
Chapter 1: Young dreams.

Walking down the quiet street with my head set in my ear playing my favorite songs. What could be greater than this. Grandmother has strictly told me to buy her drugs from that pharmacy at the other side of the road, and if I don't. I might get punished seriously. It's not like she's gonna beat me up or smack me by the butt. She's going to have me sit on my legs and lecture me all through the day. That's the most painful punishment that will make both the legs and ears bleed. I swing the door to the pharmacy open and I take off my head set. "Hello Alice." Mrs Williams loud but cheerful voice rings into my ear. "Good morning Mrs Williams." I say with a sweet smile as I approach the counter and place the paper which has the list of drugs granny wants. "Urghh... Come on Alice. Just call me Lucy. I've told you countless times." Mrs Williams complains and I squeeze the space between my brow. Yes this isn't her first time telling me not to call her that but I just ain't used to it. "Forgive me... Lucy. I'll be extra careful in the future." I say and she laughs and take the paper in front of her and start to work on getting the drugs in the paper.

It didn't take her a long time till she found the drugs since she's already familiar with it. "Here you go dear." She hands a Paper bag full of drugs to me and I pay her then set out to leave. The moment I step.out her shop, I realise that the street where actually not quiet. My head set in my ear didn't let me know the noise that's made by the cars and the loud foot steps made by people walking fiercely. I start to walk forward but my shoulder collides with something firm and hard. I didn't get the time to react or demand for a sorry from who ever hit my shoulder hard. As I try to regain my balance my eyes search around for who it could have been. Then I see a man running towards the other side of the side walk. He seems to be the culprit but I have no time to play detective now. I gather my energy once again and start to walk back to my place. On reaching my neighbourhood my phone rings. I pick it up as soon as I see the name Kate.

"Hey!" Kate says to me excitingly over the phone.

"Hi!" I reply with the same amount of happiness as her.

"Where are you now?" Kate asks

"I'm walking down towards my place. Why do you ask?" I ask curiously then I hear her sigh in relief over the phone.

"if you are walking then your granny isn't with you. That's a relief." Kate says and couldn't help but laugh at my friend's words.

"Why do you say that?" I say in between my laugh.

"Forget about why I said that Alice, now tell me have you heard about the reunion in two months time?" Kate ask and slowly my laugh goes low. "School reunion? No I didn't hear about it." I say

"Now that you know. You've got to come girl. Everyone will be there this time, you have to come." Kate persuades me through the phone.

"Uhmm... I'll see about that. You know the kind of job I do... I can't always take a day or week off anytime I like." I say and I'm sure she just roll her eyes. Kate is just that way, she rolls her eyes when she isn't getting the type of reply she wants.

"I don't care. Miss detective, you listen to me. You better come to that reunion or it's over between us. Bye!" Then beep! beep! beep! She hangs up making me sigh. Since we finished high school, I've never once attend our reunion so I should probably attend this one. I've always dream about being able to meet up with all my high school friends but there's always something in my way. My grandmother and my job as a young, active detective won't allow me to do this. If I tell my grandmother about this, she'll say. 'I wish I was still young so I can have young dreams that will never come true.' Which means I ain't going any where. I walk sluggishly back to my place and ascend the three stair case at the front porch. I knock gently at the door. "Granny I'm home!"