
End of tournament

After my match , a lot of matches also happened but after seeing my fight all of them were vanilla .

" Those who have won their matches come on the stadium " an old man's voice was heard by everyone .

All those who won their battles started going towards the platform , I followed them . As we all stand on the platform in front of us an old man flying.

" You all will now proceed to the next round where you will be fighting wild beasts a bit higher than your levels . Those who will be able to defeat more will be the winner of this round " he said in a stern voice .

As he finished speaking the platform below our feet started shining in white light which forced us to close our eyes .

After some time I opened my eyes and found myself in a different space ,it was white everywhere there and I was all alone there.

Soon the land on which I was standing started to change and under visible changes it changed into an open area in middle of a forest.

" Roar!!!!!" a loud roar was coming from inside it , soon a white coloured panther can been seen coming in my direction but something was different , it has black coloured wings on its back and its tail was like someone has set it on fire.

" It's a level 7 black winged panther " I said to myself , after getting knowledge of medicinal herbs and magical beast ,how can't i identify it .

I pulled my swords out as I get ready to fight .

It came out of forest , it was as tall as me if not taller and howl towards the sky as a fire vortex appear and dash towards me .

" Surely it was powerful " I thought . I used my space skills as I teleported on right side of panther and attacked him but he dodged it easily .

As it secured some distance between us it did a front flip and sent some fire chakras towards me , I again dodged them and teleported to it's left but this time I was closer to it , before it can react I slashed by sword towards its neck but somehow it moved to save himself but it was already too late my sword slash was able to slash his neck in half and it dropped on the ground .

Next came some monkeys they were in trio , each have a fire , lightning and winds on their head , telling the skills they can use .

Though they were not strong like panther but still there number became a problem ,their trio team was frustrating because of which I had to form a space barrier around my back when I attack one of them so that others can't take advantage of my blind spot.

After them came a huge gorilla who was triple in length of mine it was brown in colour with skills related to earth and with great attack and defences , he became a trouble for me to deal with him though it's reflexes were slow that's what let me defeat him .

Next came a three horned rhino , it had quite intimating look on its face with attack little weaker then gorilla but defence on whole another level which became a pain in beating him .

After that many other beasts came and I was able to defeat nearly ten of them because the eleventh beast was a black lion with air skills due to which his speed became unmatchable and it defeated me . Well that's was to be supposed as it was level 16 .

The space was started to shattered as I was back on the platform of the matches with some others .

" Now only top 10 are remaining as they are fighting still " an old man said .

As I looked around me above our heads there were some numbers mine was 15 as I looked here and there the one behind me tapped my shoulder . I moved towards him .

" Hello , I'm Raman " he said .

" Hello ,I'm Shivam " i replied back .

" Have you entered nearly two months ago in this sect ?" Raman asked .

" No " I replied back.

" Oh you must be here more earlier ,one of those who ran after that grand thing . Well you see I just entered nearly half and month ago and I'm already in top 20 " he boasted .

" You see I'm a pure genius , all other here have spend nearly 2 months or more to reach their current level but i didn't " .

" I'm surely a threat to Zang Hui , for sure " he further said .

" Who is this zang ?" i asked .

" You don't know he was the first one to enter here and already have reached level 16 , he is here for nearly 4 months " he said .

" Well I'm not going to join any sect and you ?'" he asked .

" I haven't thought about it " I said in reality I'm not interested in joining any Drake had already told me that it would mean that I have to became a pet of them and stay depended on them for my growth .

" Well you see I'm going to train more for next one month and then again enter here to take the first place and then I will join the Fly high sect , the number one choice of here " he said .

" Though some became rouge enhancers just like some who had became earlier but you see they don't get much resources and also no protection of sect " he further said .

" Ooh " I said .

" Here ends the final battle of top ten " old man who was organising all of these said as the top ten came in view .

" They all had spend months to reach the level I'm at but I did it in only 2 days , surely the technique I use given by Drake is the reason " I thought .

" Yeah that's right , the technique they use is useful until you reach level 4 afterwards you speed gets decreased and it take you long time to reach other level but the technique I gave you is different and better then anyone can imagine " Drake said in my mind .