

Following the tragic demise of Jayden's family at the hands of a supernatural murderer, he embarks on a journey of revelation, unraveling the secrets of the afterlife. With the support of his trusted companions, Jayden endeavors to uncover the enigmatic killer who connects their intertwined tales, seeking answers along the way.

ShawnGuh · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Across the globe away from the land of Freeda, a vast land called Fiaz is divided among five factions. In the northern region lies Hinode, a domain ruled by the stylish Hinos, who always adorn themselves in fashionable attire. Towards the west lies the Kingdom of Norra, under the control of the Knights of Nor, embodying the essence of medieval culture. In the east, the land of Shuma is governed by the High Tech faction, a group of highly intelligent individuals devoted to their craft. In the southern reaches, Ziria is controlled by the bandit group known as Ziri, where strength is the ultimate currency for survival.

Finally in the heart of Fiaz, one finds the central region of Sental, firmly under the governance of the Saints. This faction consists of devout individuals dedicated to their faith, upholding the principles of the church. Sental has established its territory as a neutral ground, fostering an environment where all factions coexist peacefully, with a strict prohibition on violence. Notably, throughout the entirety of Hinode, Nor, and Sental, the use of firearms is strictly forbidden. Our story unfolds within the borders of Hinode.

Amidst the bustling school cafeteria, a young teenager named Walter sits alone, the other students are too afraid to approach him. He finishes his meal and rises from his seat. Accidentally a student bumps into Walter, the student quickly recognizes him and rushes off in fear. Undeterred, Walter proceeds down the hallway towards his classroom, with everyone actively avoiding any interaction with him. Upon entering the classroom, the teacher distributes the test scores to each student. Walter, glancing at his own paper, discovers that he has aced the test. Curiosity leads him to sneak a peek at the neighboring student's score, only to find that they had given the same answers to some questions, yet the student's response was marked as incorrect while Walter's was correct. Frustrated by the injustice, Walter approaches the perspiring teacher after class and requests an adjustment to his test score. Although the teacher initially insists that Walter's score is accurate, a determined gaze from Walter compels them to reconsider. Yielding to Walter's unwavering stare, the teacher rectifies the score, granting him a well-deserved B+.

With a smile of gratitude, Walter expresses his appreciation and leaves the school. Outside, he is escorted by a suited man named Tucker, who guides him to a waiting limousine. Tucker takes the driver's seat, and they embark on a journey homeward. During their journey home, Tucker initiates a conversation with Walter, inquiring about the reason behind his lack of friends at school. In response, Walter reveals that deliberately avoiding friendships helps him minimize potential complications. He fears the prospect of losing someone dear to him in the future, much like the way he lost his mother.

The thought of experiencing such a profound loss is overwhelming for him, and as a result, he consciously avoids forming close connections. Furthermore, Walter recognizes that his unconventional lifestyle may be too challenging for the average person to comprehend or accept, adding another layer of complexity to his social interactions. Tucker then raises a question about Walter's decision to befriend the homeless girl they regularly visit.

In response to Tucker's question, Walter clarifies that the homeless girl isn't truly his friend. He is merely intrigued by the stark contrast between her life and his own. By offering her a small sum of money, he observes how she navigates and thrives with limited resources. When Tucker suggests providing her with a substantial amount of money to alleviate her homelessness, Walter explains that such an act would hinder her personal growth and resilience. He believes she should work for her own improvement, and the only thing he can offer her is a sense of hope.

As they arrive at the usual spot where the homeless girl stays with her sign, they find her absence. Alarmed, Tucker suggests that she might not be there that day. In response, Walter asserts that she is always there. Concerned, Tucker scans the surroundings while discussing how Walter's daily contributions may have already made a positive impact on her life. However, as Tucker turns to find that Walter is no longer by his side.

Meanwhile, in an alley nearby, Walter discovers two individuals in the process of robbing the homeless girl. The robbers question her about the significant amount of money she possesses. She explains that she is saving it to support her ailing mother. The robbers suggest that the money would be better off with the living rather than her dying mother. Undeterred, the homeless girl insists on retrieving her money, but the robber asserts that her funds would be put to better use in more fortunate hands.

One of the robbers taps the shoulder of his accomplice, drawing their attention to Walter's gradual approach. Recognizing Walter, they promptly return the money they had taken from the homeless girl and swiftly flee the scene. Walter is then surprised by the homeless girl's response that she was prepared to fight the robbers herself, Walter expresses his realization that he should have waited to witness the outcome. Offering her $20, Walter slowly begins to walk away. In response, the homeless girl inquires if her money would be better off in more fortunate hands. Walter promptly reassures her that her money is better off with the right people, including herself, and encourages her to utilize it for her mother's well-being so they can both get back on their feet. Expressing deep gratitude, the homeless girl emotionally thanks Walter.

Meanwhile, Tucker approaches with concern for Walter's whereabouts. Ignoring Tucker, Walter continues to walk toward the waiting limousine, yet he manages to give the homeless girl a thumbs-up gesture, to which she responds with a grateful bow. As Walter and Tucker enter the car, Tucker questions why Walter didn't inquire about the homeless girl's name. Walter explains that he believes she will reveal her name when she is ready and that he understands she wants to introduce herself properly when she has improved her circumstances.

They reach their destination and Tucker graciously opens the door of the limousine, allowing Walter to step onto a grand red carpet that leads to a colossal building. The entrance is heavily guarded by numerous men donning sleek black suits. As Walter proceeds down the long hallway, the men bow respectfully in his presence. Passing by each of them, Walter maintains a determined stride until he reaches the main room. Inside, his father, Wiz, is engrossed in reviewing documents spread across a table. With a steady hand, Wiz diligently signs one document after another, unaware of Walter's approach.

Walter extends a warm greeting to his father, who reciprocates while still engrossed in the pile of documents. Wiz eventually sets the papers aside, realizing that he had plans in store for his son. He informs Walter that he had been eagerly awaiting his arrival to have a meal together later in the evening. Curious, Walter inquires about the location, to which Wiz responds with "FunBae." However, this causes Walter some confusion, as he is aware that FunBae does not exist in Hinode. Wiz clarifies that it is located in the neutral grounds of Sental, emphasizing that they serve the most delectable black bean noodles. Walter's excitement builds, and he finds it difficult to contain himself, pacing around the room with restless anticipation. Tucker, ever vigilant, remains in the background, attentively ensuring Walter's safety and balance.

Later in the evening, Wiz and Walter step into FunBae, where they are greeted by the server. The presence of numerous black-suited men stationed outside the establishment and the fleet of black cars lining the nearby streets indicate a strong security presence. Wiz and Walter indulge in their servings of delicious black bean noodles with a sense of style and enjoyment. Their father-son moment is infused with delight, evident in their shared expressions. Suddenly, Wiz's phone rings, but he chooses to disregard it. Walter raises the question of whether Wiz should answer the call. In a calm demeanor, Wiz explains that he intends to prioritize spending time with his son and that there are other capable individuals among the Hinos who can handle any pressing matters. He assures Walter that he values their time together and desires to make the most of it.

Tucker strolls down the streets of Hinode, humming a cheerful tune. As he passes by, a few onlookers bow respectfully to him. Tucker waves back with a smile and continues his blissful walk. Along the way, he notices a closed-down store with a brief glimpse of a demonic face reflected in the glass. Curiosity piqued, Tucker retraces his steps to the store, only to find that the reflection no longer reveals anything out of the ordinary. Shrugging off the strange occurrence, he dismisses it from his mind and resumes his leisurely stroll.

Continuing on, Tucker travels to a deserted park where some homeless individuals have found temporary refuge. In the corner of his eye, he catches sight of a doctor conversing with the homeless girl. Observing their interaction, Tucker observes the girl nodding happily before they both hurry towards the abandoned park. Intrigued but hesitant to interfere, Tucker discreetly trails them from a distance. Eventually, the homeless girl and the doctor reach a small shelter where her ailing mother lies in bed. Assessing the mother's condition, the doctor grimly remarks that her health is deteriorating rapidly and that she may not survive the night. Desperate, the homeless girl pleads for the doctor's assistance, but he demands payment. In response, the girl produces an envelope containing money and hands it over to him. Assured that the amount is sufficient, the doctor instructs the girl to keep her mother company while he retrieves the necessary equipment to save her. The girl clings to her mother's side, offering fervent prayers for her recovery. Unbeknownst to them, the doctor stealthily slips away, making his way past Tucker and towards his car. However, to his dismay, he discovers that his keys are missing.

At that moment, Tucker appears, holding the doctor's car keys, and shakes his head in disappointment at the doctor's actions. The doctor requests his keys, but Tucker responds by delivering a swift kick to the doctor's face, causing him to stumble and fall. Tucker then places his foot on the doctor, asserting his dominance, and demands the return of the money. Frightened, the doctor hastily hands over the cash. Tucker seizes the doctor by the collar and, with a firm grip on his neck, warns him that any future attempts at robbery will result in a crushed windpipe. The doctor promptly apologizes without hesitation. Suddenly, to Tucker's surprise, he inadvertently crushes the doctor's neck, causing the doctor to spew blood and collapse lifelessly. Stunned by his own actions, Tucker's right eye turns black. Covered in blood, he attempts to wipe it off, but his panic intensifies. In a state of confusion, Tucker begins to strike his own head in a desperate attempt to regain control, but his efforts prove futile. Unable to contain himself, he unleashes a string of profanities, struggling to maintain a semblance of sanity. Enraged, Tucker thrashes his head against the iron bars of the park gates, further exacerbating his deteriorating mental state. Casting a sinister glance at the dying doctor, Tucker smiles as his other eye succumbs to darkness. Though he battles to retain control, Tucker's gradual possession consumes him. In a frantic state, he dials Wiz's number, leaving a distressed message expressing his unease and discomfort. Dropping his phone, Tucker proceeds toward the park.

Grabbing a pole from the bar gate, Tucker's memories flash before his darkened eyes, showcasing scenes of the homeless girl and Walter. With an unsettling grin, Tucker continues his advance, arriving at the small shelter where the homeless girl and her mother reside. Engrossed in prayer, the homeless girl turns to Tucker, questioning his intentions. Tucker inquires of the homeless girl whether she desires to witness more vibrant colors emanating from her mother. Uncertain, she nods cautiously, her attention drawn to Tucker's darkened eyes. Tucker's smile widens, revealing a slight tear in his mouth. Curious, a few other homeless individuals approach to investigate the unfolding situation. Tucker turns to them, asking if they too wish to partake in a mesmerizing spectacle of light.

Later that evening, Wiz and Walter find themselves with satisfied stomachs after indulging in numerous bowls of food. Wiz playfully mentions that he could go an entire week without eating, to which Walter slowly agrees, feeling too full to consume any more. As they enjoy their meal, the server switches the television to a news channel, and a reporter announces the recent occurrence of multiple murders in Hinode's abandoned park. Four individuals have lost their lives, and another is in critical condition at the hospital. The reporter suggests that these killings may be the work of an entity known as REVA, attributed to the absence of discernible motives. Elaborating further, the reporter recounts the history of REVA's appearances, linking the name to the term "revenant." In the background of the news scene, Walter notices the homeless girl's sign. Instantly, he rushes out of the establishment, leaving Wiz concerned about his son's sudden departure. A bodyguard whispers something in Wiz's ear, prompting them to swiftly make their way back to headquarters.

Walter hurriedly enters Hinode Hospital, swiftly making his way down the hallway. The doctors and nurses he encounters bow in respect and gesture towards the direction he should proceed. Arriving at the room, he sees doctors engaged in performing surgery on the injured girl. After a while, a doctor steps out to speak with Walter. He informs him that the girl, despite her condition, repeatedly uttered a single word at the scene of the crime - "driver." Walter's eyes widen in realization.

Meanwhile, Wiz returns to headquarters, where his dedicated Hino officers are diligently working to gather leads on the murder case. Wiz notices that the name "REVA" appears prominently on most of the documents. Annoyed, he raises his voice, expressing his frustration that REVA is often used as a convenient explanation by criminals. However, the officers reassure him that it could indeed be connected to REVA. Wiz's attention is drawn to his phone, where he notices a missed call from Tucker and a voicemail. Intrigued, he listens to the voicemail, and his astonishment grows.

Close to midnight, Walter arrives at Tucker's house only to find the door wide open. He hears Tucker groaning in pain and calls out his name. Despite Tucker's loud plea for Walter to stay away, Walter disregards the warning and enters the house. Inside, he discovers Tucker with his left wrist handcuffed to a heater and a knife embedded in his right thigh. Tucker urgently warns Walter to keep his distance, explaining that he doesn't know when "that person" will return. Curious, Walter asks who he's referring to. Tucker utters the name REVA and explains that inflicting pain on himself temporarily keeps REVA at bay. Tucker shares that REVA is attempting to manipulate his mind, having witnessed all his memories, and is determined to kill what he saw, including the homeless girl, and Walter to ultimately gain control over him. Walter desperately tries to come up with a plan to save Tucker, but Tucker pleads with him to leave and let his father handle the situation.

In an emotional outburst, Walter exclaims that he can't bear losing Tucker as well. Tucker responds in a demonic voice, talking to himself about a mysterious ratio and how it doesn't matter anymore after such a long time. He attempts to reach for the knife in his thigh, but his hand suddenly freezes. Using his incredible strength, Tucker breaks free from the handcuffs. He stands up, removes the knife from his thigh, and smiles, remarking that Walter's color is the brightest he has ever seen, expressing his curiosity about how much brighter it can become. Tucker swings the knife at Walter, who manages to dodge the strike and incapacitates Tucker with a taser. As Tucker drops the knife from the shock, Walter is deeply hurt to witness his friend in such a distressed state. In a burst of rage, Tucker throws Walter against the side of the house, causing him to crash into the TV and shatter it. Tucker retrieves the knife and advances towards Walter, who finds shelter behind a table. Using the table as a barrier, Walter pushes Tucker back. However, Tucker relentlessly strikes downward with the knife, slicing the table in half. Walter is forced against the wall as Tucker continues his assault. Suddenly, Wiz appears from behind Tucker and slams him to the ground. Enraged, Tucker quickly rises, sending Wiz flying and crashing into the ceiling. Walter desperately tells Tucker to stop, as Wiz crashes back down to the floor. Tucker hurls the knife, piercing Walter's collarbone. Overwhelmed by both physical and emotional pain, Walter collapses against the wall, while Tucker expresses satisfaction, noting that Walter's colors burn as intensely as the sun and that his connection to others is evident through his vibrant hues.

A group of bodyguards dressed in black suits mercilessly beat Tucker with batons while he laughs mockingly at Walter. They hold him down as Tucker's wide smile causes blood to gush from his heavily injured lips. Walter's consciousness fades as he shuts his eyes. A week passes, and Walter and the homeless girl find themselves side by side in wheelchairs at Hinode HQ, both devoid of emotion. Wiz and a few maids approach them, attempting to engage in conversation and feed them, but they barely react. Wiz enters a vault room to see Tucker restrained in chains, his expression unchanged since the previous week, still sporting a disturbing smile. Wiz shakes his head in frustration, unable to extract any information from Tucker, who has been unresponsive ever since his capture. Growing increasingly angry, Wiz demands to know what Tucker wants from his son. Tucker's eyes twitch as he slowly turns his head toward Wiz and utters, "The colors are fading." Instantly, his black eyes return to their normal state, and Tucker faints. Wiz becomes stressed and desperately calls for REVA to return.

A few minutes later, Walter looks at the homeless girl. He asks her if he can know her name once they both recover. As Walter's emotions slowly resurface, tears trickle down his cheeks. The homeless girl quietly responds, "REVA." Walter turns to see the girl with blackened eyes. She lunges at Walter, overpowering him and strangling him to the floor. Wiz opens the door, witnessing the homeless girl dragging Walter across the floor towards the window, and they both crash through it. Plummeting four stories, they land in a pool. Wiz attempts to jump after them, but his bodyguard pulls him away. Underwater, the homeless girl continues to strangle Walter while wearing a sinister smile. Accepting his fate, Walter gazes at her. Wiz fights off his bodyguard, plunging into the pool. He swims towards them, desperately trying to pry the girl off his son but fails. Wiz becomes overwhelmed with anxiety, and with his fingers, he gouges the homeless girl's eyes. They bleed black, and Wiz experiences intense pain as the darkness burns his fingers. Walter observes the girl's smile and closes his eyes. Wiz pulls Walter out of the water and operates CPR on him. In which he manages to save him and hugs him in relief. It's then that Wiz notices his fingers, now completely black, filling him with terrible shock.