
After reborn, I became the Butler of the Count’s tsundere daughter

The woman who called herself a goddess summoned me to her after I died and sent me to a medieval-like world to be reincarnated, saying that she didn't want me to be reborn on Earth, which was supposedly her world. Everything was normal so far, but why is the name of the system that the goddess was supposed to give me as part of the deal we made* after I was reborn, the butler system? Anyway, I'll forgive the goddess for choosing such a beautiful mother for me. Ehehehehe, luckyy... It's time to breastfeed. ------- one year later Huh, it was bound to happen. If you ignore something as important as cleaning a wound before dressing it, of course it will fester. What can a simple village apothecary do with a huge wound so close to the heart? It's too late... What the fuck is the green light coming from the old woman's hand ! ? ------- four years later "I want you to be my personal butler, Yuto." Isn't that supposed to be a choice, you little bitch? How can you say it's a free choice when there's a man behind me waiting to kill me the moment I refuse? Should I use my teleport ability to get out of here? [ Your five-year term has expired, please become a real butler as soon as possible if you wish to continue using the system ] There's a lot of pressure on me... What the hell, I'm just gonna be a little butler, what's the most I can be? -------- ten years later " Royal academy kah? The common meeting place of the most powerful wizards and the most powerful swordsmen... I understand, but why do I have to go to this academy with you, Shizune-sama? "My father says you have the potential to be a good swordsman, but if I leave you here for five years you'll surely get lazy and never get stronger, so I'll take you with me and let a peasant like you see the real world. Ha..Ha..Ha..." Tch , fcking tsundere... fifteen years old and still afraid to go to the academy. Huh Anyway, Let's see if there's any magic in this magic academy that would interest a magic emperor like me. ------- main tag- comedy-isekai warning - even if the tags say harem, the harem is something that will be revealed later in the story. ( not the brainless harem ) 3000 collection - one bonus chapter 100 golden tickets - two bonus chapter 110 power stone - one bonus chapter Total gift worth 50 coins - one bonus chapter ( 10/50 ) --> (10/100)-->(10/250)-->(10/500)-->(10/1000)-->(10/2000)-->(10/3000)... ------ Arc I- reincarnation / 1~12 Arc II- Being a Butler / 13~35 Arc III- Blessing / 36~41 Arc IV- a noble... / 42~54 Arc V- An ordinary? day for the Ironblood family / 55~71 Arc VI- Puclic auction and banquet night / 72~...

OLD_storage · Fantasy
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113 Chs

magic circles

------516th year of the defeat of the evil king (Yuto is about to turn four)

"Ah... Honey... Not there... Please be more gentlemanly... Ahh .... Ahhh .... Ahhhhhhhhhh"

Lying on my own bed in a newly built extra room, I turned around a few times, trying to cover my ears with a pillow, but it was absolutely impossible to sleep under these conditions.

Every time I tried to ignore the voices of my parents and go to sleep, a question would pop into my mind. What if I was reborn not in an ordinary isekai, but in the world of an ntr manga I had never read?

---------- a few hours later

The child tossed and turned in his bed and as the night progressed, he began to suffer from real insomnia problems that were not caused by his own imagination, and the increasing stress eventually crossed the child's boundary line

Deciding that he could no longer endure this Chinese torture, the boy stopped punching his own head and entered the spatial storage area


"Do you feel lonely, Yuto? Do you want a friend, Yuto? Wouldn't it be nice to have a brother, Yuto? Damn it, your right! How can't I notice this. I was dying to have a brother too. Tchh!!! "

I don't know what inspired my parents to have another child, but lately I can't sleep in the extra room my father built to keep me out of their room.

Do they really think that these walls are soundproof or something? Or do they think that they are using some kind of method to educate their children about sexual matters?

Who would be psychotic enough to get upset about their parents having sex. sniff... And what's so bad about having a brother first? Sniff... Ahhhhhhhhhh!

**Bam** (sound effect of Yuto banging his head on the dirt floor)

Snap out of it, Yuto. Remember who you are and what kind of life you want to live! I want to have great boobs... Nooooo! its wrong!!!!


I want to be a great wizard!

That's right. Remember who you want to be, Yuto!


What was the last time I practiced magic? Ahhh, yes, I remember. I was practicing my mastery of magical circles, also known as the key that unlocks the doors to the world of high-level magic.

When I turned my head and looked around, the colorful flowers I saw quickly calmed my soul and I called for the towel that was lying in front of my hut a few meters away from me and wiped my bleeding forehead.

When I first acquired this area, all that was here was a few meters of dry earthen floor. In the early days, I practiced my magic attacks on the dirt floor, and after a while it started to look like a meteor shower had hit the area.

After learning a few functional spells from the spell book I got from my master, I first leveled the soil in my area, then covered the ground with grass and colorful flowers.

The feeling of the soft flowers rubbing against my feet made me feel very holy and massaged my soul.

Looking at the hut in the center of my storage area, I remembered the time I built this hut: First I drew a magic circle on the ground to imitate the picture in the spell book and then I poured my mana into this magic circle. A few pieces of wood rose up from the ground with a magnificent appearance and then the wood took shape and became a hut. And of course, this magnificent spell had cost me all the mana in my body. Fortunately, such a fantastic disease as mana depletion does not exist in this world, and after a day my mana was restored.

When I wanted to walk with calm steps, enjoying the fresh air, I felt that the air I was inhaling was not as refreshing as I had imagined. Probably because the amount of oxygen in my storage space was low, I raised my hand and used a powerful wind spell.

One of the features of the wind spell I'm using right now is that it converts the oxygen needed for the spell content directly from mana. If I went outside and opened my storage space, I could easily fill it with oxygen, but I'm too lazy and too cool to do that, so why should I store oxygen from outside like a loser?

Joking aside, using magic every chance I got was an assignment I gave myself. This way I could quickly get used to the feeling of using mana

After a few casts of medium wind spells, I felt that the amount of oxygen had reached the desired level and I started walking again, taking in the view of the illusionary sun in the sky and the flowers on the ground

Since the sun was still about 3 hours away from rising, I could imagine my parents enjoying themselves for 3 more hours without checking my room. But they would probably prefer to go to bed early today, maybe they had already fallen asleep while I was talking to myself...

Tomorrow was the 517th anniversary of the destruction of the demon king. I learned from my parents that every year people organize a big celebration in the city or village center to celebrate the death of the previous generation of demon kings. And for some reason they told me that I had to go to the town square early tomorrow for this celebration.

Even though I was depressed that I was going to be grouped with other children and play competition-style games in a silly event, I put my thoughts on my magic training and put other thoughts out of my head.

Low and intermediate level spells required incantations and drawn magic circles, while high level spells required the ability to create magic circles out of thin air and knowledge of magic circles. Memorizing the shape of the magic circle and using it as I did before doesn't work at this level. If I want to use higher level magic circles, I need to understand the language of magic circles.

Before entering my hut, I raised my left arm slightly and stretched it out towards the endless sea of flowers. As soon as I stretched out my arm, a magic circle appeared in the palm of my hand with a flame symbol in the center.

Immediately afterwards, another magic circle appeared in the air and blocked the first magic circle, and then another magic circle appeared and blocked the other two magic circles

As soon as I checked the mana outlet in my body, a small fireball came out from the center of the first circle, and as I passed through the second circle, the color of the fireball changed from red to blue, and as I passed through the third circle, the size of the fireball increased tens of times.

As I looked at the ball of flame flying forward, I started to wonder if it could even be called a ball of flame. What I was using was the lowest level ball of flame spell, but I used two extra magic circles to increase the power and size of the ball of flame. This was the bread and butter of my long practice with magic circles.

Since the first magic circle had replaced the words of the fireball spell, I could now use magic without having to open my mouth, although I could have used the same spell in the same way without the need for magic circles.

All this time, my master had been she still didn't know that I could use magic because I never told her.

The fact that a child who had never been to church and received a blessing could use magic might have been a bad sign or they might have started saying that I was not a human being. I didn't need to talk to her about it because my master gave me the books without questioning me too much.

While I was lost in my thoughts, the fireball I threw turned into a mushroom cloud that met the earth and created a crater tens of meters in size. The wind from the explosion hit me in the face and the last shreds of insomnia disappeared.

I entered my wooden shelter and took out the last red hardcover book I read from the bookshelf of dozens of spell books and continued my education from where I left off.