

The silence of the night was accompanied by the cry of a little girl. This girl cried because her village was destroyed, her village was attacked by a bunch of demonic beasts.

All villagers ran off in haste, some of them trampled by humans who fled in panic and became food for demonic beasts.

Time passed, a young boy woke up feeling pain in the front of his body. He sat down and saw his body wrapped up in pieces of cloth, covering the wound that crossed from his right chest to the left abdomen.

He saw a little girl fall asleep with a trace of tears on her cheeks.

'Looks like this girl that I heard crying before'

He sits cross-legged and prepares for meditation to accelerate the healing of his wound, this technique passed down through the generations to the eldest son of the Wimbledon family.

Although unlike witches who capable of using magical energy to cause unusual natural phenomena, he can absorb magical energy from nature and slowly increase his body's ability.

The sun shone through the hole of the cave, falling into the little girl's eyelids. The girl awakens and looks at her brother, realizing that her brother is sitting cross-legged with a steady breath.

A moments later she saw his brother open his eyes, making their gaze met.

The girls' eyelids were wet again, she jumped at once and hugged her brother tightly.

"Brother, brother, brother, huhu, I think you will die" The girl burst into tears again while hugging her brother.

"Who are you little girl, do I know you?" Gerald, who was confused in this awkward situation, asked the girl who suddenly embraced him.

"Brother Gerald, do you forget who I am? I'm your sister, Alice,"

"I'm sorry there seems to be a mistake, my name is Gerald but I do not have a sister named Alice,"

"No way, we've been together since I was a kid, did you lose some of your memories?"

Gerald saw no sign of lies on the girl's face and began to rack his brain for the right explanation but could not conclude a thing with a few clues like this.


First, I had to decide whether to explain to this girl that I was not the brother she knew.

I saw Alice staring at me sharply there was a trace of tears on her cheeks, on her legs visible fresh blood wounds.

"Are your legs all right? What happened?"

"Do not you remember yesterday's event? Last afternoon a bunch of demonic beasts attacked our village, we have to escape to the forest and hide, then in the middle of the night we move to this cave because after the demonic beast finishes attacking the village, they will return to their den past our hideout."

"So you carried me this cave, it must be very heavy,"

I was touched by her story, carrying a man heavier than herself would be very difficult. Especially for girls who seem only ten years old. Looks like her legs were hurt as she passed through the stone and the thorns.

"Yes, big brother is very heavy, but you are injured because protecting me and also big brother is my last family, so if I die I want to be with you, brother,"

Hearing the story, I hardened myself to speak honestly to her. I sighed and began to speak

"Listen to me Alice, I'm not the brother you know, I do not lose some memory, my name is Gerald same as your brother's name, I live another life before waking in your sister's body,"

I paused to see Alice's reaction, as she listened and was trying to digest what I was saying.

"I do not know if my soul is entering your brother's body or am I remembering my previous life when I almost died of being attacked by the demonic beast. But surely, I do not have your brother's memory and do not know who you are, I do not even know if I'm still in the same world as my previous life,"

I watched her eyes begin to wet, but she kept listening to me.

"Alice, I know that I have no memory of you or the world, but my feelings as your brother still exist. I want to protect you from anything, it seems that this feeling is inherited from your brother. If after knowing all this and you still want to be with me, I will be your new brother and protect you from whatever will come,"

I said the truth, talking to Alice about my memories and feelings. It's a cruel thing to talk to a little girl that her brother is gone, but if I do not want to hurt her deeper, I have to talk about this as soon as possible or there will be no trust between the two of us in the future

Most people will wait some days before telling the truth, waiting for Alice's heart to stabilize. But the longer I wait to say it the greater the negative impact for Alice.

"I need time to digest everything,"

"Take all the time you need, I'll wait for you here,"

Now, I just need to watch her stabilize her emotions and stop any stupid decisions like suicide.

Alice then sat pensively in front of the cave, staring blankly at the horizon.

Seeing it made my heart a little calm, even though her emotions were raging, at least she did not make a rash decision. At the moment all Alice needs is solitude, there will be no words that will come in her ears now.

If he can get through this moment, the next step will be easier to live. If there is only one thing I understand from my previous life, it is that time can eliminate everything, both happiness, and grief.

I sat cross-legged continuing my meditation, my wound is almost closed but I need to continue meditation to heal this wound and strengthen myself.

Time passes, showed by the sun begins to set. Alice went into the cave and fell asleep. When I woke up from the meditation, I saw Alice fall asleep beside me holding my sleeve.

I smiled and stroked her hair gently, Alice's stomach chirping, making me realize that we both had not eaten since yesterday. Looks like I have to hunt small animals tomorrow morning for our breakfast together.

'I do not know how I can be here, but I seem to find a cute little sister'