
The Void

"Where am I? Why did you bring me here?" I asked as I glared at my captor despite the intense pain I was experiencing.

'It' had already solidified its appearance, no longer morphing into different people. 'It' now looked male. 'He' looked young, about 15 years of age. However, his expression wasn't something a 15 years old would have. It was maniacal and full of madness.

He looked at me with a twisted expression, "This is the Void. No worries, you will 'love' it here~"

I tsked in annoyance at the tone of his voice, glancing away from him.

I'm currently in a room heavily guarded by countless demons. After being shoved down the portal, I had found myself surrounded by demons. They had carried me and thrown me in this room with no windows in it.

Ever since I had arrived here, I've felt a tremendous pressure pressing down on me. Something about this place, wherever I might be, is giving me a bad feeling. The air here was full of negativity. I felt like staying here for long won't be good for me.

"Void..." I muttered to myself, finding the word somehow sounds familiar. "It doesn't seem like a place for me to like," I said as I glanced around at the demons surrounding me mockingly.

"Hah! Says you..." He said as he scowled at me. He was about to continue when a voice suddenly interrupted from behind him.


He flinched at the sound of the voice, turning around sharply. "Yes, Lord?"

The voice belonged to a 'person', or so they seem like. It possessed the characteristics of a devil, with two dark red horns, black flames for eyes, and bright red lines spread throughout its dark skin. However, it wasn't as tall as the one I had seen before, only reaching the height of 180cm. Its skin also doesn't have a stone-like texture like the devil. It looked much less menacing compared to the devil.

It glanced at me for a moment before looking straight at Hewin. No longer paying me any mind, It spoke to him, "Why hasn't she awoken yet?"

'Awoken?' I caught a word that confuses me.

Hewin shrugged his shoulders, "She's unexpectedly persistent, not at all like what 'she' had said before about this being easy."

'She? Who is 'she'? The one behind all this?' I perked my ears, trying to figure out my situation.

"We don't have much time. The Whites will arrive here soon. If we can't have her turned in the next few minutes, we will immediately abandon this operation," It said, glancing at me by the end.

Faced with its flaming black eyes, I felt myself feel weak. I couldn't move as my headache started to feel more unbearable. As if there's something inside wanting to break free.

The devil-like being turned away at my struggle, leaving behind some words to Hewin before leaving, "If it fails, kill her directly. I'll leave first."

"You sure? If I do that, we won't be able to take that thing," Hewin replied in haste when he saw the being leave.

"That thing isn't necessary at the moment. I can think of other ways to retrieve it later," Its voice drifted over as its figure fades away.

"As you command, my lord~," Hewin said carefreely as he turned to me. "You heard that, missy? If you continue to fight it, I'll have to kill you now. Then, that will be a true death for you. Your soul- poof! Complete obliteration."

"What do you mean by turning me? Is it this place? What is it about me and this 'thing' you needed?!" I asked as I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Hahaha... Missy, you don't need to know that," Hewin laughed at me without answering.

Just then, I suddenly felt something. It felt like various different voices were talking to me cumulatively. It wasn't coming from Hewin like before. No, it was different this time. It felt like the voices were coming from within me. From deep within my heart.

"Aren't you tired? Living like this every single day?" One of the voices spoke out.

'I'm fine.' I replied

"What's the point of living? Why are you even trying?" It continued asking me dauntingly.

'There is a reason to live... to try...' I replied once again, my mind starting to feel muddled.

"They never wanted you! Nobody does!"

'No... I'm needed...'

"Your existence never amounted to anything!"

'That's not true!' I replied frantically. However, a part of me was no longer sure. Then, the voices from my past spoke up one by one. Bringing up the scars I had desperately tried to forget.



"We regret having you."

I'm sorry...

"I wish you never existed!"

I'm sorry...

"So burdensome."

I'm sorry!

"Why don't you just disappear?"


"Ehh... That gloomy woman? Don't compare me to her!"


"Hah! Her? She's never my friend. She's just a convenient tool to have around. Don't you agree?"


"Who will ever like you? Hah."


"Why do you even try? Someone like you will never achieve anything."


"Miserable little wench. Nobody cared for you. You were born alone. And you will die alone. Such is your fate."


The more I listened, the more I felt depressed. All the memories of my past when I was alive came flowing back at me. Haunting me. All the unpleasant ones, the hurtful ones, and the most painful ones.

'No! Don't remind me of them! Stop!' I shouted to myself, unable to handle the damage it dealt. I held both of my hands to press on my ears, hoping for the voices to go away.

However, the voices refused to stop. It kept repeating those hurtful words. Tainting me. Tainting my heart. Slowly, I felt something from within me snap. Consuming me.

No! At this rate, I will lose myself! I came to that conclusion. However, no matter how much I resisted, I still felt myself being consumed by the negativity in the air.

As I struggled, mindlessly grasping at the ground in the intense pain, I saw from the corner of my eyes that Hewin was snickering at me, smiling with a wide grin.

'Curse you!' I silently cursed at him.

The voices kept getting louder and louder until all of my vision turned red. All that I could hear was the voices filling my head. The happenings of everything around me no longer registered with me.


Looking at Ange's pathetic form as she writhes in pain, Hewin laughed in contempt. "That's right. That's right. Just like that~ Let yourself be consumed by hatred. Allow the Void to taint your soul to black~ Just like it was supposed to~"

While he was enjoying the show, Ange's eyes gradually showed signs of turning red. She tossed and turned as she struggles in an attempt to resist.

Nonetheless, her efforts were in vain. She couldn't fight the dense negativity in the air that had affected her. As her struggle continues, the negativity that surrounds her started to swirl, forming dark mists that were slowly absorbed into Ange's body.

"Just a bit more~ A bit more~" Hewin stared excitedly, waiting for the moment Ange's soul was completely consumed by the Void, turning her into a demon.

Then, a loud explosion sounded suddenly. Hewin whipped his head to look in the direction of the explosion. Narrowing his eyes, he clicked his tongue in annoyance, "Again? Always coming in the worse time possible!"

He turned back to look at Ange as she writhe, seriously considering whether to kill her now and flee or to hold off the Whites that had intruded until she was completely turned.

Seemingly having made up his mind, Hewin laughed maniacally, "It's a pity to kill her now, though. I really want to pummel her myself but not like this. That's why, Lord, I'm gonna disobey you for a lil' bit~"

With that said, Hewin ran off, leaving Ange behind in the room, surrounded only by a few demons.

As he ran, Hewin's appearance morphed into a different creature. He grew in size, turning colossal as his skin turned to a deep red. His body was hardened like rocks as magma emerged, flowing down the crevices in his skin. Dark red horns grew by the side of his forehead, his eyes a blazing flame. He gave out a horrifying roar as the skin on his back was torn apart, dark red wings ripped itself out of his back as magma dripped on the ground, melting everything that touches it.

With flames and shadows surround his colossal body, Hewin raised both of his dark red, molten covered hands, forming two flaming swords made with magma.

"It's been awhile since I last used this form... Let's see if I can hold back the Whites long enough or if they can get to her in time," Hewin's voice was a low growl as he spoke.

He spread his wings as he once again roared into the sky. Commanding the countless demons surrounding him, he madly charged at the figures of the White Angels that had appeared in front of him.

I feel like all I've ever done for Ange is make her pass out, waiting to be saved. But that really couldn't be helped, y'know? She's still really too weak that she could hardly even defend herself. Her character will progress more after this though.

On a side note, I should mention that most of the point of view will be in Ange's perspective. But some of them will be in a third point of view as to better explain some things that Ange wouldn't know.

Munchkinscreators' thoughts
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