
After rebirth, he became a Hollywood tycoon in ten years

This novel is not mine, it was only traslated ---------------------------------------------------- A third-rate director in his previous life, he was reborn as a 23-year-old talented director in the United States in the 1990s. Since then, titles such as the king of the Hollywood box office, the world’s greatest director, the major shareholder of MGM, and the behind-the-scenes boss of Marvel have all been added to him. And his first movie, he chose Chainsaw… Well, it’s a story about a modern third-rate director who crossed over to the American entertainment industry to stir up trouble. …

Dark_Luks · Urban
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14 Chs

Chapter 3 Strong support from CAA

Such a murderer who has beliefs and teaches people to cherish their own lives is a character that has never appeared in film history.

 Judging from Dawson's own experience in the past 30 years, as long as the director's skill is not too bad, this movie will definitely not be a bad movie.

 Of course, the box office does not know.

 After all, no one knows whether such a character can please the audience.

 But Dawson judged from his own experience that this wave was worth a gamble.

 After losing the bet, he left CAA and went to work elsewhere.

 This is exactly what he wants. He is in his thirties, and he doesn't want to continue to be a low-level broker here. What he wants to be is a partner with only five people in the company.

 Success, there is this opportunity.

 Failed, he changed places and started all over again.

 Kevin, who was calm on the side, looked at Dawson's face and knew that the plan and the script had moved him.

 Then the next thing to do is to wait.

 Waiting for his agent, Dawson, to find a suitable investor for his proposal.

 Of course, before that, all he had to do was to go to the editors' union and the directors' union, file the script with the editors' union and register with the directors' union.

 These two things are imperative, one can prevent plagiarism, and at the same time firmly hold the copyright of Chainsaw in one's own hands.

 You know, in the future, Chainsaw will release eight or nine movies in a row, and he knows exactly what this means.

 For the benefit later, in the first step, he can completely give up part of the benefit, just to master this copyright.

 He is confident that he can earn back the loss of the first step several times through this copyright.

 "Dawson? Do you think my plan is feasible?"

 Kevin asked calmly.

 "Of course, you are a talented director I value."

 Dawson was not stingy with his praise. In his eyes, it was the first time for Kevin, a talented director, to show his real praise.

 And now, their destinies are also standing together.

 If successful, both parties succeed together.

 Failure, both sides will fall into the abyss.

 But in fact, the consequences are even more serious for Kevin.

 Therefore, in this battle, neither side is allowed to fail.

 "Next, I will look for people who are interested in your proposal, and you will also make preparations for the shooting in advance." "

 Our future fate depends on whether your movie can succeed." It's a success."

 Kevin stood up and shook Dawson's hand, needless to say, this project means the future of both of them, and no one will be lazy on this project.

 The next day, early in the morning, Dawson came to the conference room early with the project proposal.

 Different from other companies, every agent of CAA is actually a partner of the company, and through a complex salary structure, a powerful special system has been formed to promote the company's progress.

 Every star, every client, often connects with a broker team.

 Of course, the core of this broker team is often the most trusted broker by clients.

 And Dawson also serves many clients, but because he doesn't have any important clients of his own, his status in the company has been unable to improve.

 But in terms of income, it is actually not low.

 After all, he exists in multiple teams at the same time, and he can get a commission for each team.

 This is also the advantage of CAA's internal salary system. If you are capable enough, you can still make money even if you don't have core customers.

 It's just that what Dawson now needs more is status.

 In the meeting room, dozens of brokers who have not gone out are sitting in their chairs, discussing today's topics.

 Michael Ovitz, one of the five partners of the firm, is also the most powerful partner on the surface.

 The appearance is a typical middle-aged Caucasian male, wearing oval glasses, and the occasional light in the eyes shows that this man is not simple.

 In fact, it is.

 CAA, founded in 1975, has become a behemoth in Hollywood after more than ten years of development.

 He holds countless resources in the entertainment industry in his hands.

 Looking at the discussion below, Michael Ovitz knocked on the table and made a loud sound.

 Everyone else fell silent.

 Only then did Michael Ovitz begin to speak:

 "Although our CAA has become the most powerful agent company in Hollywood, we still have huge shortcomings.

 " If the giant film company accepts our CAA package service, we must have more good directors, directors who can make the film company make money.

 " And our clients earn more money."


 After some speeches about the company's development, we entered the topic,

 "Did you sign contracts with more potential director clients these days?"

 Accompanied by According to Michael Ovitz's words, several agents reported their gains one by one.

 Seeing the opportunity, Dawson seized the opportunity, handed the plan in his hand to Michael Ovitz, and respectfully said:

 "This is the film project proposal of the talented director Steve Kevin of the University of Southern California who signed a contract with me. It includes a horror film script, a series of plans, and the required budget... "

 The problem now is the lack of funds. I hope CAA will use resources to promote this project." "

 Oh?" " A talented

 Director from Southern California?"

Michael Ovitz opened the proposal with some interest.

 The neat script pattern and the methodical proposal brought him a good impression from the very beginning.

 Most new directors don't even know how to do this proposal.

 Of course, this is not the job of the director, it is the job of the producer.

 However, being able to see this complete plan from a new director is enough to show that this new director came prepared, rather than simply cheating on investment.

 With this in mind, Michael Ovitz cheered up and read the script.

 Soon, Jigsaw, a villain with his own persistence, attracted his attention, and he quickly realized it.

 The script, that is, the story, is the foundation of a script.

 And the director is the one who tells the story well with the lens.

 Judging from this plan, at least there is no problem with the script, so all they have to do is to find an experienced assistant director to help him make fewer mistakes.

 At the same time, arrange a producer who controls the budget, and use funds to eliminate the director's unconstrained ideas.