
Afterlife Online: The Frozen Bow

Ever since the dawn of mankind humans have feared death. Because of this in the year 2105 the virtual reality program Afterlife online was created . When Mazen Young Dies at the ripe age of 16 , his concousness is thrust into the world of Afterlife online , a virtual reality game that gives players a chance to live again if they can conquer it's seven world bosses. Can Mazen, a boy with barely any battle experience beat the seven world bosses? He may be the only one who can, being that he posses the ability to Glitch or directly interface with the game's system. Join me and find out if he and a host of other characters (including his sister Aryis) make it back out of the game in the adventure that is Afterlife online!!!

Razzle_Dazzle08 · Games
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10 Chs


No matter what your friends may tell you , dying is not fine, nor is it okay so don't go tryin it!

"Well Aryis how would you know ? " you ask. "It's Not like you've done it before " you say.

Well ha!

Jokes on you suckers because guess what I just did , that's right!

I died ! The cool thing is I was able to drag my brother Mazen with me so at least I wouldn't be alone.

"Was it fun "

course not.

" Did it hurt "

like hell it did.

"If you could would you do it again"

Whatda ya think?

If you'd just gotten hit by a car going 90 miles per hour would you enjoy it?

I hope not because if you could enjoy that you must be one of those crazed people with a screw loose or something.

Anywho, I'm not scared of death because when I was alive I was told I didn't have to be afraid to die anymore because of the invention of the new virtual reality game Afterlife online.

I was always taught that if I could beat the seven world bosses (which had never ever been done before) then I could have a second chance at life.

The catch is(because there's always a catch) if you die in the game there's no chance of coming back for you.

Game over right.


Because I intend to come back.

My name is Aryis Young.

And I will defeat the seven lord bosses even if it kills me!!!

Which ironically it can't kill me because  apparently I'm dead.