
Chapter 89 is it strange that I am here?

Next, with the help of Davion Richard, Marina Newman disappeared smoothly, but she was not idle, and at the behest of Davion Richard, she was weaving a bigger conspiracy.

"Dad, you have a good appetite today. I'll go to Broad Street to buy you your favorite green tea at noon. It's good for your health."

"No, it's too far. I don't trust you to go alone."

Under Piper Richard's careful care, Edgar Richard's body is recovering better and better. Recently, his complexion has improved and his appetite has increased greatly.

Piper Richard is very happy, thinking that it is too boring to eat dinner all day, and it is also good to add some favorite snacks appropriately.

It's just that Broad Street is so far away that it takes an hour to drive, and Edgar Richard is a little worried.

Dad, how old am I? Why do you still treat me like a child? Listen to me. It's a deal. I'm leaving now. I'll be back just in time for dinner.