
Aftermath Having Slept With The Villain

When the female support (cannon fodder) slept with the villain, they all had miserable ends. But what about when the female support changes to Xue Xue? The ending, naturally becomes"

CrystalPearl · Fantasy
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95 Chs


After Xue Xue got the new inspection report, he took a deep breath and opened it.

After reading the ten lines at a glance, it is clear to my heart.

She finally knew why Ji Mujing, who once said to herself "want to have a daughter like you", would later turn into "whether we have children or not will not affect our lives".

It turned out to be because of this.

Looking at her around, she told her parents that she didn't want children. Finally, she had a bad relationship with the elders who had met several times a year and coaxed her to say not to think too much about Ji Mujing. Xue Xue suddenly sighed. In one breath.

Probably, this is life.

Perhaps it is precisely because of these uncontrollable variables that it can bring out the preciousness of ordinary life.

Xue Xue stretched out his hand and carefully traced the man's tired eyebrows.

Ji Mujing seemed to feel it. After a slight movement, he turned around and took Xue Xue into his arms.

"Baby." The man's voice was sticky, obviously not awake yet. "what time is it?"

"It's not five o'clock yet." Xue Xue answered in a low voice after he glanced at the wall clock on the wall. "It's early, get some more sleep."

Ji Mujing decided to list the company.

Xue Xue naturally had no opinion and fully supported him.

This matter took two years.

With a high reputation and fully prepared, with the assistance of professionals, things went smoothly without wasting too much time. Finally, the internal meeting discussed and voted through, and Ji Mujing announced this at the company's 10th anniversary reception news.

In addition, a week before the reception, the Public Relations Department made a big move to issue a paper to the media, confirming that the company's Chinese name was changed to "Jingyou Technology".

Two straight words, no one does not know what it means.

There are even many people who speculate that the two who have been in love for many years should be good.

Sure enough, at the grand tenth anniversary reception, after Ji Mujing delivered a speech, besides confirming the good news that the company is about to go public, he also proposed to Xue You to marry him.

"If there was no Xue You back then, there would be no me now."

"It is my luck to have her company at every key crossroads in my life."

"We knew each other from junior high school until after graduating from university. During this period, we experienced ups and downs and some confusions. Although it was not all smooth sailing, I am very grateful for the ups and downs in the process, because that makes me know how to cherish."

Ji Mujing looked at Xue Xue, who was sitting in the first row of the stage, gently.

At this time, the spotlight came on, and the woman wearing a long white strapless dress, with her shiny black hair, looked even more stunning, as if she was a person walking out of the painting, no matter how gorgeous the adjectives are, she Can't accurately depict the touching charm between the corners of her eyes and the brows.

Graceful, graceful and unparalleled.

A deep affection is given to her.

Put the microphone back on the shelf, and after walking two steps forward to the edge of the stage, the man made a move that was unexpected.

A neat turn over, landing perfectly.

Unlike a middle-aged man in his thirties, he looks like a young man in his seventeen or eighteen years.

He came to Xue Xue.

The tremendous success in his career in recent years has made Ji Mujing full of pride and self-confidence. He has a face like a crown and a good look like a star. With such a temperament, he appears to be a dragon and a phoenix. .

Only when facing Xue Xue, this kind of domineering will be somewhat restrained.

"Xue Xue..."

In front of hundreds of employees and guests from various fields, Ji Mujing slowly squatted down.

Time is slowed down and the camera is stretched.

The dazzling light mixed with the sound of pressing the shutter, one after another.

But Ji Mujing didn't realize it.

He could only see Xue Xue in his eyes.

The moment his right knee hit the ground, Ji Mujing spoke, using his mellow voice like a double bass to bring out the best orgasm of the night. "Excuse me, are you willing to marry me and give me a chance to let me love you forever. How are you going to treat you?"

The audience was silent.

Xue Xue stared at the man.

A pair of phoenix eyes, full of peach blossoms in the garden.

Blooming only for her.

With everyone holding their breath, Xue Xue smiled.

In an instant, the moon, the moon and the stars were all eclipsed.

"Xue Xue, I love you."


"I will use my whole life to prove how much I love you."


"Xue Xue, I..."


After sending the file, Xue Xue turned his stiff neck and looked at Ji Mujing blankly.

Since she accepted Ji Mujing's marriage proposal that day, the man has always maintained a "hyper" state. From morning to night, whenever he is next to him, he will repeat the three words "I love you" again and again. It's like an addiction.

Xue Xue was already a little annoyed.

"Do you know how many times you have said today? Ji Mujing, I am working. If you are okay, please go to the living room to watch TV. Otherwise, I have to go to the company..."

"No!" Ji Mujing said pitifully after refusing. "I finally took a week's leave. Just stay with me and leave work alone."

Hearing this, Xue Xue fussed his forehead.

Why is this Ji Mujing as difficult as a kid now?

"I'm not like you are a big boss, take someone's salary, there is no reason not to work hard?"

"Then quit, or come to our company..." Seeing Xue Xue's face sinking bit by bit, Ji Mujing turned the subject wisely, with his words to please him. "Sure, if you don't like to listen, I won't say anything, but the company will always reserve a place for you, just like my family and my heart."

Xue Xue was stunned by a sudden love sentence.

The man took the opportunity to put her in his arms.

"Ji Mujing, you..."

"Sorry, I also know that I have been too clingy these days, but I feel so down-to-earth." Ji Mujing's tone is very calm, but if you listen carefully, you will find his voice trembling. "It's all like in a dream, somehow, I always feel like I will wake up soon."

These words silenced Xue Xue.

The man hugged him tightly and almost used his full strength, as if he was afraid that she would leave at any time.

"I know it's neurotic, but I really don't know what to do."

Suffering from gains and losses, Ji Mujing also dislikes such self.

However, the anxiety in his heart easily overwhelmed everything, making him unable to even concentrate on work, so he chose not to be at the company and was with Xue Xuegan, who took work home with him because of uncomfortable vacations these days.

He can relax a little only if he feels the warmth and breath of a woman.

However, it seems not enough.


Ji Mujing suddenly kissed the soft earlobe, and the agitated Xue Xue moaned lowly.

This sound awakened the sleeping behemoth in Ji Mujing's crotch.

His hands began to wander around the woman restlessly.

Xue Xue, who had just finished a paragraph, wanted to follow the other party's intentions half-push half-way, but when the temperature in the study gradually increased and the rhythm began to accelerate, a harsh doorbell came through the door panel.