
Age of Evolution#

"If I could live my life again, there'd be nobody in this world who could stop me." Although Lin Zhen was a Star Realm Warrior, he had led a stifled and frustrated life. Starting from the Earth era, up until humans migrated beyond the Solar System, he never made a name for himself. In his lifetime, countless grudges went unavenged, and countless desires were left unfulfilled. As he approached death, he summarized his life's experiences, thinking that if he could start again, he would use his foresight to reach the peak of his life. Holding on to this fantasy, he closed his eyes. Then, a cosmic black hole appeared. Time and space collapsed, and when he opened his eyes again, he had returned to Earth during the great catastrophe... PS: Readers can join the group "613961070." All subscribers can join the group "614441139." Updates on extra content will be provided from time to time.

Smoking Black Soil · Eastern
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1198 Chs

Chapter 923: Advancement of the Three Divine Thunders!_1

Translator: 549690339

At that very point of the ultimate explosion, it seemed as if there was nothing, but in reality, it held a universe within it.

That was where Lin Zhen's God Realm was hidden.

The God Realm got its name because, unlike the world within his body, it could hide in the void, existing there without being seen or touched.

Only if you possessed power far greater than the user, could you break the God Realm's void and completely eliminate the master of the God Realm.

But given Lin Zhen's strength at this point in time, no one in the Eye of the Storm could do this, except for those Gods on the small asteroid.

Here, space-time was peaceful and showed no distortion, but the scene within the God Realm was completely different.

Within the God Realm, where golden light filled the air, there were two incredibly large divine stones.

These two divine stones were floating in mid-air. They were the World Stones of the Wind and Thunder Gods.