
The day of tournament

I stopped leveling up when it was night . I went out for a dinner which was free . I ate my dinner peacefully . I was the only one who was sitting alone whereas everyone there seemed to have make friends but what can I do I never had true friends , those who were my friends only talked to me when they needed some notes from me .

I soon ate my part and went back to my room .

Now was the time to practice the skills , I soon transferred my consciousness where Drake always call me . As I went there I was all alone .

I soon recall all the information what Drake transferred me . I hold my swords in both hands and start practicing the skill . First I gave a try without using any rule as I used the skill it went like a lighting slash but it was kind of weak because I hadn't learnt the rule of lighting .

As I used the move there was some uneasy feeling in my hands , but I didn't gave it much attention . I always try to do practice sword strikes when I was alone , well I always thought it looks cools .

As I practised five more times and depleted half of my qi that was get drained in this .

I gave myself sometime to replenish my qi ,then I again stood up and tried to combine this skill with my rules . First I try the rule of darkness , as I slashed the sword horizontally a dark arc left it , it was giving a very similar feeling to me like I wasn't using it for first time .

I practised that move two more times and was able to fully use it . It looks so devastating by its looks so I gave it a name " Slash of destruction ".

" Sounds cool " I thought .

Second I try to combine my space rule with that slash , as I swing my blade horizontally the arc disappeared in mid way I was shocked to see what was happening , suddenly I felt danger behind so I bend down . Right as I bend down that arc went by leaving me in full of shock .

" If that had hit me I would have been dead " I said to myself .

It was quite dangerous so I decided not to use it until I fully talked about it with Drake .

Next I spend time with mastering my skills of law , first I used my rule of time as I create a domain it was visible to me only it looks beautiful just like I'm inside a bubble . It was expanded to 20 meter radius but it was quite draining on my qi because as I activated it nearly 20% of my qi was used instantly . But it can help me against those who are faster than me .

I take a break as my qi was getting depleted strongly after using all the skills , though they are powerful but I can use them only limited times .

Soon I again stand up and tried to form wings on my back from the rule of darkness as I activated this skill a veil of darkness covered my body and moved towards my back forming wings . They were darker than the sky even , just like a hole in space .

I practiced moving them, it felt a little ticklish but soon I get used to that feeling . I tried to control my directions in the air as I fly ,this skill also helped me to improve my speed . As for the teleportation it was easy to learn first when I tried it my head spin a little but after sometime I get used to it .

Well all of this skill were enough for me now .

The only thing that the problem was my qi reserve which was less than what I needed to fully use my skills . I soon started going through the knowledge Drake provided me.

I opened my eyes with a smile and said " Qi increasing pill " it was not hard to make but I need some medicinal herbs and a cauldron.

It was midnight when I went out and looks for the herbs I needed . I took a rank 1 " Three petal rem flower " , a rank 2 " Four leafy canbo " and a rank 2 " White one leaved damen" to refine the pill . As I told bought this ingredients , I asked the shopkeeper " Can you tell me where I can find a cauldron?" .

He looked at me in surprise and asked " Are trying to refine a pill yourself?" .

" Maybe I will " I replied back .

" Well just go to a shop at the end of that row , a shop rent cauldron there " he told me ..

" Is he really going to try to refine a pill , but only those who have great knowledge can do . whatever it's his choice who I'm to stop him " shopkeeper thought.

Though it was midnight but there were some people outside some were eating outside while some were purchasing items .

I soon reached the shop ,as I opened the door and went in I felt extreme heat there . Soon a man came to me and asked " How may i help you ?" .

" I need to rent a cauldron " I said to him .

" Come this way " he said and I followed him .

" You can rent this room where a cauldron is placed inside ,it will cost 50 points per hour " he told me .

I transferred the points and went in .

It was a small room , soon I placed the herbs near me and sat in front of a cauldron. I injected my qi in making it heated for the herbs to mix , first I put the three petal rem flower in it and let it get turned into a liquid as it turned a dark purple colour I took the white one leave damen and tear it open letting the juice of it getting mixed with it while controlling the temperature of it . After some time I put the four leafy canbo inside it and covered it with lid .

I let them mix them until some popping sound came from it , as I opened the lid there were four pills of dark red colour and a blue line in mid . I put them in the bottle in the room .

I left the shop without saying anything as the thing I want was already over and my time was also going to be over soon .

I went back to my room with the pills in my pocket . There were the " Rank 2 qi increasing pills of top grade " which will help me a lot . But there will be a problem and that will be I will need now more qi to level up then anyone else on same level because as I will level up the difference of qi between someone and me at same level will be enormous .

I took all the four pills though they were bitter but they will help me to achieve what I want .