
With Him Around, She Did Not Need to Be So Sensible

Translator: Exodus Tales Editor: Exodus Tales

It seemed like something important, but she forgot about it at the moment.

Don't care!

She hugged the young man aggrievedly, "Second Brother, I am so dizzy, I want to sleep."

Xiao Yi wanted to ask her to go back to her room and sleep but the little girl already closed her eyes.

The fair little chin rested on his shoulders and when she was sleeping, her lips pouted. This posture looked a little like wanting to kiss him…

Should he respond?

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment when Shi Ku suddenly did a backflip outside the window:

"Master, something is about to happen to Big Miss Nan!"

Xiao Yi had not said anything when Nan Baoyi opened her eyes agitatedly.

Her eyes were clear, there was no more drunkenness.

She said in a low voice, "What happened?"

"The Zhang family could not bear the humiliation of a rejected marriage proposal on top of Zhang Yuanwang's right arm being crippled, so Madam Chang wanted revenge for him. She devised a scheme to ruin Big Miss Nan's reputation, seemed like it has something to do with...with her innocence!"

"Where is my Big Sister?"

"She was led to Snowfall Hall behind the mountain."

Nan Baoyi instantly ran out of the building.

Xiao Yi saw her hurrying through the peach blossom forest.

He recalled her saying that she had a nightmare of her family's destruction.

After waking up, she immediately changed her spoilt behavior and became very sensible and hardworking.

Maybe she was still slightly drunk, she did not even stop to look at her injuries after falling down when she slipped on a rock. She ran even faster towards the mountain.

If it was last time, she definitely would hug her knees and cry loudly on the spot.

Xiao Yi's eyes were dark and gloomy.

With him around, she actually did not need to be so sensible.

He stood up and followed her.


Nan Baoyi ran as fast as a rabbit, turning into the bluestone steps when she happened to bump into Song Shining.

She tugged his sleeves hastily, "Cousin Brother, follow me to Snowfall Hall!"

"What do you want to do at Snowfall Hall?"

"Don't ask, just go!"

The two siblings rushed to the top of the hill.

It was cold and snowy here, a magnificent pavilion was built against the ice cliff. Many distinguished guests enjoyed the snow here in twos and threes, very lively.

"Jiaojiao, are we here to see snow?"

Song Shining ran after Nan Baoyi, feeling confused.

Nan Baoyi had no time to respond to him. She climbed to the top of the pavilion and finally found Nan Baorong in an elegant room.

The young woman laid on the bed in disheveled clothes and had passed out.

The most shocking thing was there was actually an old man with skin disease lying next to her!

Nan Baoyi was extremely disgusted. She said calmly, "Someone wants to ruin Big Sister's reputation."

Song Shining panicked.

He carefully looked at Nan Baorong and wanted to come forward to investigate but dared not. He stood awkwardly on the spot, feeling out of place, making Nan Baoyi wanted to hit him with a bat.

Outside the elegant room, suddenly there were messy footsteps and laughter.

Nan Baoyi's sharp ears even heard Madam Chang's voice.

She looked at the window and instructed, "Cousin Brother, take Big Sister out from here through this."

Song Shining also understood that time was of the essence and nodded his head.

He carried Nan Baorong and looked at Nan Baoyi again, "If we leave, what happens to you? If people saw that you were alone with this man, it will ruin your reputation ―"

"Stop wasting time, I have my own idea!"

Nan Baoyi urged.

Song Shining saw her calm little face and chose to believe her.

He carried Nan Baorong out through the window.

The footsteps outside were getting closer.

Nan Baoyi's heart was pounding fast.

She looked at the unconscious man on the bed and bit her lip. Suddenly she took the white porcelain vase on the table.

She smashed the vase, picked up a sharp piece of porcelain and cut her arm without hesitation ―

"Nan Baoyi!"

The wind carried a familiar cold sweet scent from the window.

Xiao Yi held her hand with a darkened face.

The piece of porcelain fell to the ground.

"Second Brother?" Nan Baoyi was stunned.

Immediately, she tilted her head and smiled, "Second Brother misunderstood. I'm only doing this to protect myself. As long as I am injured, I can say that this man took me captive here. To others, I'm only an innocent victim, at least I can get some pity and not being accused of adultery."

Xiao Yi looked ruthless.

The little girl was so stupid. She claimed to be protecting herself but she did not know that hurting herself was the most stupid behavior.

"You are too stupid."

He scolded her indifferently but held her slender waist and disappeared outside the window as soon as Madam Chang opened the door and entered.

Madam Chang stepped into the threshold and suddenly pointed to the bed sheet in surprise, "Ahh, why is Baorong sleeping with that hoodlum? Could there be another reason she rejected the marriage proposal with our Zhang family?"

Her maid that she trusted reported to her that she successfully made Nan Baorong pass out in the elegant room.

During this time, she must be lying with the old man in disheveled clothes.

That bitch rejected her son's marriage proposal and it was unforgivable.

If she did not ruin her reputation, she had no way to avenge for Wang'er's grievances.

The other dames looked at each other.

The curtains were so thick they could not see anything at all.

A madam smiled, "Madam Chang has very good eyesight. The bed curtains are so thick we can't see anything at all."

"Oh, you don't understand. I was born with sharp eyesight, seeing things exceedingly well." Madam Chang stepped forward excitedly and lifted the curtains herself, "Take a look, this is the upbringing of the Nan family's daughter!"

Everyone only saw an old man, lying there scratching his belly.

Madam Chang sneered continuously, "I already said earlier, everything was fine so why did the Nan family suddenly wanted to reject the marriage proposal. Turns out it was because Nan Baorong is messing around and ruining her innocence, and she was afraid that it will be exposed when she is married into our family! Pfft, so shameless! It is my turn to ask the Nan family how should they compensate my Wang'er!"

She already thought about it. The Nan family was rich. They should compensate at least twenty thousand gold to her family to be worthy of the grievances that Wang'er suffered!