaves, we are now in your care master." He said bowing

"Nice to meet you, I'm Shin and you don't need to address me as master just call me boss since I'm employing you," I said

once what I just said registered I could clearly see Lang's face brighten up to which he said...

"Really! you mean we aren't slaves but workers!"

"haha, yes Lang I will pay each of you with food and board plus small favors to which you could ask of me as long as it's within my power to do so." I said

"Thank you so much mast- I mean Boss!" He said

after that, I went on with my day by showing them around places like the fields my home and I also introduced my wolves to them, at first they were a little apprehensive but eventually, the wolves warmed up to them, then I brought Luna with me on my daily hunt to level her up and get closer to an evolution.

"Hey system, how do lifespans work with monsters?"

[The normal lifespan of a tier 1 or a normal creature is anywhere between around 50 years however the life expectancy is around 10-15 depending on the creature and habitat it could be lower, for example, the forest wolf as a species can live up to 40 years in the best conditions but due to fighting and other factors the average is 10-15 years and that's for the lucky ones. however dire wolves can live up to 70 years and on average reach 25-30 in the wild. Magic wolves, however, extend their lifespan starting with 150 years and each tier increase adds 100 years to it, however, you won't have to worry because contracted beasts is different from tames in which they don't age.]

"awesome that means they will always be by my side."


Since it had been a while since Luna hunted with me, I decided to go and take her to try and level up more and see if there is a special evolution path for her.

(5 hours later)

[Ding! Companion Luna has slain lvl 14 Rock boar x3! level up!]

[Name: Luna]

[Age: 4]

[Level: 16, evolution is available!]

[Evolutions avaliable]

[Dire wolf]

[Giant wolf]

[Magic wolf]

[Lesser Berserk wolf(Rare)]

- A lesser berserk wolf is the first evolution in the line of Warmonger wolves, they have a lesser version of the skill <Berserk> which grants double the combat power while clouding the wolves idea of friend and foe

[Ember wolf(Epic)]

- the lesser version of an inferno wolf. Ember wolves boast powerful physical attacks while also being able to use basic fire magic.

After reading the description without hesitation, I chose the Ember wolf evolution, mainly because it came with basic fire magic but also because I was interested in the inferno wolf and would like to see where this leads to in the future.

[Evolution complete]


"Why is her fur golden?"

After the evolution was complete to my complete surprise Luna came out with golden-white fur. Putting that aside the next thing I noticed was Luna grew to 1.7 meters putting her almost near my neck. another thing I noticed was she now had this fire hot aura to her which would intimidate all of those weaker than her.

(Day 23)





"hu-huh!? What the hell is happening!"


<What's happening Ash!>

<We're under attack by some humans, they have swords and spears! luna and i are trying to hold them back but they are too high in number there are around 20 left and some of the workers are injured we need help fast!>

After I had gotten the message from Ash I sprang out of bed and grabbed my obsidian spear to go and deal with the intruders, little did I know this battle would be the start of many.

(Outside of the plantation)

"Ash! I'm here, where are the intruders!" I yelled.

<They are this way, hurry luna can't hold out much longer!>

I started running towards the sounds of roars and screaming only to find a hellscape of a battlefield, there were craters with several bodies in them, a blood lake was forming under 5 corpses and in the center, I could see a white wolf firing yellow fireballs at humans while biting the throats of others.

As I reached where luna was a warrior with leather armor and a wolf fur pelt rushed at me with a stone hatchet, when I saw him I jumped to the right then regained my composure and went on the offensive, I first swung my spear at his shoulder and all you could hear was the sound of cloth ripping and a scream from the warrior as his arm fell from his body. once the warrior recovered his sanity he lunged at me and slashed my chest where a shallow yet long cut started to open, luckily with my warrior constitution it didn't affect me too much but nonetheless it still hurt like hell, when the warrior saw the wound he slashed on me he smiled little did he know that was the last facial expression he'd ever make as a used <Magic Reinforcement> to swiftly behead him with my spear.

once I reached another group of warriors I used geokinesis to create earth spikes to impale them while I also fired off fireballs and slashed at them with my spear using mana to empower myself.

after I was done with those small fries I went to luna's side where I could see various corpses whether they were charred or bloodied it was still a gruesome scene to behold. once I retracted my gaze from there I looked and saw that luna managed to incapacitate a warrior without killing them which would help a lot with finding out who the hell they were and where they came from. as I was picking up the new prisoner I realized there were 3 male workers laying on the ground bleeding, luckily they seemed to still be breathing so I told the wolves to bring them with me to the big house(my home) so I can heal them.

once I was nearing the big house I could see the rest of the workers coming out from the house with lunas parents next to them.

"oh my gosh, are they going to be okay!?"

"will they live?"

"oh god!" screamed some of the workers.

"everyone get these three inside the house I'm going to take the prisoner to the basement, make sure to dress the wounds with the cloth in the medkit and was them with water," I ordered

After I put the prisoner in a makeshift cell I left Ash to watch him and make sure if he wakes up he doesn't run, then I went upstairs to attend to the wounded, once I got there I could only frown looking at their conditions, it was a miracle that they held on for as long as they did, there were stab marks, cuts and even burns on their bodies, thankfully while out on a hunt I learned basic healing magic which would stabilize them but they would still have to lie in bed for a while

(Day 24)

after a night's rest, I went to check on the workers and to my surprise they were awake. once i entered the room I went to the side of the bed where lang was lying, thankfully non of the workers lost any limbs or anything but they for sure suffered some trauma.

"Hey boss, I'm sorry I couldn't do better if only I wasn't so weak." said lang weakly

"it's okay you did all you could I'm just happy non of you are permanently injured, whether you believe it or not I value you all like you were my own family, to be honest, I see this plantation as a small tight nit village and all of you are my treasured villagers and comrades, and don't worry about being weak from now on I'm going to help you raise your strength so in the future we can fight side by side." I said

"thank you boss- no Chieftan!" they said in unison

[Ding! Congratulations host, you have gained the loyalty of 10 subordinates and made them into your own villagers. Hidden quest (The start of a kingdom) has been completed!]

[Rewards as follows: (Book on basic carpentry and architecture) (Book on basic agriculture and husbandry) (Book on basic militia training) (Book on basic forging and smelting) and basic knowledge of politics, as well as a promotion to early bronze tier warrior and early bronze tier mage.]

what the, hey system what is this all about, not that I'm mad but what does it mean?

[The original tier system I told you about was the primitive system the natives used however now you and any other creature will be classified as follows, basic, copper, bronze, iron, steel, gold, white gold, diamond, and platinum. further tiers will be revealed at a later time, with each tier from bronze to steel your lifespan increases by 100 years each and then from gold tier to white gold tier it increases by 200 years each, and finally, from diamond to platinum it goes up by 400 years each, while this may seem like a lot many will fail or likely die before they reach a monstrous tier and there are many dangers in the world even for platinum powerhouses so never be content with your power always strive for better, that being said for regular people at most they may reach peak bronze or even iron while only geniuses will reach higher heights and I shouldn't tell you this yet but in the future with the increase in populations and less dense mana the people in the future won't get such an increase in life span for each tier although it will be easier to cultivate]

wow... you just dropped a bomb on me.


well anyway, what's up with these books and the knowledge plus this secret quest?

[At the beginning I told you my job was to make you into an immortal emperor and this is the first step, with each checkpoint you will be rewarded with better knowledge on how to run a kingdom and in the future and empire, also a new function has been unlocked called (Village management) which will help you keep track of resources and the people in your villages borders as well as help with the management of buildings and other things yet to be unlocked]

Awesome, well might as well give it a try, open village management.

[Village: name not yet made]

[Chieftan: Shin Midnight

[Population: 11 humans]

[Agriculture: 10 acres of tilled land]

[Livestock: none]

[Guardian beasts: Ash(Magic wolf) Luna(Ember wolf)]

[Allies: Twin lakes tribe]

[Enemies: Valley tribe, Thorn tribe(Neanderthals)]

[Village quest: (1) Build a home for each villager (2) Build utility buildings (3) bring in livestock (4) Increase village population]

Damn, this is one convenient tool for building a tribe of my own, I wasn't really planning to create a tribe since the system gave me this might as well. First order of business time to create homes for the wor- I mean villagers.