
Age of Evolution#

"If I could live my life again, there'd be nobody in this world who could stop me." Although Lin Zhen was a Star Realm Warrior, he had led a stifled and frustrated life. Starting from the Earth era, up until humans migrated beyond the Solar System, he never made a name for himself. In his lifetime, countless grudges went unavenged, and countless desires were left unfulfilled. As he approached death, he summarized his life's experiences, thinking that if he could start again, he would use his foresight to reach the peak of his life. Holding on to this fantasy, he closed his eyes. Then, a cosmic black hole appeared. Time and space collapsed, and when he opened his eyes again, he had returned to Earth during the great catastrophe... PS: Readers can join the group "613961070." All subscribers can join the group "614441139." Updates on extra content will be provided from time to time.

Smoking Black Soil · Eastern
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1166 Chs

Chapter 894: Lin Da's Star Encounter Battle_1

Translator: 549690339

Wen Tao and the others were not aware that a group of ferocious Ghost Clan Warriors was rapidly closing in on them. Still, as a professional reporter, he continued to broadcast news about the Storm Eye.

"The Ground Clan Warriors are at a disadvantage here for many reasons. The main one is the surprise attack from the Endless Species, but there's also a fair amount of infighting amongst the Ground Clan Warriors themselves. For instance, three years ago, a squabble broke out between the Ruthless King of Hidden Sky City and Lin Zhen, a Saint-Level Alchemist from Tianfang City. They bitterly insulted each other within the Dimensional Universe, leading Lin Zhen to use his vast wealth to suppress the Ruthless King. This incident sowed the seeds of resentment between them."

"Warrior can be disunited during ordinary times, but internal strife at such critical moments truly stains the dignity of the strong...."

Wen Tao's words sparked more discussion immediately.