
After Such Words! (Teasing Master Takagi-san)

On a short pause! After the end of season 3. Nishikata and Takagi return after a eventful day. Now it's their last summer before high school. What will happen between the two of them as their times ticks down? Both are hiding a secret from one another, yet refuse to tell each other what their secret is. Will they finally realize each other's feeling for each other? Updates every 2 weeks on Tuesday or Saturday! First Published: July 14, 2022 Warning! Perhaps minor themes of suicide and sex( I promise not too much!)

Daoistiub8Z6 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Simmering Tensions

"Hey Nishikita, let's play a game!" Sanea warmed up to Nishikita

"A game?" Nishikita looked at her puzzled, he hasn't heard that from anyone but Takagi-san until now.

"Yeah! I have a pair of dice and we have to roll both of them and whoever gets the higher roll wins! Sanea's eye shined with excitement

"Hmm ok sure!(I can't be sure if she has something up her sleeve like Takagi-san always does but I'll take up her challenge!)"

"K want the honors?" She handed him the dice

Nishikita looked at the clock in the classroom, before breathing in deeply, and rolling the dice

"Cmon! Cmon!" Nishikita watched the dice come to a stop

"A 5 and a 6! Eleven!" He yelled out in victory, he was happy and rejoicing that his odds of winning were high. Nishikita never won these kinds of games often so it would make him extremely happy if he won.

"Won that is a hard number to beat, my turn!" Sanea grabbed the two dice, rolling them with high hopes

Nishikita closed his eyes in anticipation, praying for her to roll low

He opened his eyes

"2 and 4! I win! I win! I win!" He shot his hand up in victory, shouting out his victory

The entire class looked at his excited state and giggled

Nishikita turned to see Sanea laughing her hair off

"Oh my god Nishikita you got so excited! That wasn't normal at all!" She laughed and tried to shoot him a friendly look

"Why do you keep on saying things aren't normal? Is it just your tongue?" He asked in curiosity

"Well because when I moved here, I expected things to be calm and normal, not out of the ordinary but...this..." She looked away at the window

"This is different than what I expected" She whispered to Nishikita

"Oh really?" Nishikita whispered back

"My mother moved us to his small rural island because she wanted a normal and relaxing life. Where I used to live, things were crazy" She smiled at Nishikita, he blushed in response in embarrassment from the sudden tease.

Sanea has had a tough life, she was a trouble maker in elementary and was even expelled once. Though Middle School, she changed herself, becoming the typical blonde cute girl that was popular. She had a taste of normal her friends said. Sanea realized that this is what she wanted, so she committed to being the way she was. Always trying to fit in, always trying be what other people wanted. It suited her, and she was happy this way.

"What is that look on your face Nishikita? You look distressed?" Takagi suddenly joined the conversation

"OH nothing Takagi-san!" He put his arms like he was arrested from the police

"Woah Takagi-san where did you come from?" Sanea directed her gaze at her new enemy

Takagi only giggled in response before turning to Nishikita

"Hey wanna walk home today? Class is almost over" She explained, hopefulness glimmered in her eyes

"OH Sorry Nishikita can't today! Me and him are going out today!" Sanea cut in between the two of them

"Wait what Sanea-san!? What are you saying?" Nishikita panicked from the sudden plan

"Me and you are going...shopping! Remember?" Sanea smiled brightly as possible

"Wha!? No we didn't say anything like that! I swear Takagi-san!" Nishikita looked at Takagi, only to see her nod with a reluctant look on her face

"Well I guess I'll go, see you later Nishikita" Takagi walked away without saying another word

Nishikita watched as she slowly got farther, and farther away

"Why did you say we were hanging out? I don't remember agreeing to anything like that" Nishikita was confused

"Well do you want to go hang out? I have free time" Sanea dodged

Nishikita widened his eyes before looking away, he quickly went though his options

"(If I say yes, I will have to hang out with Sanea-san for the rest of the day. If I don't Sanea will get mad at me and me blowing off Takagi-san would be in vain)" Nishikita went though the options over and over again until he made his choice

"No I apologize, but I rather not" Nishikita declined her offer and left the classroom, leaving a perplexed Sanea

"What is up with him? He's really not normal" She sighed

Nishikita left the school, spotting Takagi down the road from him. Quickly catching his breath, he made a wild dash to her

"Hey wait Takagi-san! Wait for me!" He arrived behind her

Takagi turned around, her mouth opened a little in shock as Nishikita stopped to regain his breath

"I thought you were going with Sanea-san?" Takagi questioned

"I decided not to go" Nishikita shyly put his arm around his shoulder

Takagi nodded before continuing to walk down the street. Nishikita decided to follow her back home

The two didn't exchange a single word at all on the way back. The silence continued until Nishikita closed his room's door and sat down. He looked outside the window as he contemplated what to do next.

"(Should I do my homework or....read the spin off from 100% Unrequited Love? I can't decide" Nishikita looked at the keychain Takagi gave him for his birthday.

"I feel like something up with Takagi-san, I can't tell what though? She didn't tease me once today, well unless her snapping me up from me thinking counted as one. Dang I am going to really get less fit from her deciding not to tease me. What should I do to get the bottom of this?)" Nishikita blinked, trying for a idea to form in his head

His phone buzzed, he looked at it, but suddenly closed it as quickly as he had opened it.

"It's just kimura, I really need different friends" Nishikita smiled as he knew that he would't want friends any different. They were perfect the way they were. He looked at the stack of homework he had on the table. Getting a soda from the fridge, he started his homework.

He worked for hours, until it was nearly midnight. He groggily looked at the window.

"Wow it's really dark, I should go to sleep." Nishikita grabbed the sheets of his bed and drapped it over him but was stopped from a buzz from his phone. Pausing, he grabbed his phone


Hey I have a question. Is it wrong to hold hands with a girl for the first time without asking for her permission first?


Please answer I need your help Nishikita!

Nishikita looked at his phone and blushed a little before thinking


Please answer I need your help Nishikita!


Well I would ask for your permission first. You don't want to make it awkward

Nishikita embarrassedly typed back.

"he can't know that I asked for Takagi's hand at the fireworks festival! He would make fun of me so much AHH!" Nishikita closed his phone, breathing in and out before sleeping. His phone buzzed again

Nishikita looked at it


Thank you bro!"^,"

Authors note: What Hamaguichi typed at the end is short for a thumbs up!

Nishikita looked at it and smiled in relief

"Looks like he's not going to figure it out right now. Ah I can relax"

Nishikita closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. Softly snoring from fatigue from the study session