
Chapter 3- The unexpected

Tears flowed down her eyes as she pleaded for help it was not the first time she was getting treated like this but she herself doesn't know why she was crying. With a scared look on her face she said-

"plz help me"

It suddenly started raining her clothes got all wet as tears flowed down her eyes.

"you want me to help you right? Ok but then u have to do as I saw"

"I'll do whatever u say but for now please help me"

She said while sobbing . he picked her up and said

"u better not go back on your words now move aside I got to take care of them"

He punched one of the men and kicked the other it didn't took to long to defeat them. Shocked chae won stood there with eyes wide open confused. He smiled and said-

" never seen such a handsome man fighting with the thugs"

"what do you mean by thugs they were just normal people who got drunk u didn't have to beat them like that"

"normal people? U think they are normal people? Well u were just about to get raped by those ' drunk normal people' and they way u were crying earlier begging me to save you was hilarious" he smirked and said.

"looks like u really don't remember me do you" he said with a smile. It took her a moment to realize who he was.

"aren't you that guy from middle school who was caught smoking at the back of the school and yes u are also in my class this year" she said .

" yes, thanks to you" he said with a sarcastic look on his face.

" I know you u are the son of a famous mafia I have heard about you in middle school. And anyway what are you doing in this neighborhood aren't u rich people have like big mansion or whatever u live in?"

" yes we do have it also has a private pool and a theater"

" well good for you its none of my business I'll go bye"

" what u are just going to leave like that not even saying thank you to your saviour? U should at least invite me to ur house for a cup for tea because of you I'm all wet"

" ahh right u did save me and got all wet because of it. Ok then follow me hope u don't mind our poor people houses"

"ok" he smirked and said. They arrive at her front door. With a shocked face dae hyun said " so this is where u live? In such a small house"

" yeah it's only me and my aunt it fits us perfectly"

" oh right your parents died when u were five in a car crash"

" wait a minute how do you know my parents died in a car crash? I know that everyone in the school knows but I never told anyone that they died in a car crash"

He panicked and said-

"leave that I'm getting cold lets go inside"

" ah right lets go inside"

They entered the house where her aunt was folding the clothes. She heard the door and said-

" chae won did u come bac"

She froze still as she saw dae hyun and said-

"hey chae won is this your boyfriend wow I never knew u had a boyfriend I guess u really are growing but what is he doing here all wet at this hour?"

He looked at chae won and said-

" well you see chae won got attc—"

"shhh…don't say anyhing about earlier" she whispered to dae hyun.

" no aunt, he is just a friend from school he came to ask me something about schoolwork it's really nothing" she looked at him with eyes wide open and he said " yess-s"

"oh ok I thought he was your boyfriend he is so handsome" she said while laughing. Dae hyun smiled at chae won after hearing that.

"omg I almost forgot your all wet chae won go and prepare a hot bath for him"


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

humerapagarkarcreators' thoughts