
The city

I walked towards the entrance of the city where two guards were standing . Many questions were in my mind , from when did we had such kind of traditions that guards wearing armour needs to stand at the entrance and instead of concrete walls the walls are of logs of wood .

" Just how much have they changed my world ?" I asked myself this question .

Definitely the things are now can be compared to the old times of kings and emperors. And one more things there was no a single building which is higher than those walls could be seen from where I was standing .

I reached the entrance of the city .

" State your reason for entering the town !!!" one of the guard shouted as he saw me coming .

" I'm a rogue enhancer , going in city for shelter for few days " I stated my purpose .

" 50 points for entrance " the guard said .

I took out my jade from inside of my clothes and paid out the points to him . After that I was allowed to enter the city .

As I entered the city , I was fully shocked but kept my expression hidden .

" Just in which era I'm ?" i asked myself.

Houses are made of woods with only one floor , and people were wearing same clothes though.

There were some latest technology also but still it felt something different .

I was walking aimlessly in the town , trying to understand the things on my own .

Soon I reached a Mart , I was kinda feeling hungry so I went inside it . There were all kind of things like there were used to be . I picked up somethings from shelves and went towards the counter .

I put the things on counter and asked ' How much ?"

" Wait a sec " clerk said .

He was making the list .

" 250 sir " he said .

" Ok " i said . Fortunately before I went inside the portal I had some money near a thousand in my pocket .

I placed the notes in front of him and he gave me a weird look .

" What ? " i asked him .

" Were you sleeping under a stone ?" he asked .

" Nope, i wasn't . " i replied.

" Then you should know these currencies are meaningless " he said .

" What ?" i asked .

" Now only transactions are done through either by points or grade stones " he told me .

" Points like that were given to us in that mysterious place ? " i asked .

" Yes " he said .

So I take out my jade and paid him the points , though now I have only 600 points left .

As I was leaving the clerk called me and gave me a booklet in which how this world is changed was written .

I found a open place and sat down there eating bread that I purchased earlier and started reading the book .

The more I read the more amazed , while I was gone the time went differently and a lot happened .

First they joint all the continents again making it cover 1/3 portion of earth and rest water . Then all land is divided into small parts according to their name like earlier and ruled by a person sent here by heavens , heavens also send numerous warriors here which are forming sects here and doing other things to make a living . And all those humans who will become enhancers will have to get registered under heavenly sect for their identity badges .

As for the currencies , all have changed now the transactions are done through points like earlier , normal humans also have to get registered under same sect for their identities as the citizens and they now have all the data of us .

The more I read the more I got confused , but one thing was clear that I need to visit the heavenly sect for my identity which is situated in middle of every town or city .