
Age of Exploration: A Dragon's Tale

In a world where dragons and magic exist, we follow a newborn dragon and his adventures, ups and downs, to save what remains of his soon to be shattered life.

Vanilla_OnlyXD · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Volume 1 Chapter 19: Noriko’s Home

Noriko had left the dragon roost early in the morning. After making breakfast for Aldrich, she exited the towering tree. Looking at the sky, she observed the stars as dawn was barely breaking. Today was Aldrich's birthday and she wanted to get him a secret gift. Luckily today was also one of her days off. Typically Gaelia would be home to watch over Aldrich, although "typically" is an understatement as she would be absent on those days too. In any case, Aldrich could watch over himself for now.

Noriko headed towards the port. This area of the village was full of elves. According to her grandfather, the elves had settled here when the dragons first planted the dragon roost. Walking in the dim-lighted streets was nostalgic to her, despite being her the week prior. Some elves wave to her. She waves back. An older female elf stops her and gently takes her hand.

"Noriko, how have you been?"

"I've been very well Elder Saku."

"Are you getting married yet?"

Rolling her eyes, she lets out a breath before responding.

"Not yet."

"You should get married soon."

"I'll try to elder."

"Have you thought about anyone yet?"

"Not really."

"You must attend the upcoming festival. It worries me that you'll be alone forever."

"That won't happen. I must go elder."

"Yes yes, you're always busy. Before you go though, take this."

The elder hands Noriko a red pendant.

"Oh wow you've finished it."

"Indeed I did. Your grandmother requested that it be finished before Yumi's coming of age ceremony."

"May I know what it's enchanted with?"

Raising a finger to her mouth she replies,

"It's a secret."

Noriko chuckles before stepping away and waving goodbye.

After a while she stands in front of a large building. It is a mixture of modern and old elven design. Much like the dragon roost, this building is infused with a live tree. The tree itself is not of dragon design however but of elven roots. Her grandfather had brought back "house seeds" from the old land. He planted these and they grew to house the elves today. The house itself has multiple slanted roof tops meant to slide off snow and rain. Many windows and doorways can be seen from the outside as the house has many levels. At the front of the house is a gate and a lengthy wall that surrounds the house. A tree branch waves at Noriko before extending itself to her hand. She allows it to snuggle to her hand before she pets it. The gate opens, showing the interior landscape of the house. Stone statues and figures dot the lawn. The branch retracks and Noriko heads inside.

Sliding open a shoji, Noriko is greeted by the laughter of several people down a hall. She announces herself.

"I'm home!"

Barreling down a hall comes a bundle of elven children who exclaim Noriko's name. Yumi is spotted between the limbs as they get stuck and fall. Noriko takes off her shoes before coming to help the children. As she pulls them up one by one, they begin talking to her.

"Noriko did you hear that dad hunted a really big fish!"

"Noriko Noriko mom said that she made a new blouse for Yuna."

"Noriko, my mom said that she's going to name my new baby brother Kenji."

Noriko ignores most of the overlapping dialogue coming from the obviously overhyped children before pulling Yumi from the bottom of the pile.

"Yumi is glad Noriko pulled her up. Yumi's arm was beginning to be numb."

"You all love to get into trouble don't ya. Where's grandma?"

"Great-grandma is upstairs."

"Alright thanks."

She begins finding the stairs before heading up. A few of the children trail her before running off to play games between themselves. Entering through a shoji next to her is Noriko's sister Moriko. Moriko is heavily pregnant.

"Oh hi sis. You're home pretty early."

"Hey Moriko. I needed to do something here."

"Hehe… always bussing around aren't you? Well that's fine."

"Do you know if grandma is busy? I have the pendant from Elder Saku."

"Wow the elder works fast. You'll think with her older age she'll work slower but she's only beginning to ramp up."

"I know right?"

"Grandma should be getting ready for breakfast so she'll be in her room."

"Perfect. I also need something from her too."

"Are you eating breakfast here too?"

"Nah, I made some for myself before I came here."


She proceeded upstairs. The entire house had a natural and alive energy to it. The walls and columns, though culturally and structurally represented modern elven architecture, were shaped, not built. It felt very similar to the dragon roost. Elven architecture is a mix from old elven technology which included tree shaping and the cultural architecture of the dragons and their people.

"Grandma, are you here?"

Noriko enters through a shoji door.

"I'm here Noriko."

A smaller elven woman in a well worn but well kept robe, with her back turned to Noriko responds. She appears to be looking for something.

"What are you looking for grandma?"

"My glasses."

Noriko watches her grandma turn around before chuckling.

"What's so funny?"

"Grandma, your glasses are on your head."

The elder touches the top of her head and feels the glasses before exclaiming.

"Oh dearest me. It seems that I had forgotten it there."

The elder walks to the center of the room before pulling out a seat from below a table and sits on top of it. She beckons her granddaughter to do the same. Noriko bows at the front door before entering.

"So what did you need Noriko?"

Noriko pulls out the pendant from Elder Saku and hands it over to the grandmother.


She looks over it, musing over the details and design.

"Very well done. It's perfect for Yumi. Did Saku say anything else?"

"No. I asked what did she enchant with it though."

"And she refused right."


"Good. It's a secret from you all until the ceremony."

"I see."

"Anything else?"

"Oh yeah. Did you finish the amulet?"

"That? Oh yes I did. Is it already the young dragon's day of birth?"


"Well I'm glad I finished it a few days ago. Here."

She gives Noriko an amulet with an emerald stone.

"Are you sure he'll need something like this?"

"Whether or not he'll need it is up to him, but it'll be nice to have."

"Well it'll grow with him. Perhaps it'll become a much stronger item later on. Send him my regards when you give it to him alright."


Noriko gets up to leave but she is stopped.

"Before you leave, give your father a visit. He's close to finishing your bow. You might want to check on it."

"Alright thanks grandma."

The old elf nods before Noriko excuses herself out with a bow. Noriko heads downstairs and out into the backyard. She opens a door leading to a well lit workshop where she sees a muscular elf with a headband tied on his forehead.

"Hey dad."

The elf turns and smiles.

"Oh Noriko. You're here quite late."

"It's early morning."


He stretches over and opens a window.

"Yikes. Your mother is going to kill me."

"She probably will."

He chuckles.

"Checking on your bow?"

"Yeah. Grandma said you're almost done."

"Yep. Just adding the finishing touches to. It's not just done yet, but I probably should sleep. I'll finish it afterwards."


"Here, you can feel it for yourself before I'm done with it."

He hands her the bow limb.

"It's… much lighter."

"Yeah I changed the material. Try it out when I'm done to see if it fits better for you."

"Definitely. Thanks dad. Are you coming to Aldrich's birthday party?"

"Party? Ah the one for Gaelia's son. Yeah sure after a nap."

"Alright. I'll see you later dad."
