
After Z

5 years have passed since a biological weapon was released on the U.S. leaving the western half of the country as an apocalyptic disaster zone. Zombies known as Zeaks are the main enemy, however enemies can be found everywhere in this world. Follow Zulu team and other reclamation teams to take back LA as the largest metropolitan area that was infected. Unravel their history and discover their futures, if they still have one.

Monty_christo · Urban
Not enough ratings
12 Chs

7. First shot

Suddenly a shot rang out from the far end of the field. Duke was hit in the chest and fell to the ground. The three people in front ran forward to grab his equipment when the point man suddenly fell to the ground, blood spilling from his head. To Davis he never even heard the shot, but the work had to be Travis's. Then several more shots followed from the corner store from Brook and Cap. Davis was frozen he couldn't think straight, couldn't hear, he just started moving towards Cap and Brook.

Less than a minute passed before it was all over. Two of the survivors were dead. Davis was fixed at the sight of Duke's body just laying ther whe he saw his chest suddenly rise. Terrified that Duke would come back as a zeak he reached for his rifle until Cap punched him in the face.

"The fuck was that? You didn't fire a single shot!" Cap yelled as he hauled his leg back and kick Davis full force in the ribs. "Then you almost shoot one of our own because you didn't bother to check if he was actually dead!" He kicked him again. "You pull some shit like this again I'll shoot you myself. Am I understood!?"

Davis coughed blood as he tried to answer, as Cap picked him up by the collar and threw him on the ground next to Duke.

Duke turned his head to look at David with a smile and said, "Hurts like a bitch but it's better than being dead."

"Get your asses up we move out as soon as Frank gets back with their locaton." Cap said.

Brook came over to Davis. "Don't worry kid, you'll catch on quick. Cap might beat the hell out of you but he won't beat you to death. He only uses bullets to kill people. Headshots only so the don't come back as zeaks."