
2- Dreamland?

A young woke up from her dreamland and look around the place. She was surprise that her room was different. It look very extravagant, somehow back in time during the imperial time. She walk toward her vanity and check if she damage her own head. However, what shock her was the fact that her face was somehow different and similar to her old face.

'Did I reincarnate? Hmm, seem like I did'

Just as she was about to head out of the room, pieces of memories dash toward her consciousness regarding the old master of this body. Her head was aching so bad as if someone is grabbing her brain and pulling it out of her. Just as she was about to collapse, a voice was heard.

"I am Li Qiying and I am really sorry I drag you into this mess. But please, help me, the room you are in right now isn't your room. I mean our room. It's a brothel, you have to get out as quick as possible. After you got out of here before sunset, I will tell you everything regarding this world your in and why my body?"

"Tell me what time is it?" Li Qiying ask the other her directly without further delay

"I'm glad you could understand, it is currently about sunrise and be glad, you haven't lost your virginity,"

"Do you know how you got in this place?"

"I'll guide you,"

Li Qiying check all the jewels on the vanity table and drawer to find a pair of scissors and powder. Using her fingers to trace the scissors knife, she observe the quality of its sharpness.

'Enough to stab two to three person heart,'

She then apply some powder on her face and grab her old clothes from the bed. Li Qiying use the pillow to put under the quilt somehow disguised it as if a person was there. After that she dash toward the door. Using the scissors she have, she poke a small hole in the paper screen of the door. Verifying that no one was outside, she slowly open the door, closing it before heading to a dark corner. She head toward every corner along the hallway after confirming with her other self which door to head to. The quietness in the hallway makes she wonder if someone even live here at all.