
After Z

5 years have passed since a biological weapon was released on the U.S. leaving the western half of the country as an apocalyptic disaster zone. Zombies known as Zeaks are the main enemy, however enemies can be found everywhere in this world. Follow Zulu team and other reclamation teams to take back LA as the largest metropolitan area that was infected. Unravel their history and discover their futures, if they still have one.

Monty_christo · Urban
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12 Chs

3. The Captian

Davis exited the equipment room with Brook as he didn't know where the truck was.

Shock was written over the young man's face as he approached. The vehicle was an old Army Bradley. These things were not used by anyone other than the clearing teams as fuel was a dwindling commodity these days. What actually stood out the most was the blood that covered most of the truck. Handprints were visible if smudged and streaked down the sides of it. Even the roof was covered in it. Most of it was so old it dried on like paint and other spots we obviously freash. The smell from it was probably the worst part. Didn't these guys care about their truck! Zulu team has got to be the worst team around!

After stopping in his horror and disgust at the truck. He noticed another man approaching. He was only 5'9" which was on the lower side of average. A solid build but not overly muscular like Duke. Lean almost as if he had no body fat to speak of. His bald head and lack of facial hair bore several scars, The biggest was a long gash from the top of his head all the way to left side of his chin missing his eye but shortening his eyebrow. The most noticeable feature was his eyes, Ice blue but hollow almost like there was no life left in them.

"Don't just stare load up" The man said.

Davis ran to the truck and jumped in the back. Duke and Brook were already in the back laughing at his expense.

"How was your meeting with the captain?" He asked with a sarcastic smirk on his face.

Shock overtook Davis again as he realized he didn't render a proper greeting to his new captain.