
After Such Words! (Teasing Master Takagi-san)

On a short pause! After the end of season 3. Nishikata and Takagi return after a eventful day. Now it's their last summer before high school. What will happen between the two of them as their times ticks down? Both are hiding a secret from one another, yet refuse to tell each other what their secret is. Will they finally realize each other's feeling for each other? Updates every 2 weeks on Tuesday or Saturday! First Published: July 14, 2022 Warning! Perhaps minor themes of suicide and sex( I promise not too much!)

Daoistiub8Z6 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Back to where it began

"What do you think we should for our last day of summer break?" Kimura wondered, flanking him were Takao and Nishikita

"I don't know" Nishikita looked away in thought

"How bout the candy shop?" Kimura offered

"Sure" Nishikita quickly nodded as the three walked to the candy shop

Nishikita was deciding on which flavor of his favorite candy to get, unable to choose, he decided to ask his friend for advice

"What do you think Takao?" Nishikita asked

To his friends horror, Takao was completely out of the loop

"Are you alright Takao?" Nishikita concerned

"I wish she didn't dump me... I wish I was lucky like you..." Takao collapsed onto the table in the candy shop

"Great... I forgot" Kimura and Nishikita mumbled

"Let's go to the candy shop!" Nishikita heard a girlish voice outside the door, he looked at the door to see three figures enter the candy shop

"Well, this is awkward" Nishikita thought as the three girls turned out to be Takagi, Sumire, and Houjou

"Oh hey guys" Houjou greeted

"Hey" Nishikita replied as he turned around to see Takagi approach him

"So what are you doing here Nishikita?" She asked

"to get candy, why else? Nishikita grumbled as he quickly started stuffing candy into his pocket

"Okay~" She smiled as she followed him around the candy shop

Nishikita soon realized what she was doing and was about to turn around when Houjou san interrupted him

"Hey Nishikita-kun can you help me something?" Houjou started, she looked at Takagi, "you can come with us if you want"

"Oh sure" Nishikita said as he followed Houjou out of the candy shop, with Takagi following him

"So first of all, where is Hamaguichi?" Houjou started

Nishikita looked up at the sky before replying "I think he's at soccer practice, why?"

"Ok good!" Houjou grabbed Nishikita by his sleeve as she twirled him around

"Look! I want me and you to hang out a little bit, then I can make Hamaguichi jealous when I tell him about it! Houjou excitedly explained

Nishikita paused for a second, "(Hm I mean doing this would probably bolster her and Hamaguichi's relation but, for some reason I feel really guity)" Nishikita gulped as he replied

"Sure let's go get ice cream" Nishikita offered

"Yes thank you!" Houjou graciously thanked

Takagi-san watched as the two friends started walking to the ice cream stand. She bit her lips as she followed them

"What flavor would you like?" Nishikita smiled at Houjou

"Ahh... how bout the chocolate fudge?" She asked

"Sure! I'll get the Mint chocolate then" Nishikita then went to get the ice cream

"do you like chocolate Nishikita?" Houjou questioned

"Yeah I really like chocolate! How bout you?" He asked

"I like chocolate as well! I guess we have something in common!" Houjou smiled in joy

Takagi bit her lip again

"Here" Nishikita handed Houjou her chocolate fudge ice cream

Houjou grinned in happiness as she licked her ice cream cone

"You seem happy, what's up?" Nishikita questioned

"Well it's a lot of things. I really like ice cream and I am excited to see Hamaguichi's reaction" Hojou responded

"I thought you were more mature than that" Nishikita took a bite of his ice cream

"Ah sometimes I want to be spoiled a little bit" Houjou smiled at Nishikita

"Wow, I never would expect that from you" Nishikita spoke

"Never read a book from the cover" Houjou's eye glinted

"(Well I read books from the cover, literally)". Nishikita finished his ice cream and got up from the bench

"Oh Nishikita! Can we talk in private for a second?" Houjou got off her bench and ran up to him

"Sure" Nishikita and Houjou walked into a clearing of trees

"Hmm I wonder what they are doing behind there?" Takagi wondered impatiently

Houjou lead Nishikita deeper into the clearing, then she cleared her throat

"So, let's talk" She started

Meanwhile, in the candy shop

Arthur note: Remeber, Sanea, and Sanae are different people. Sanae is the black haired girl that is friends with Mina and Yukari. Sanea is the blonde girl that Takao has a crush on

"Why did you think Houjou-san invitied Nishikita out?" Yukari gossiped to Mina and Sanae

"Ehh, To probably talk about something, why else?" Sanae replied nonchalantly, looking at a bag of candy

"But, you don't think there doing...something a little naughty right?" Yukari continued

"Something naughty!? Really!?" Mina excitedly perked up

"Yeah... what if Nishikita is cheating on Takagi with Houjou!" Yukari triumphantly declared

"Nishikita isn't dating Takagi though" Sanea responded

"Well, they practically dating so same thing!" Yukari stuck with her word

"Hey look they're coming in!" Mina pointed to the two walking into the candy shop

Nishikita and Houjou walked into the candy shop, with Takagi behind them

"Hey where's my candy?" Nishikita questioned as he scanned though the shed

"Oh was it the red one?" Mina questioned?

"Yeah it was" Nishikita looked at Mina which had a red candy packet in her hands

"Oops I may had bought it again and ate it...haha. . . . ." Mina looked away in embarrassment

"Oh great....that was the last one" Nishikita grumbled as he looked for a new candy to take back home

Takagi suddenly cut in front oh him, before he could take another packet of candy

"So what were you and Houjou talking about?" She asked, smiling brightly

"Ah... it's a secret" He looked away at Houjou which shot him a encouraging look

"Ah you sure?" Takagi continued

"Yeah, just a plan to get Hamaguich...you know" Nishikita blushed due to her promixity she was to him

Takagi looked at him, earning to say something but Nishikita was already gone

As Nishikita left the candy shop, Houjou intercepted him

"So, you didn't tell Takagi-san about it right?" She asked

"Yeah, I didn't" Nishikita put his hand on his shoulder

"Good! Now I can't wait for Hamaguici's reaction to when he hears about this!" Houjou excitedly ran off

"Houjou! Why are you running around like a child?" Sumire shouted as she exited the bathroom

"Shut up Sumire!"

On the walk back home

"I hope nothing bad comes out of this" Nishikita said out loud to Takagi

"I think Hamaguichi will realize" Takagi quietly mumbled

"I hoped I made him jealous" Nishikita looked at Takao and Kimura who were ahead of them by around 10 feet

"He weren't the only who is going to get jealous" Takagi mumbled

"What!? What did you say Takagi-san?" Nishikita turned around to look at her

"Nothing I guess" Takagi answered back

"Hh ok" Nishikita sped up, meeting Takao and Kimura as the three friends met up

Takagi flicked herself in the forehead as Nishikita and his friends vanished with his friends behind a wall "Why am I like this?"

The first day of second term

"Yo Kimura! How its going?" Hamaguichi chatted with Kimura

"Fine I guess, I had a really good burger from that place down from your street" Kimura happily replied

As the two friends chatted, Nishikita walked to the two

"You know... I had a lot of fun over the break, especially hanging out with...Houjou-san" Nishikita casually said

Hamaguchi shot up from his seat "Huh!? With Houjou-san!? Where? What? When?"

"Hahaha Hamaguichi, you fine there?" Kimura snickered

"I am fine you dumb idiot!" He shot back at Kimura

As the two bickered, Tanade-sensei entered the class. Quickly quieting the class, he annouced

"So, we have a new student joining us today, care to introduce yourself Sanea-san?"

Nishikita gasped loudly in horror of what had just been educated to him