
After reborn, I became the Butler of the Count’s tsundere daughter

The woman who called herself a goddess summoned me to her after I died and sent me to a medieval-like world to be reincarnated, saying that she didn't want me to be reborn on Earth, which was supposedly her world. Everything was normal so far, but why is the name of the system that the goddess was supposed to give me as part of the deal we made* after I was reborn, the butler system? Anyway, I'll forgive the goddess for choosing such a beautiful mother for me. Ehehehehe, luckyy... It's time to breastfeed. ------- one year later Huh, it was bound to happen. If you ignore something as important as cleaning a wound before dressing it, of course it will fester. What can a simple village apothecary do with a huge wound so close to the heart? It's too late... What the fuck is the green light coming from the old woman's hand ! ? ------- four years later "I want you to be my personal butler, Yuto." Isn't that supposed to be a choice, you little bitch? How can you say it's a free choice when there's a man behind me waiting to kill me the moment I refuse? Should I use my teleport ability to get out of here? [ Your five-year term has expired, please become a real butler as soon as possible if you wish to continue using the system ] There's a lot of pressure on me... What the hell, I'm just gonna be a little butler, what's the most I can be? -------- ten years later " Royal academy kah? The common meeting place of the most powerful wizards and the most powerful swordsmen... I understand, but why do I have to go to this academy with you, Shizune-sama? "My father says you have the potential to be a good swordsman, but if I leave you here for five years you'll surely get lazy and never get stronger, so I'll take you with me and let a peasant like you see the real world. Ha..Ha..Ha..." Tch , fcking tsundere... fifteen years old and still afraid to go to the academy. Huh Anyway, Let's see if there's any magic in this magic academy that would interest a magic emperor like me. ------- main tag- comedy-isekai warning - even if the tags say harem, the harem is something that will be revealed later in the story. ( not the brainless harem ) 3000 collection - one bonus chapter 100 golden tickets - two bonus chapter 150 power stone - one bonus chapter ------ Arc I- reincarnation / 1~12 Arc II- Being a Butler / 13~35 Arc III- Blessing / 36~41 Arc IV- a noble... / 42~54 Arc V- An ordinary? day for the Ironblood family / 55~71 Arc VI- Puclic auction and banquet night / 72~...

OLD_storage · Fantasy
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117 Chs

graduation award

The elf, her hair shining as if exposed to moonlight even though it was daytime, put on the wizard's robes she hadn't worn in a long time and faced the little girl sitting naked on the floor in the middle of the hall.

"You look happier than I expected. Or did you always want to be a girl?"

The girl sitting naked on the floor stopped her hands exploring every inch of her own body and looked at the elf who was talking to her without changing the perverted expression on her face.

"Hehehe, that's not possible. I'm extremely proud to be a man, probably..."

"Then why don't you look worried?"

"After all, you said it would be enough for me to successfully use any spell to break the gender reassignment curse"

"Okey then"

"Actually, there's something I want to say to you today, but before I say it, could you wait a minute?"

After watching the naked girl trying to curl herself into a ball to lick her own breasts in front of her, the white-haired elf couldn't stand it any longer and cast a simple spell and the clothes suddenly appeared on her.

"It's funny that someone like you has called me a pervert so many times"

The little black-haired girl smiled, scratched the back of her head and apologized to her master.

"Actually, I've already been able to use magic for a while."


In response, the wizard elf only made a dismissive sound and turned her head away.

"I'm serious"


"Low level magic - water cannon!"

Slphia's dead fish eyes widened as she watched her student slowly change gender as a water ball floated over her hands.

"This should be impossible. Only the monster race should have been able to use magic when they were young."

Slphia had never seen anyone break this rule in her thousands of years of life, but she could not ignore the facts when they were right in front of her. As a last resort, with the help of a simple spell, she made sure of the race of the boy in front of her, but he was indeed human.

"Since when?"

"About a year, I think. Is this a problem?"

"It's never happened before, so I can't say. How many people have you shown you can do magic before?"

"This is the first time I'm showing it to you, master."

"That's good. If you can, keep it until you are 5 years old and get a blessing."

"It's okay"

"You're going to the city tomorrow, right?"

"Yes, master."

"So it's highly unlikely that we'll ever meet again. That means you've graduated. Congratulations, you are the first student in the last century to graduate!"

"Have you had any other students besides me in the last century?"

"Don't change the subject. As a graduation prize, I'm giving you the right to spend an hour in my library and buy five books."

"I've already read all the books in your library"

"I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about this."

As soon as Slphia opened her palm, a magic circle with incomprehensible words engraved on it appeared in the center of Slphia's palm and began to glow. Immediately afterwards, a circular purple hole appeared in space a few inches above Slphia's palm, and a black cube fell through the hole.

Slphia threw the black cube at random and it shattered into thousands of pieces, creating a doorway in space.

"Remember you only have one hour. If you don't get out in time, you won't get any reward."

Hearing my master's words, I couldn't resist my curiosity any longer and immediately tried to open the door. When I couldn't open the surprisingly heavy door with all my strength, I used a holy spell that strengthens the person in my own body and pushed the door again. This time my strength was barely enough and I managed to open the door and cross the street.

Slphia watched her student disappear as her pupils glowed in different colors like a rainbow.

"At his age, he can use an mid-level holy spell. And he's not even affected by the side effects of holy magic. More importantly, his ability to hide mana is almost at my level. What an amazing child, though I wish he wasn't so perverted and disrespectful... Oh, and he would be a perfect student if he had someone who didn't hate me when I used the curse of indefinite gender reassignment on him... What a waste of all this sweetness... How unfair thing fate is!"


I still hadn't regained consciousness since I opened the heavy door and crossed the street. I think it was some kind of space eclipse. When I suppressed my nausea and opened my eyes, I found myself literally in a huge corridor of books.

Remembering that I had an hour and that I had to choose 5 books in that time, I shook my head hard and calmed myself down.

To be honest, there was one thing I was more curious about than the magic books around me. How big is this library?

After using an intermediate level holy spell on myself to increase my speed, I started running without even thinking about it. Running was more enjoyable than usual today since I was not wearing any underwear under the skirt that probably belonged to my master. After about 10 minutes of running, I realized that I was running in circles like an idiot, but what made me realize this was a strange door between two bookshelves.

After taking a breath, I approached the door, which I did not know where it led to. When I got close enough to the door, an incomprehensible writing appeared on the door. Luckily, I had seen similar writings on the door many times before.

When I translated the ancient elf-language text on the door in front of me, I learned a really unexpected piece of information. It said -Intermediate level magic library/only wizard allowed-

A little further below the text was another explanation in smaller letters. After reading the whole text, I understood what I had to do and I put my hand on the door and transferred some mana into it. According to what was written, the door would analyze my mana and see if I had met the requirements to enter.

After a few seconds the door had finished analyzing my mana when golden writing appeared above the door

-entry accepted-

When the door opened, I slowly entered and found myself in a corridor almost identical to the previous one. The only difference was that the bookcases on the sides of this corridor were about three meters shorter. When I realized what was happening, I knew there had to be another level and I started running forward again.

This time I found the door, which was similar to the one before the run. Probably the search run this time lasted only five minutes.

-high level magic library/only magic master-

After repeating the same process, I reached a corridor similar to the one I came from but shorter and started running again

My mana and stamina were running out because I was consuming magic and running at full speed, but the curiosity in me wouldn't let me stop here. I wanted to go as far as I could.

After a while I reached a new door.

-king class magic library-

After looking drunkenly at the golden glowing writing, I reached out my hand again and injected mana, but this time nothing changed on the doors.

Heh, I wouldn't have had time to choose a spellbook if I had kept going any further. I need to get some books from here and run towards the exit.

[Congratulations on a successful system upgrade.]

[New function check-in is now available]

[ It was detected that you have an incomplete recurring mission. Mission ended early]

[Mission reward: teleport / Extra reward: none]