
Against the Gods with the power of heroes on my back

Reincarnated on the world of ATG with the inheritance of Heroic Spirits I will show everyone not to underestimate me. Well, as long as the Origin God doesn't screw with my life any more and, wait why I am the adopted son of this b*stard? Fuck, I hate this shit. A mix of Against the Gods with the Heroic Spirits of Nasuverse, there will also be characters from Kimetsu no Yaiba, it will be harem and the update schedule is unknown but I will try at least one for week

kingCH · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

chapter 3

As I focus on cultivation I start the process I need to begin my cultivation properly. Well, cultivate Profound Energy that is, the cultivation of Intent and Mentality is completely different as I already compare with Earth Profound Practitioners in that regard.

The first wave of profound strength in the Profound Veins comes from one's vitality; precisely by slowly pulling one's vitality bit by bit into the Profound Veins, it would slowly transform into sparse profound energy. Once the Profound Veins were filled to the brim with this sparse profound energy, it would be the first official step into a profound strength of the Elementary Profound Realm.

That is the basics of it. Normally this process takes about three to four months, but I don't want it to take THAT long. I already am forced to not be able to use any of the power from Amakusa's Noble Phantasm that should allow me to use any possible profound art I so desire even without knowledge of it by the exchange of it costing more energy and it not being an exclusive skill to someone.

However, with no cultivation this becomes useless!

At least there is one good news, as I reached Great Sword Master in the Origin Sword Style my profound veins are all opened and my profound veins are already filled with sword intent. My vitality would thus be able to fuse with this intent and turn into much more potent profound energy for the same level. This profound energy would be considered the Origin Sword Profound Energy.

It is an inheritance from a God that is actually equal to the first Goddess, how can it be weak? It is just that the requirements are definitely overblown and the Origin God is a fucking sadist.

A good thing is that when the sword comprehension evolves and you reach the next level of it the profound energy just needs to be accumulated until the limit of that realm of the Origin Sword Style, there will be no bottlenecks and the speed of cultivation is plain cheating. It is like an insect going through a metamorphosis, only upon breaking out of the cocoon can you advance but every advance is a great jump in cultivation.

So, it is not really a surprise when, two days after starting this process, I manage to feel profound energy in my Profound Veins. After that it took me two months to reach 10th Stage and breakthrough to the Nascent Profound realm, breaking through to the Nascent Profound Realm as easily as just absorbing energy from my surroundings. I honestly took longer than I expected but I spent some time practicing with my sword to improve on it every once in a while, I, of course, avoided interacting with the conceited assholes on this place.



Congratulations, for properly starting your cultivation before the age of 14 and reaching the Nascent Profound Realm you gain the right to chose one Heroic Spirit's bloodline and inheritance to add to your own or summon a servant

Congratulations, for starting training with the Origin Sword Style and reaching Sword Master before the age of 13 you can summon one servant.

Congratulations, for reaching the level of Great Sword Master at 12 you can summon a servant

When you summon a servant the world and reality are modified slightly for the servant's existence to be possible and for the said servant to have flesh and blood, the summoning means that the servant will be added to your surroundings within a month and will instinctively follow you even though they will be their own person with their own background in this world. Obtaining true loyalty depends on your own effort. A servant might receive a cultivation technique that is suitable to replace his/her Noble Phantasm or a special body to replace said Noble Phantasm or skill.

PS: When you summon a servant this servant and it's variations become impossible to inherit the power or bloodline. And be warned that it is entirely possible for any servant chosen to be in a complicated position. You can define general characteristics of the Heroic Spirit and a Heroic Spirit that fits it will appear within a month in some way, shape, or form in front of you. Characteristics you can choose are specialty and gender, speciality as in weapon of choice. Age can be defined, the Heroic Spirit is modified to fit the age described.


"Well, now this is interesting. I can only assume that these two messages about the Origin sword style were only unlocked after I started to cultivate. That also means I have some decisions to make."

By one hand, I could grow stronger more quickly with more inheritances. Or another side, however, I REALLY want someone to talk to without fear. I am afraid to become so isolated that I will actually become aloof and distant on the inside as well, not only on the surface level.

But, there are also some matters that are even more important than that. Mainly, my safety.

My biggest risk, as the adoptive son of that piece of trash, is an assassination. Due to the fact I am not of his blood, but still have the position of the second young master of this place, there is almost 200% assurance that my 'older brother' or one of his supporters will try and kill me. That is not an if, it is a when.

As such dealing with it is imperative. On the good side I know that he won't try and kill me in this place, it is far too difficult to do that and not be caught and with most elders liking me for being so 'docile and hard-working' it could complicate matters for my older brother. As such the most likely method to deal with me would be either when I go out of this place or via poison.

When I get out of here I will need at least some insurances that I will be able to survive out there which is already complicated, my best chance of that would be having a great number of items that should ensure my survival like teleportation stones or things like that which would teleport me away or create protective barriers. For that, I need someone with a high Item Construction skill or have one of those added to myself.

The poison, however, should be possible to deal with if I have someone who deals with poison, like Hassan of Serenity or Semiramis to help. They should be able to help in that regard.

I could just add them to myself, but one thing I can't risk is a bad mix. I am going to become a swordsman, I already am training for it since I can move in this world and honestly I don't really want to change that just out of spite for this place, I want to be able to take the swords of some of these assholes and shove them up their asses so far that they will truly become one with the sword. As such if I add someone's bloodline or inheritance to me I don't want it to go against the path I am starting. I don't want to be like most MCs who just keep adding skills of all sorts of things into him and ends up forgetting to use most of them for one reason or another, I will have one chief skill and that will be the base for everything else.

That is more interesting and logical in my honest opinion.

If the inheritance has something that should be possible to mix with my swordplay then I would like it, but if it doesn't then I can't risk it. This Origin Sword Style is very strict and if I add things to my soul that doesn't compliment or at least not clash with it then I won't be able to advance nearly as fast.

As such someone like Semiramis and most Casters are impossible for me. Well, perhaps Paracelsius is possible since he controls the five elements and I should be able to use this control with my swordplay, but that is only a theory right now and I will need to think on it since I still am much too weak to try and control the elements with my swordplay, it is only on the Sword King level that I should be able to start doing that. Adding him then would likely help me a lot with improving in that realm.

Right now I need to think of the immediate, and I also need to worry about one thing.


As the second young lord of this joint of scums, it is only a matter of time before marriage is arranged for me, whatever I want to or not. Normally I wouldn't have to worry about that, it is clear that Wentian is trying to have me improve in cultivation and most normal cultivation methods improve better when someone is completely focused on training and training alone, thus the reason for some cultivators only marrying at the age of 100 or older and some remain virgins for their entire lives to contain their primordial Ying or Yang that some need to train faster.

However, with the Origin Sword Style, it is not so. It is a style that actually needs someone to form bonds and has great emotions to improve in some of the bottlenecks, as such I don't doubt that Wentian will try and push me to create some of these bonds soon, and what bond is better than marriage and love?

Thus I fear that he will arrange a marriage between me and someone who I don't doubt will be from the sect. And considering most young girls here are trained to put the sect first I would have a spy beside me 24/7 and I really don't want that.

Sigh, I really can't help but wish I was born in some backdrop place like Yun Che, at least he had some carrying family, a safe place, a friend he can trust, and no assassins after his life until the age of 16. If he wanted he could literally just go and be a merchant with the Xia family at any time and he would live a good life, he might not agree to it but he had options even if his overblown pride would get in the way, I cannot do anything but train to become stronger. That option was taken from me since before I even was born in this world.

I guess I really must think about it. While hoarding all sorts of powers quickly seems good but it is counter-productive in the long run in the end.

"Is there any missions I can do to get more inheritances besides advancing realms?" I asked to the air out loud to see if I would get any information that could be useful.

Unsurprisingly, there was no message.

Well, it is not like I expected anything really.

Taking a deep breath I started to consider. I can see three servants being almost perfect for my objective but getting all three right now would be quite terrible for future development.

I currently have the capacity to summon up to three Heroic Spirits or three inheritances, considering I will be going to this tournament I can use this chance to improve my swordsmanship. A chance like this is not one to be so easily ignored, as such I need to choose something that would improve on it the best way possible.

Besides that what I need the most is someone who would likely be a fiancee or at least a concubine so as to not leave such a large opening for those greedy fuckers to push their daughters on me and someone to help me deal with poison.

Very well, I believe I have reached the best solution for this.

"I want the inheritance of Okada Izo, the Manslayer Izo." I said and nothing happened for a while before a shadowy figure appeared before me, it's bloodlust was overbearing and just standing before it gave me the impression I was already cut in half. It smirked slightly before it started turning into a small light that entered my head as well as some drops of blood with heavy bloodlust fused into me.

Instantly all manners of sword styles fused with my being and I had so much information in my head that I will need some time to process it. One of the four great manslayers of the shogunate's closing days, holding the alias of 'Manslayer Izou'. The Onoha Ittou Style, the Kyoushin Meichiri Style, the Jikishi Style and such, he learned various styles of swordplay. His noble phantasm allows him to reproduce any sword technique he's seen before as his own. Not only that, this includes the techniques he remembers from his life, but even after that, by seeing new techniques, it is possible to enhance this even further and as I received his full inheritance that means even the techniques he saw when a Heroic Spirit are also included!

This makes it so that I have in my head the sword styles of tens of thousands of different schools, and while most of them are quite normal and ordinary that just means I have that much more to learn. The Origin Sword Style is a inheritance that focuses on increasing the understanding of the sword to the highest heights possible, for that I need to learn and understand as many facets of swordplay as possible and while I don't have any Noble Phantasm level technique (which I bet is due to the system blocking those from me) the rest is all so beneficial that it scares even me.

Not only that, the skills I added to me are also amazing in their own right. First is that I now have Eyes of the Mind (false) that really helps me out as it is similar to improving my instincts during combat, a good tool for survival. The other one is Manslayer that is a sword skill focused on helping me cut down my enemy, it is not good for improvement in my Origin Sword Style but it will still help in fighting.

I now have so much information, so much to experiment, that I honestly feel like I want to go and train with the sword right now. I guess spending so much time training with the sword and my advancement in the Origin Sword Style really made me a bit of a sword maniac, the new inheritance being someone who was hailed as a sword genius isn't helping my case.

Now, for summons, I think I need to take care of the fiancee and poison matters first.

Considering that the system mentioned that the Heroic Spirit would be introduced as part of this world I can only presume that the HS will be like it reincarnated into this world. As such if I want the Heroic Spirit as someone to be my fiancee I need the person to be a swordswoman with enough talent that the elders would accept such development. Honestly, I can only put that I want a swordswoman and prey for a good result.

About age, I believe 12 as well should work best.

"I want a summon, a swordswoman of 12 years old. And a poison user, female, of also 12 years old." I said and I felt exactly the same as always and no change happening.

Oh well, now is for hoping this was not a bad choice.

In about half a month is when the tournament will go down, I think I should have enough time for integrating these pieces of knowledge of sword arts into my own style.



Now the choice is yours, readers. Who to choose?

For the poison user, it can be either Semiramis or Serenity.

For swordswoman, it can be Okita, Musashi, Shiki, Minamoto no Raikou, Chloe Von Einzbern, or Tomoe Gozen. These are the ones I could think about and that I could write.

Now tell me in the reviews who you want to see and how.

Until next time, next chapter will be the tournament or at least some interaction between Tiandi and the people around him, maybe him being challenged by some idiot or making some kind of mess that would not be lower than what you can see on Perfect World. Also, try checking out my other fanfics if possible.