
Chapter 38 Nuannuan Brought a Man Home! (Please follow!)

Translator: 549690339

"How about...I carry you home on my back?"

These words tumbled across the table and into the soft ears of An Nuannuan, causing the girl's peach blossom eyes to light up.

"But... Aunt Xiang told me to wait here for her."

"Then why don't you give her a call?"

An Nuannuan thought about it and decided to make a call to Aunt Xiang, who at first was against the idea.

But in the end, for some reason, she suddenly agreed, and An Nuannuan handed the phone to Xu Musen.

"Uh, Xu Musen, please take good care of An Nuannuan, and when you get to her house, please be sure to come in for a cup of tea,"

Aunt Xiang said on the phone.

"Rest assured, I'll call you as soon as An Nuannuan gets home,"

Xu Musen replied with a smile.

Aunt Xiang gave An Nuannuan a couple of instructions, and she hung up the phone with an unusually expectant look on her normally expressionless face.

Xu Musen skillfully squatted in front of her: "Let's go then."