
How is My Body Feel

At the top of the letter begin with Alice's brother handwriting with an unusual opening sentence. But they keep reading the text carefully.

[If you and Alice read this letter, then it means I have failed to survive my destiny. I'm sorry Alice, I've tried my best to fight my destiny, but I think God has another plan]

Alice frowned, 'This is not her brother style of writing a farewell letter like this'

But considering this last letter from her brother, she tried to understand.

[Do not be sad, good and bad always come along in life, we have to learn to deal with it no matter what it is]

[I want you to be happy with all your virtues. I notice that you practice the sword stealthily at night, wishing to help me. I'm sure someday you'll be a wonderful swordsman as you are a wonderful person]

[Use common sense if you come across problems later, like when you inside a big city do not mention my name or do not stay away from your weapon while in the wild]

Alice read the letter which mostly contained only her sister's advice on common sense, sometimes, Alice looked giggle when she read her brother funny advice.

[After my departure I hope you enjoy your life enough. Do not cry too often, remember that I am still with you and will always be with you as before. And most of all remember that I love you from you will ever know]

'I understand, brother'

[And, for the last time. I want to apologize for leaving you alone like this, maybe my death can make you even more mature. May God bless you]

Alice continued to read the letter carefully not realizing it had reached the end of the page.

"Eh, is this all?" Alice awakened a little confused until a moment later she realized that there was a next page on the letter.

He read the first line of the letter, seen Gerald's handwriting as before

[Just kidding]


[You think I'm the kind of person who gave destiny to God?. C'mon, you've known me for a long time, even in front of the strongest witches I always look for opportunities to cut her neck. So calm down, this is not a farewell letter for good. I'm just leaving for a while, I'll come back to you someday. Seven years the longest. I promise.]

Alice knows the value of her brother's promise. When her brother promised her, he would be sure to keep it up to whatever happened. Not even once did her brother break his promise to her.

She sighed a relief, knowing that this was the style of writing a letter that was more suited to her brother.

[As long as I'm gone, I'm already trying to get someone to look after you, right now the person with you is the one I think is most appropriate to look after you. Follow his advice too because there are many pieces of advice I cannot convey with these letters]

Alice knew her brother was talking about Gerald, but how?

Before finishing read the letter, Alice tried to look at Gerald to see his reaction.

She notices that Gerald is unfocused on the letter and distracted as if thinking about something else; she tried several times to grab Gerald's attention by swinging her hand in front of his face, but the lack of response caused her a bit of panic.

Her brothers sometimes think hard and will look like daydreaming. When that happens he does not respond to all events outside, but will immediately aware if called by her.

This situation is the first time she experienced.


Gerald opened his eyes. Around him, there was only darkness covered in fog, he could not see far ahead fog faintly blocked even his hand.

'Hmm, first I'll try to figure out where is this'

Suddenly thrown in a place unfamiliar to him, Gerald thought for a moment and decided to gather information first.

Gerald tried to move forward carefully to look for something as a landmark, but after so long he found nothing.

The whole place is flat and empty, no pebbles, no odors, no animal sounds or even his footsteps. A very strange and quiet place.

But he tried to walk straight without turning the right and left, he felt something pull him from the direction he wants to walk.

The feeling grew stronger, he continued walking more carefully and soon he saw a wooden house. Stood silently in this foggy darkness.

He walked closer to the house. The house became more visible and the sound of his footsteps began to be heard.

There is smoke coming out of the chimney of the house showing the existence of a person in it. He knocked on the door not forgetting the basic manners but still preparing his body to fight anytime, there is always a possibility that someone who lives in this strange place is not friendly.

"Wait a minute,"

A loud voice comes from inside the house, not long after a man who looks familiar open the door of the house and let him come in.

The man is handsome, with black hair and red eyes. He wears a unique outfit, from its characteristics Gerald knows the clothes are scholar standard clothing with the blue color.

"it must tire you after walking so long. I'm preparing a drink. Do you want tea or coffee?"

"Tea, thank you", Gerald initially wanted to refuse, but after glancing through the entire house, he found nothing suspicious. In addition, he has a strong assumption about where he is and who the man is in front of now.

"Okay, you can sit in the chair and relax for a moment,"

The man went to the kitchen and prepared drinks for both of them, tea for his guests and coffee for himself.

Not long afterward, the man brought the drink to the wooden table and saw Gerald still studying at his house. He smiled and asked

"How is the house, pretty good is it?"

"Yes, as far as I know, the woods here are so rare, from its distinctive smell I know that this house wall is from the Sarog tree. But I'm sure you chose this wood, not because of its scarcity,"

"You're right, I chose it because it has the ability to absorb all kinds of fogs, that's what causes us to speak in this house, even though outside you cannot hear any sound,"

"As I suspected, the fog is a sound insulator." Nodding, Gerald murmuring.

They begin their small talk, about the house and the antiques that exist in this place. After some time Gerald tried to get into the main problem

"So, who are you?"

"I'm sure you already have suspicions" the man spoke while smiling and sipped his coffee.

"I'll be certain when hearing from your mouth directly," After drinking his tea Gerald spoke with a smile too.

"Okay then, but first I want to ask,"

The man stood up and took something from his closet, although it seemed casual Gerald still preparing to fight if circumstances forced him.

"Calm down this is not a weapon or the like." He chuckled as he pulled out a mirror from the closet, no anger at all from his tone, then he sat back with Gerald.

"So, what did you feel when you were inside my body?"