
After the End [Orig. N.]

Leona finds herself in a new universe, taking on the identity of Juli, the last descendant of the Salazar knight family. She uncovers the truth about her family's tragic fate and becomes the first female knight commander, leading a political war to victory by defeating her family's killer and a tyrant. However, Juli's story ends tragically. As Leona navigates this new world, she experiences a mix of excitement and fear. But one thing is certain: "my predictions are not predicting..." "It's just because you're dumb." "Oh, shut up, Juli!" She isn't like the protagonist everyone imagined...

1_Rose_4 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Meeting the Male Lead

"Leona..." I heard a familiar voice.

'That voice... There's no way I would recognize that...'


Someone suddenly hit me at the back of my head.


I immediately woke up, breathing heavily.

'Wow... that felt so real.'

"Did you had a nightmare?" Someone suddenly spoke.

I then saw someone standing by the window, slowly opening the curtains.

"Who are you? What are you doing in my chambers? I remember quite well that I've told anyone that I do not wish to have any servants coming in while I am still sleeping."

The man did not speak another word and slowly went closer to me.

"STOP! That's how far you can go. Other wise, I have no other choice but to put you into trial for harassment!" I yelled.

"Juli..." he mumbled with so much sadness.

I soon saw face and felt a small painful throb in my chest.

'My love...' Juli said.

'Love? Does that mean...?'


Upon calling his name, he pulls me towards his embrace. As a completely different person from Juli who got zero experience in love and men, I was taken a back and turned into a red tomato.

"I... I was so scared that you wouldn't also recognize me, my love. Why? Why did you do that? If you had troubles, you could've told me! Why... why do you have to do such a thing?"

He was raising his voice but not loud enough for it to be a yell. Rather than a scold which Hulio had expressed when I first met him, Tadeo's tone alone genuinely felt like a comfort and a relief.

'Now I understand why you choose him, Juli. But...'

'Not now, Leona.'


I was about to push Tadeo away and say something.

'What do you mean?' I mouthed to Juli.

'It's a heartfelt request. Please don't let go of him yet. He... needs it.'

Juli looked so sad whilst looking at Tadeo who is now currently crying. I pity them but what happened has already happened.

After crying for a few more minutes, Tadeo fell asleep at the bed and I went to the training grounds with Juli, asking everyone to not come in as I talk to her.

"This is hard," I mumbled as I swing the sword.

'What is?' Juli asked.

"I'm thinking about the possible scenarios that might happen. Juli... you still love Tadeo, right?"

A silence followed.

"Hmm... may I ask you something else?"

She didn't answer but immediately looks at me.

"I know this may sound rude and personal, but I feel like I need to know this."

'Just say it.'

"Why did you commit su*cide?" I immediately responded.

She chuckled, 'Aren't you supposed to know that already? You read my story.'

"But the novel doesn't have everything. There are parts that were left out, crucial or not, in order to keep the attention of its audience. Your family's death... it isn't the only reason, am I right?"

Juli expressed the same saddened face as earlier. I knew there's something I need to know.

"At first, I thought it was the only reason. But then I saw you looking at Tadeo... looking so dejected. Then I thought... you weren't completely deprived of love or other emotions like other tragic characters I know. Even though it wasn't that long, you lived a whole 16 years with a family that is full of happiness and love. It is still so much more than the next 9 years you went through to avenge them. Moreover, you were smart. I don't think you did that purely out of your love and devotion for your family-"

'Shut up!'

I got startled when she suddenly yelled at me. She began to cry which immediately caused a guilt inside me.

'I knew it was a bad idea to ask. But if I don't ask now, then when?'

But I quickly apologized, "I'm sorry if I offended you or touched a spot I shouldn't have. I just got curious. You don't have to answer if you don't want to. I apologize again if I hurt you in any way with my words."

'You... you really like to apologize to people, do you?'

"O-Oh... haha. It's probably because I got used to apologizing first when I feel like I did something wrong ever since I was a child. I'm the eldest, you see. I grew up into a perfectionist. I didn't know when it started but when I made my younger sibling cry or did a mistake, I automatically apologize before the other party says something-"

I then heard Juli laugh.

'You talk so much.'

"Oh, sorry-"

She then laughed again.

'Again? Also, I didn't mean it in a bad way. I like how honest and chatty you are. When I lost my family, no one talks to me so casually. Moreover, avoid apologizing so easily. If you continue to do that, other people would take it as your weakness and step on you. But then, apologizing is not a weakness but a strength. It takes so much for a person to do that, you know. So I applaud you.'

"Woah... my favorite heroine just complimented me."

I saw her turn red and so I gasped and cover my mouth out of shock.

'D-Don't laugh!' she said, thinking I will laugh at her.

"I won't laugh, but... can I hug you?! You're so cute!"

Her eyes widened and she covers her whole face which is now redder than before. I went for a hug but she didn't budge, so I enjoyed the opportunity.

'S-Stop... you're embarrassing me.'

"Why? It's normal to be cute!"