
The Wrecking Hearts: 8. Daring Destinies and A Honest Warrior

There was a spot of living energy that had grown to be a gruesome honest warrior in very little time indeed. This spirit is enormous in size but had been days old. He was taught to fight, conquer and at last manage all of life that was made by my hands. We shared a bond that no gods ever did and I'm proud to have been successful to keep him away from danger as it wasn't time.

It's strange how maker's children grow up too quick to break out of their own box built by me. "I have come with the truth and please don't banish me away to your universe. With respect sir I think you should have brought me with you as I could do more than I ever did even though I'm just years young and centuries younger than you. "

The humble spirited soul bows and looks beneath my legs pledging peace and his worship to me, "For now and always I am by your feet master.. and father and God. Please let me serve you but by always staying at the times you struggle and are in danger.. for you can accompany and teach me about the multiverse. "

Being the chosen one didn't feel special after all while witnessing my true creation being perfect as I adored it. I took his hands and lifted him up as he was still praying, and pat his back saying, "You don't need service to be immortal and evolved, You are one in a million follow your own path and now be free the multiverse has a way to teach people its own way. Dare the uncommon and non-noticeable, question the weirdest, and emerge out accepting their will. Be one but of all. " The soul that nurtured spoke in delight through me. I was happy for him to find me as his choice was right to come and save me it is not right for this to continue thus setting him free.

"I haven't been anywhere and I do not plan to leave...for now I choose to learn from such humble souls you travel with.." He understood my mind at its state, something I didn't expect from such a young soul. If it was the sorrow's scars that show on my face then I have become miserable to be his master.

"Each time you surprise me. Null is gone, we must revive him...and that brat there needs to be caged until everything is done." Said I as I pointed at the smudged head of the dark celestial. Gigash seemed unpleased and worried but he did understand master's anger is not to be tampered with just like space time.

"Convour Tri-Gen Galaxy 100 Up ahead, we can take the ashes of null there and revive him through the only in the multiverse that can help." Gigash had kept him in a prism and shrunk him to keep him in his attire. His great physique floated after the capture of the entity to me in curiousness and vigor, "As you say...master." It wasn't bad after all to get a companion in the middle of nowhere..for now, but all that comes lies in the hands of null who is now dissipated.

I closed my eyes and prayed to wreaker Galante to invoke my heart to her yet again and to enter the palace of hearts. I was sent back to the dimension where once I felt true bliss and the same woman figure with all its beauty had stunned me by standing beside and bringing peace back yet again. "It's good to see you...but I have lost my friend upon spending time and meeting here. I need hope and strength to recover him back. So please I ask of you to help more than I pray. How can I revive him?"

The unique girl celestial had flown to me with a smile and held me close again sharing with me the knowledge of the ways to revive null and I had understood what it was. With her gentle way of passing on knowledge and communicating, I understood that null can only be saved....by and from nothing. Absolute nothingness is the same place that gave birth to loneliness and true darkness at the ends of space.

I did also know that I was right after all about going through the triple gen galaxy to get to nothingness. Simply the place at which the body and soul rip into a million pieces and gets out at the other side but as a shadow if at all a part of the soul survives undefeated agony and torture in all multiverse.

Knowing this now would have made me angry and awakened the reoccurrence of wrath yet her touch spirited my soul with peace and thoughts. I had come back away from her with a smile on my face by seeing her motherlike care and emotion as I leave. She bid goodbye for now as she predicted my journey to be very long and drastic. I had bid farewell while leaving being uncertain of any consequences to come forth.

A tap back and I am sent to the stationary vessel which is my body in space and I slowly recover opening my eyes and feeling new. I turn to the humble warrior of mine who seemed to be waiting and observing space, "How are you feeling now Gigash...leaving the only place you called home?"

The peaceful bulked-up soul turned to me in respect with a soft smile and spoke, "I am mesmerized by all creation and also happy my master isn't alone." I had held his shoulder and reassured him what he said, "We, my friend, we aren't alone and your journey will make you look at things any way possible. Welcome to the life of a celestial....but now we got a job to do." I had pointed him to the way across this universe to tri-gen and speaking in my earnestness, "Those that shape, and emote clever and aloud to the people they come across life are the ones we call celestials and light souls, whose heart grow every day."

Trying to release the tension in my throat by saying the next thing, I invoked a bit of wrath but with the obsession of saving my friend, "Those that break their own, hide emotions and wreck them are the dark ones....and those that break others' are worse than that." The words of wreaker came out through like she had talked at last but in my voice. I had become a good mentor...time to be a good friend.

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