
After the End [Orig. N.]

Leona finds herself in a new universe, taking on the identity of Juli, the last descendant of the Salazar knight family. She uncovers the truth about her family's tragic fate and becomes the first female knight commander, leading a political war to victory by defeating her family's killer and a tyrant. However, Juli's story ends tragically. As Leona navigates this new world, she experiences a mix of excitement and fear. But one thing is certain: "my predictions are not predicting..." "It's just because you're dumb." "Oh, shut up, Juli!" She isn't like the protagonist everyone imagined...

1_Rose_4 · Fantasy
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4 Chs

After the End

The main protagonist of a tragic historical novel "Juli", Maria Julietta Salazar y Camara or "Juli", is the only daughter and precious youngest of a knight family of Salazar. The Salazars, a family of knights, were reputedly wise and unselfish, which contributed to the economic success and splendor of their region. Their relationships with each other were also deemed strange by aristocratic families because they avoided the famed loveless marriages and were able to share their true feelings and beliefs without an inch of thought. Some nobles despised them, while others admired them for it.

In one unfortunate night of her coming-of-age ceremony, her mother and brothers were murdered by her "father," who was fatally wounded by the royal knights that acted upon the prince's order of saving her. With this, her lovely, wonderful family vanished in an instant, leaving the main protagonist alone in an awful state.

After discovering the true perpetrator of her family's death, she was consumed by a sense of vengeance. She then became a knight commander and used her amazing intellect and physical might to win the political war by murdering her family's killer and their king. But even with staunch supporters on her side when the battle ended...

"... she perished by jumping off the window."

Sitting on the edge of a window, I, Leona, who is now at the body of Juli, sketches the last scene of the novel I once read.

"Your grace! Why are you sitting there?! Have you lost your mind?! You might fall!"

Lyra, Juli's– or rather, my now handmaid, rushes to pull me away from the window.

"Come on, Lyra. I could–"

Seeing Lyra's tears caught me off guard. I then proceed in hugging her and caressing her hair, trying to console her.

"I'm sorry. Stop crying, will you?"

Seeing Lyra reminds me of a younger sibling whom also cries easily. But in Lyra's case, it was a result of being traumatized after witnessing Juli's death.

When I woke up in this world, I was dumbfounded, shocked, and was so lost.


A unknown man and woman, both dressed in a familiar Victorian clothing, suddenly hugs me tight and found myself in an old yet extravagant castle.

"W-Who are you guys?" I asked, nervously.

The two were surprised and spoke in a completely different language which confuses me even more.

At first, I couldn't believe it and thought it's just a dream like what I think is how a normal person would react. But as the days of waking up in this same old historical-like world increases, my hope began to disappear yet I dare not to say anything, thinking that it might lead to something bad such as my actual death.

I honestly still have a bit of hope that I would someday come back in my world and took a great time to adjust in this new environment. Upon learning their language in a year, I easily learned other things like etiquette, arithmetic, moral and ethical values, etc.

But only a year and a half later is when I discovered that I was in the world and body of "Juli" and the two people whom I met for the first time were Sofia and Poncio, Juli's adoptive siblings.

After her family got wiped out, Juli was took in by her father's distant cousin that became the temporary head of the family when she was underaged. Despite not being her actual parents and siblings, they truly treasured her but Juli never acknowledged it and grew cold and distant with everyone.

Judging from the things I learned and experienced so far, this world still somewhat differs to the original novel I read—making it more believable that this is a real world with real people, not a novel with fictional characters.

Of course, since they believed I lost my memories, I was pardoned and temporarily removed from my post as a commander. I also do not understand why Hulio, this kingdom's new king, my lord, and previously mentioned prince, rejected the idea of replacing and looking for a new commander.

Honestly, I don't like seeing blood—let alone going to wars and fighting off enemies.

I'm sure the real Juli also agrees with me but was forced to be someone she didn't like in order to claim justice and bring back honor to her family.

"[To Juli] But really... it's sad to think that you never got to know that many people were on your side." I mumbled after I drank my coffee.

I was so lost in thought when someone suddenly knocked on the door and comes in Lyra.

"Your grace, his highness, the king, requests your presence at the palace."

"I see. Prepare the carriage."

I got ready and immediately went to his palace. I was excited as it was my first time as Hulio used to visit me personally rather than calling me like this.

As expected, the palace was much more expensive-looking and it was heavily guarded by armed knights who greeted me with such exciting looks on their faces.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Commander!"

I was about to accept their greetings when all of a sudden, words came out automatically in my head as if a different voice had spoke.

'They can't even maintain their composure? How saddening.'

It seemed like... Juli just spoke in my head.