

Following the tragic demise of Jayden's family at the hands of a supernatural murderer, he embarks on a journey of revelation, unraveling the secrets of the afterlife. With the support of his trusted companions, Jayden endeavors to uncover the enigmatic killer who connects their intertwined tales, seeking answers along the way.

ShawnGuh · Fantasy
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22 Chs


Casper retrieves a cross upon noticing the gathering of ghosts fixated on them. The group becomes encircled by the ghosts. Casper aims the cross at one of the ghosts, but it proves ineffective. Then, a tall ghost seizes the cross from Casper's grasp and shatters it. Casper is astounded by this shocking sight. One by one, the ghosts enter through the ears of each individual in the group and exit through the other ear, causing immense pain. They can all hear the voices of the ghosts. Jasmine experiences excruciating pain and desperately attempts to flee, but a ghost wielding chains hurls one into her back. With tremendous force, Jasmine is yanked back towards the group, sliding across the floor. Philip quickly seizes the Bible from Casper's bag and opens it, despite being in intense agony. Flipping through the pages, he recites a phrase from the Bible aloud, causing numerous ghosts to emerge from his ears. Philip persists in reading the Bible, leading the ghosts to exit the rest of the group. Eventually, Philip collapses onto the ground. Casper chuckles and remarks that this is the pinnacle of reality, finally obtaining the desired content. Casper asks Wendy if she overheard the message conveyed by the ghosts. Wendy responds that she couldn't comprehend their words but has a plan. Retrieving her phone, Wendy discovers there's no signal. She dashes past the ghosts and crashes through a window. During her descent, she dials Jayden's number. Before Wendy's face hits the ground, a chain strikes her back, halting her fall and causing her to drop the phone. Wendy is then pulled back up to the top floor. The phone, now with a signal, begins to ring.

Both Philip and Casper's chests are struck by chains unleashed by the chain ghost. The force of the chains initiates the pulling motion, affecting all four of them. The chain ghost's head enlarges, revealing a gaping mouth. While Casper resists the pull, Philip and Jasmine swiftly get drawn into the ghost's mouth. Observing Wendy being dragged towards the mouth, with half her body already inside, she desperately calls out to Casper for help. Helplessly, Casper watches Wendy being engulfed by the ghost's mouth as the chains exert more force. Unable to maintain his grip, Casper is also pulled into the mouth. Using his arms, Casper clings onto the mouth, positioning himself face-first and peering inside. Within the mouth, he witnesses a vast realm filled with numerous arms. Philip sinks into the arms, Jasmine screams as she is overwhelmed, and Wendy valiantly fights against the encroaching arms. At this moment, Casper comprehends the ghost's desires and realizes that their current approach is time-consuming. He assures them that he clearly understands their plea for assistance and that they simply want the old man sleeping in the hallway. Casper declares his willingness to help. As the chains break free from his chest, the chain ghost's head returns to its normal state. Casper surveys his surroundings, discovering that all the ghosts are pointing their fingers at the slumbering man at the end of the hallway. Casper walks towards the man, who remains soundly asleep. Glancing around, Casper notices several candles and a small shrine nearby. The ghosts gesture towards the shrine, prompting Casper to knock down one of the candles, causing a visible force field to appear in front of the ghosts. With a ghost digging into the cracks of the force field, Casper continues knocking down more candles, further damaging the force field. Just as Casper prepares to kick the shrine, the old man awakens and seizes him.

The ghost-hunting team embarks on a nighttime journey in their van, drawing closer to their destination. Holly can be seen preparing herself, donning her gear, while James tends to the camera, and Mako sets up the computers. Grace assumes the role of the driver, with Jayden seated beside her. Grace informs Jayden that they have almost arrived at their destination. In response, Jayden speculates that the kids might have taken the report papers from Grace. Anxious, Grace hopes that the children are not in any danger, but Jayden emphasizes the task's significance as a level B assignment. James activates the camera, and Mako clicks a button, initiating their live broadcast on the platform. Holly addresses the audience through her microphone, explaining their collaboration with Para and their decision to explore the haunted location. Upon their arrival, Holly continues engaging with the fans via the camera as they make their way toward the entrance. Inside the van, Jayden retreats to the back onto the bed while Grace places a comforting hand on his chest, wishing him good luck. Holly and James venture into the building, while Grace notices a phone lying on the ground. Picking it up, she discovers Wendy's picture on the screen. Curiosity piqued, Grace enters the abandoned building, scanning her surroundings and spotting footprints on the dusty ground. Following the tracks, Grace gestures for Holly and James to follow her, leading them to the stairs.

The old man sternly seats Casper, demanding an explanation for his actions. Casper struggles to respond as the old man tends to the candles, causing the force field to repair itself. With the candles fixed, the old man expresses his desire for a peaceful life and reveals that he doesn't wish to be disturbed. Casper desperately informs him that his friends are in the clutches of the ghosts. The old man becomes distressed and shares his story of once being a shaman who banished evil spirits but failed and was subsequently exiled by the shamans. Seeking a tranquil existence, he explains that these spirits now haunt him every night, attempting to end his life, and the shrine is the only thing keeping them at bay. Regrettably, he confesses that he lacks the power to save Casper's friends, and their fate seems sealed. Suddenly, the chain ghost expels Philp, who appears possessed. Philp pounds on the force field but fails to break through. He then departs, and from the chain ghost's mouth emerges an arm, Wendy's arm, reaching out and calling for Casper's help. Filled with guilt, Casper admits that it is his fault they are in this predicament. He turns to the old man and engages in a struggle with him. Both put up a fight, but Casper's desperation leads him to exclaim that he must save his friends.

Meanwhile, Grace, Holly, and James make their way up the stairs, noticing the camera screen glitching. Mako's voice comes through their earpieces, urgently demanding their evacuation before the connection cuts off. Grace questions whether they heard Mako's message, to which Holly responds that the kids need help. Suddenly, Philp descends the stairs, his eyes entirely white. With incredible speed, he lunges at them. Philp leaps toward the camera, shattering it. James grabs hold of Philp while Grace tries to pull him away. Philp forcefully pushes Grace down the stairs, causing James to lose his grip and be thrown out of the window. Holly pushes Philp down the stairs, and James clings to the ledge. Holly grabs his wrist and gradually pulls him back up. Philp rises to his feet but is swiftly kicked in the face by Grace. He quickly recovers and launches himself at Grace, who valiantly defends herself. Suddenly, Philp's eyes flash with bright colors, and he releases his hold on Grace. Shuddering in pain, his chest begins to emit a glow. Philp screams as ghosts emerge from his glowing chest, and he faints, collapsing into Grace's arms. Grace then notices a light orb ascending the stairs. Mako, Holly, and James reunite with Grace. The light orb reaches the top floor, transforming into Jayden in his spiritual form. Serenely, Jayden walks toward the crowded hallway teeming with ghosts. As the ghosts turn and rush at him, Jayden calmly repels their attacks with his spiritual power, causing them to fade away. Grace and Mako reach the top floor, witnessing Jayden's struggle against the ghosts. Exhaustion starts to overtake Jayden as numerous ghosts cling to him. He urgently shouts that they need to hurry. Understanding the gravity of the situation, Grace spots Casper strangling the old man. She runs towards them, evading numerous ghosts, while Mako intervenes, blocking a ghost's attack. Grace observes that Casper has rendered the old man unconscious.

Casper kicks the shrine, shattering it and bringing down the force field. The chain ghost seizes the old man and Casper, but then spits out Wendy and Jasmine, who appear possessed. They attack Grace, who fiercely defends herself. Casper cries out that he has done what the ghosts wanted and demands his release. However, the chain ghost disregards him and ensnares the old man with chains. Casper challenges the ghost, questioning if killing the old man is truly their best course of action. He proposes a better plan, offering himself as a vessel for the ghost's control. Intrigued, the chain ghost releases Casper. Casper extends his arms, and the ghost enters his chest. Casper struggles as Jayden recovers slightly and blasts the surrounding ghosts with his spiritual power. Jayden flies into Casper's chest, diving deep into the realm to explore Casper's memories. Within the realm, Jayden witnesses Casper kneeling, succumbing to the chains that wrap around him. Another memory surfaces, revealing a younger Casper caught in the grasp of numerous chains, claiming to be skilled at deception. Jayden notices Casper breaking free from the chains and thrusting his arm into the chain ghost's chest, revealing that the ghost had fallen for his lies. Jayden spots loose chains around the souls near by and quickly seizes the opportunity, flying over and freeing Wendy, Jasmine, and Philp's souls from the chains. The chain ghost struggles as Casper keeps him restrained. The realm trembles, and blood seeps from Casper's eyes and mouth. Casper demands that Jayden leave. Overwhelmed, the chain ghost begins to overpower Casper. Jayden witnesses the souls in his hands glowing, and they soar around him, with Wendy, Jasmine, and Philp's voices expressing their desire to help. Jayden feels a surge of energy from the souls, experiencing a boost in his spiritual power. With great speed, Jayden flies forth. Casper observes as Jayden swiftly tackles the chain ghost. The realm stabilizes, and Jayden forces the chain ghost out of the realm. Jayden and the chain ghost emerge from Casper. Enraged, the chain ghost releases numerous chains that break the surroundings. Grace restrains both Wendy and Jasmine to shield them from the chains. Suddenly, numerous ghosts burst out of their bodies. Grace then witnesses light orbs entering Wendy and Jasmine's bodies. Wendy wakes up and embraces Grace.

Jayden releases a massive burst of light from his hand, illuminating the entire floor. The chain ghost screams in agony as a colossal portal opens behind it. The portal draws the ghost in, and Jayden struggles to maintain the light in his hand. He notices the old man and Casper being dragged away by chains and desperately calls out to Mako. Rushing in, Mako tries to free Casper from the chains but fails. Jayden attempts to close the portal with his spiritual powers, but the chain ghost employs its chains and arms to keep it open. Grace springs forward, her fist crackling with red energy. With a powerful punch, she sends the chain ghost hurtling into the portal, watching as it fades away in a crimson red hue. The portal subsequently closes, and the chains dissipate from the old man and Casper. The old man regains consciousness but tries to strike Casper, only to be restrained by Mako. Grace looks at Jayden and gives him a fist bump as he fades away in a radiant light.