
After obtaining "Research and Creation" should I finally unleash all m

What would happen when a closeted gay guy suddenly gets transported to another world? The said gay guy, is the MC of this story; is very well versed in anything relating to the "isekai" genre, to the point that you can identify him as an "otaku". And after receiving a god-like skill called "research and creation" that seem to have endless potential, would he finally unleash his inner desires? As the play of fate, he meets an ice-cold, handsome guy that has panther ears and tails. He slowly melted the cold shoulder on the day after they fight. Watch them in the series, as how their relationship changes overtime. Warning: this novel is filled with LGBT contents. Read the novel unless you're a homophobic. Disclaimer: the author of this novel wrote, knowing the small circle of the target audiences. Altho, the novel is an OPMC and "isekai" themed, the story mainly revolves around, two guys slowly realizing their special feelings for each other. Please don't put any hate comments and just leave, if you "do" hate LGBTQ Thank you.

DaoistEj8LFR · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: The result of the closure

"And then, there are a lot of manmade structures in the city, that is so tall, that some even pierce the clouds. People live, work, or even just sleep there. Something called an "elevator" that carries you up or down is created to get you to any floor you want. Although, there are also stairs that can be used for emergency"


Yuka beside me nods.

"An energy that we call "electricity", something like the lightning, makes all this technology work. Travelling is also very smooth since the roads are made to be hard and flat. We use vehicles that don't need to be pulled by animals, but instead, get powered up by a highly flammable liquid, we call "gasoline". It can travel very fast and far. There's also the "trains" that can travel faster, altho you have to stop by in designated "stations". The most amazing things are the "airplanes", which can carry a lot of passengers to fly in the sky and can travel from one country to another. It can travel across continents and seas, and then land in something we call "airports". Well, I actually haven't ridden one of those "airplanes" before"


I keep explaining about "earth's" technologies vaguely, but it seems like Yuka gets the main idea and seems to be intrigued the whole time.

We are in the living room sitting on the sofa beside each other while our upper bodies are shifted to face each other.

I unconsciously talk in an exhilarating tone whenever I mention the positive things and turns solemn whenever I say the negative things.

Yuka just stays in his expressionless face as usual but whenever he hears something that he finds interesting, he would flash his sparkling eyes.


It's been a while since I started telling these stories and honestly, I enjoy it too.

His somehow curious stare and his honest tail that keeps swaying excitedly keep urging me to see more of him like this.

He kind of gives a refreshing feeling since he listens well and that previous stiff and serious impression I first had for him almost already vanished.

His stare makes my heart pump faster but it's not so bad. I can still somehow handle it.

"And we have the convenient smartphones! It has a lot of uses and can even multitask! But it is mostly used for entertainment nowadays. Back then, it can only be used to send texts and communicate through "calls", but now phones have apps. Apps for games, social media, and other convenient tools! While the phone's camera also keeps getting developed and just gets better and better in quality! It already replaced a lot of tools since it is portable and convenient on whatever occasion! The phone is already something inseparable for us that it seems to have become an extension of our brains... Even I won't settle whenever I don't have mine with me back then. Fortunately, after arriving here, I was able to get rid of that sickness after I saw it turned into an almost unrecognizable swirled and twisted ball of plastic! Honestly, I was hopeless for a bit after that. Now that I think of it, that phobia was so common that it was even called... What was it again? "Nomophobia?"... Right! I remember it was called like that!"


My topics keep flowing from one thing to another without even taking a break.

I keep talking one-sidedly while Yuka isn't even moving from his seat.

After another few hours...


I don't know how to end this.

I finally realized that.

I slowly started acting fidgety and my eyes can't seem to settle to look in one place.

A sweat falls on my forehead and my tail is already starting to feel numb from too much swaying.

I gulp some big saliva and it's audible.

My throat has been dry for a while now but I can't find the right timing to pause and drink some water.

Why did I even start this if I'll just find it hard to stop...


He's just starting silently and seems to want to hear more.

It was a very good time with him but honestly, it's a "bit" troubling now.

Although he was just silent the whole time as usual but for some reason, I can't find a way to stop and I kept telling him more stories.

I already even arrived at biology, astronomy, and some things in class that even I don't quite understand.

I'm sure he also doesn't understand it but he just nods whenever I add "right?" at the end of my sentences.

I also feel like I already repeated telling some matters a couple of times but he never said anything.

"Ahaha... And..."

I made a dry laugh and continues to tell him about the entertainment industries and finally arrived in K-pop.

The room already turned dark and I've been bitten by a lot of bugs. It's so annoying!

I did some awkward dance moves on my seat to shoo the mosquitos away and even sing in my own version of the Korean lyrics for a bit.

The "language comprehension" did not seem to work on it since I don't even understand the made-up stuff that is coming out of my own mouth.

I'm sure Yuka doesn't understand it too but for some reason, he looks like he enjoys it.

I secretly took a glance outside the window and saw that the sky is already turning dark.

I look at him and can still see his looks of anticipation.

Does he still want to hear more?


But am I just imagining everything?

He just listens since it's the only thing he could do, right?

He's not actually enjoying it isn't he?

Why won't he say anything?!

I made a forced smile.

My stomach is also already calling out for a while now.

He won't get angry if I stop right?


His stiff face can't almost be read at all.

"I'm not really into it but everyone in my class plays their music so I can't even help but hear them. And humn... About the instruments, I've already talked about that right? What else... Right! I'm not really familiar with how DJs do it but they can mix any music and turn it into one new piece of music! Umm...oh, right! It should be almost dinner time now!"


I failed my plan to slowly transition the topic out to slowly end my talking when my stomach suddenly rumbled and I said the end of my babbling energetically to somehow cover the sound.

Unfortunately, abruptly shifted towards dinner.

I'm sorry, I can't help it okay! I'm seriously hungry and I'm not even sure how am I going to prepare tonight's dinner!


Yuka just looks at me while giving a disappointed feeling on his expressionless face.

"...Let's go to my house this time"

"You're inviting me to eat at your house?"


After deciding that, the two of us went outside.


Thank god.


It's already dusk when I finished huh? It was after lunch that I started telling stories right?

So that should be about an almost six hours marathon of me babbling about "earth's" technologies.

I'm afraid that I will unknowingly repeat some matters while telling Yuka more stories from now on.

Well, it seems like he won't mind that. He looks like he was enjoying everything earlier after all.


Looking outside, the sky already has a few stars and the two moons are already faintly revealing themselves despite the still somewhat bright surroundings.

If this was back home, I'd rarely see these bright stars even if the sky turned completely dark.

Especially this incredible sight of the twin moons.

Whenever I look at them, they give me some strange feelings that I can't properly explain.

It must be because they are the biggest reminder that this is a different world compared to what I know of.

The moon back home looks very beautiful too but if you've seen it all your life, you will naturally get used to it and get bored. We would even just take it for granted and forget about it while doing our business and prepare for the night.

It seems like everyone here is like that too. They are used to see it every night after all.

I, however, whenever I see it, I would just want to watch it all night until I fall asleep, feeling that I don't want to miss this scene.

But as expected it will come back tomorrow night.

The breeze outside tastes very good. I can't tell exactly but this must be the taste of the air without pollution.


The air feels cool and fresh but looking down, I can't see well on the ground.

The path should be bumpy as I remember earlier. I'm afraid I might trip.


Just when I thought that the surroundings are quite dark, I felt Yuka slowly gathering his mana.

What is he going to do?


I just observe him getting more serious with his eyes closed.


After he finished gathering enough mana, something instantly blinked in front of him and faintly lighted up a portion of his chest.

A tiny yellow light, which I thought resembles a firefly was born.

That one light slowly drifted to the air.

Is that it?

While thinking about what is Yuka trying to achieve by this small light, another one was born, and then another one, and another one.

They keep appearing one by one.

They instantly blink one time as they are born and slowly drift their way to faintly light the surroundings.


Yuka slowly opened his eyes and looked at me once he's finished.

The small fireflies completely captivated me that I did not bother looking at him.

A smile naturally formed on my face while looking at the small lights drifting through the wind, as if playing, like real fireflies.

There's a light magic like this huh?

It's so magical... Well, it "is" magic.

This reminds me of the mango tree behind the church near the house.

It was the most beautiful place I know when I was a child since fireflies often gathered there at night.

I remember playing there by myself trying to catch one of them.

Unfortunately, it was cut down for some reason back when I was in high school.

I rarely get to see fireflies after that.


Now that I think of it, Yuka can use this kind of magic huh?

I was pretty sure in my first image for him that he uses dark-sounding magics.

"You can use light magic huh?"

I said and glimpsed at him and get dazzled by the sight.

His face, which somehow looks more relaxed while being dimly lit by the small lights that are floating close to him and his slightly moist eyes are reflecting their several yellow glow.

They make his eyes look like they are sparkling.

Below his attractive nose, his lips look a bit slanted to the side as he created a smirk.


My heart skipped a beat and I got completely stunned.

How can he make this expression right at this moment?

It's like the final blow to me.

His beautiful face, plus the magical lights surrounding him created a very beautiful image.

I gulp as I struggle to contain the feeling that I keep having ever since I met him.

I should never let anyone know about this.

I thought deeply and put it in my heart.

I try to calm the loud beating of my heart and started talking with a stutter.

"T-that's amazing! I did not expect that you can use this kind of magic at all! Do you usually use it when it gets dark?"



"I heard humans can't see well in the dark..."

I remember that pantherian's strong points are their night sneaking attack.

So then, they must have a night vision. Right?

Did he use this magic just for me?

My heart yet again skipped a beat and then started beating faster than ever.

Now I worry that I might die from a heart attack.

I feel like I needed to say something just to somehow lessen this exhilarating and almost turning into a suffocating feeling.

"I'm a pantherian now..."

I was only able to awkwardly say that in a low voice and look down.


He just nods but looks as if he just remembered that fact.

The truth is, even with the "transformation", I still don't have their innate skills.

Thus, I see everything quite dark.

[To remind you, there is a skill called "night vision". While analyzing your thoughts, I decided to activate it for you]

After hearing A.I.C the surroundings suddenly got brighter.

Although I can only see gray and black colors, everything looks better now that I can see even at a distance.

I look at Yuka and see him being coy.

"I... I'm going to take them back..."

"N-no, no. It's okay. You already did it anyway. They also look good"

I can't believe I'm seeing him like this.

Nevertheless, Yuka's thoughtful action move me.

I awkwardly snort a chuckle and urged Yuka to finally start walking.

"W-well then, let's go"


We slowly walk side by side while being surrounded by the firefly-like lights drifting and following as we move.



The atmosphere feels more awkward somehow.

Yuka is naturally silent, while I can't say anything after that.



We slowly advance towards the chief's house.

In the silence, I desperately distracted myself by thinking about what happened so far.


I amaze myself just how easily I opened up to Morticia and told her everything.

I must have been pretty lonely than I thought.

I also let Yuka hear everything when I thought he would be okay since he seems always uninterested to begin with.

It turns out, doing that is a good thing.

Yuka became very interested in the "earthly" technologies and easily wagged his tail to me.

I also get a feeling that everything would work out after talking to Morticia.


After seeing Yuka's cute side earlier, I am now convinced that there's more to Yuka than just being an "ice prince".

I don't have any particular problem with him being silent anymore.

On the contrary, I now find this part of him very comfortable.

I glance at him and see he's just walking firmly and silently as usual.

His behavior resembles a cat that would only show some sort of interest in you at times, but then, give you a cold shoulder most of the time.

"Is it because I'm a cat person?"


My inner thoughts unconsciously leak out.

"N-nothing. Let's hurry"

Yuka just continues walking indifferently as if nothing happened.

Again, this personality really is not that bad.

It saves a lot of trouble after all.

We finally arrived at the village chief's house in that manner.

"I brought Artemis..."

Yuka said so after seeing his mother.

"Oh, that's perfect! Just when I was thinking about inviting you to come over. There's still a bit of time before this fully cooks though"

I sniff the good smell that's coming from a boiling pot.

Yuka came over to his mother and started helping her.

He can cook huh? surprisingly...

Left alone, I look around the house while unconsciously searching for the village's chief.

I want to say my proper thanks after all.

While looking up, my attention got drawn to a thing that is hanging in the center of the ceiling.

A chandelier?

[It seems to be a mineral that can continuously emit a light parallel to, and once exposed to a person's mana]

A.I.C explained about it.

Is that so?

It's not currently being in use though.

"Are you wondering about that? It's a "light crystal", we use to light the room at the night of someone's special occasion"

Morticia's voice called my attention.

It seems to be used as ritual lighting during special times huh?

"No wonder"

Morticia smiled at me while I also notice Yuka taking a side glance at me.

I feel itchy and shy after seeing the two doing everything by themselves for a while.

"Is there anything I can help you with?"

Morticia's ears slightly twisted in my direction and I hear her almost chuckle while replying.

"You can help to prepare the tablewares then"


She instructed me to take four plates, that were stacked on the center of the table, to put them in front of their respective chairs.

Wooden spoons were also put in a cup in the center, so I took the initiative and put each one into the plates.

I look forward to meeting with the chief while watching as the dishes are being put on the plates.

But I notice Yuka suddenly went into some other room.

Following that, I heard him saying something to, who I think's his father.

"Pa. It's time to eat..."

A little later, he came while supporting a man that has a bandage covering his eyes and a noticeable big scar across his neck.

On his left feet, I see two planks on each side that were tied with a cloth.

His face looks expressionless like Yuka's, but the air around him is a bit different.

When Yuka is refined and still as a motionless lake, this man gives a just and proud aura.

Morticia saw that and started explaining.

"He's my husband and the chief, Blair. He can't see, hear, talk or even walk properly after he was left in jeopardy while fending off invading humans"

"He's amazing..."

I felt complicated and only said so.

Looking at Yuka, he looks at his father while emitting a pure, proud look in his eyes.

"I communicate with him using my telepathic ability and give out to everyone his thoughts whenever we have a meeting"

Although Morticia said so while smiling, she can't hide the regrets in her eyes while holding her husband's hands.

"He saved us all, killing half of the human army that suddenly found our village. It was a miracle that he lived through the remaining savage humans' wrath and survived after being left in tatters for half a day. After I assisted everyone to evacuate in a safe place. I hurriedly went back to look for him, he was wheezing and desperately keep holding on to his life. I was finally able to save him by continuously using "healing magic" until he was stable enough to be carried here"

Morticia explained with a shaky voice that sounds like almost about to cry.

I also feel her animosity whenever she mentions the word "human" and what they did.

It breaks my heart to see her like this.

Just how can humans be this ruthless?

Even for whatever reason they had, I can't forgive them!

Although, it's amazing that someone was able to live through that.

I look at Blair with admiration.

[Using "appraisal", I'm able to conclude that his status and skills are far more superior than anyone except you in this village. He has a "survival" skill that seems to have helped him live through the jeopardy, so long as his heart or brains did not get crushed or completely damaged]

That's an amazing skill!

The humans must have left him after slashing his throat and thinking that he died from that.

If they were to see him now, they would definitely think they are seeing a ghost!

[That "survival" skill was being "researched" after I used "appraisal" some time ago, and already got "created" after you became aware of it just now]

Huh? Do you have this kind of function?

[Because it seems like you would forget an "obtained skill" even after hearing the "announcement", I already blocked all of them. I will only reveal the ones that are necessary for you at the moment. It is, and as what you have always wished after all. So, you should always be thankful for me]

Now that I think of it, after getting A.I.C, I've never heard the annoying "announcements" that kept popping every time.

I would curse at it since it would just pop every time!

It will restlessly pop up, even while I'm sleeping or in any critical situation.

Which is very dangerous!

But before I knew it, they were gone...

Well, I must have naturally thought that the "announcement lady" suddenly got an attitude, and would only say something when reprehending me.

I never thought that it was doing that out of consideration for me.

It seems like I owe her big gratitude.

Her, being high and mighty is a big flaw though.

I keep staring at Blair while having a conversation with A.I.C and even get lost in thought right after.

I did not notice at all, that his ears are twisting restlessly after he felt the "appraisal" A.I.C just used.

When Morticia noticed me staring while seemingly in a serious expression, she just waited for me.

When I finally notice that, I felt guilty and restlessly looks at them.

How rude of me! and just right after she talked about the heart-wrenching story her husband experienced!

"C-can I talk to him?"

"I guess so..."

Morticia reluctantly agrees after hearing me asking that permission.

I return my gaze to Blair and started using "telepathic communication"

Morticia must have felt something and flinched.

[A-umm, Good evening, Mr. Blair. I'm Artemis, your wife must have already told you about me. I just want to say thank you for letting me stay in your village]

"Ho, it's almost not surprising that he also has telepathic abilities"

While talking to Blair, I also heard Morticia speaking in a low voice.


It seems like the chief heard it but he's not replying.

I look at Yuka and Morticia when I don't know how to feel about that.

"I'm sorry, he is usually not that talkative ever since before"

"That explains why Yuka is like that"

"Haha, they are very much alike"

Morticia laughed while tapping the shoulders of her husband and son, that is both beside her.



I look at Yuka, and then to the chief and made a smile.

"Come on, let's eat"

Morticia said, and we all started eating the meat and vegetable stew.

While eating, I can't help but take glances at the chief that can easily scoop the food in front of him, and eat with the spoon in that situation.

The way he eats, also, somehow looks "prim and proper" for me.

His hand that's holding the spoon slowly moves up and down at always the pace.

I look at Yuka and see that he is also exactly like that.

After thinking for a while, I arrived at the fact of how amazing Blair is.

He retained his Chief title in his current situation.

It makes me feel regretful.

He can't almost do anything, but I can still feel his drive and strong heart.

Altho it seems like he still has the highest appellate in their tribe, his current state is giving him a lot of limitations.

I'm sure he is amazing at doing his duty as the Chief, and possibly could do more, if only he did not get this many injuries.

After arriving at that, I thought that there must be something I could do to help.

[The healing magic Morticia used, closed the wounds, but with your "restoration", it's very likely to return him to his previous state]

Wow, thanks to A, I, C!

My mood suddenly lit up while eating, and Yuka noticed that.

He looks at me in his usual face as if asking "what happened?"

I just nod at him and started talking while looking at Morticia.

"Umm, excuse me, is it okay if I try something? I have a "restoration" skill that I'm sure would help Mr. Blair"

After saying that, Morticia and Yuka's eyes lit up.

I continue explaining.

"I'm sorry for saying that suddenly, but I just want to help him after hearing how amazing he is..."

"I know, I can see that. But is it okay for you?"

"Of course! I really want to!"

Again, thanks for their lie-detecting abilities! They agreed immediately after determining the truth in my words!

Since we're already finishing eating, we waited for Mr. Blair to empty his plate.

After that, we moved to another room and make Mr. Blair lie on a bed.

Morticia seems to be explaining everything to him using her telepathic ability while Mr.Blair just nod.

Yuka beside me looks very excited and thankful.

Before doing anything, I use telepathy to say something to Mr. Blair.

[U-um, it's me again, I'm sure it was already explained to you by your wife, but I can do something to get you back to your previous state. It's just that, I don't know how it would feel while using this spell on you. I just hope you brace yourself]

[I give you my sincere gratitude. I trust my wife's judgment... I'm prepared...]

His words show how much trust he has in his wife's ability, and his bravery to face an unknown spell.

[Then, I will start]


While preparing the skill, my vision somehow, suddenly changed.

I can see inside the eyes of Mr.Blear very clearly, that it almost like I perceive it to the cellular level.

I notice that the damaged cells look greyish.

While the surrounding healthy ones are glowing in blue.

[I activated "scanning", "identify" and "molecular sight" to assist you]

Thanks, A.I.C!

So dependable.

"Okay, I'm going to start now"

I look at Yuka and nod.

I focus my consciousness back on Mr. Blair and started gathering mana on my palms.

I put them on top of his eyes while imagining how "restoration" works.

The mana slowly entered the dead cells in his eyes.

My eyes unconsciously knit half-close while seeing the micro world.


Before my eyes, the cells slowly look more alive as they transform from being gray to emitting a bluish glow.

I just continue pouring the mana until everything looks uniform in a blue glow.

After seeing no odd spots left, I move my hands to his neck.

"Yuka look! Do his eyes look more focused than before to you?"

I heard Morticia but keep my focus on the mana on my palm.

I look at the scar on his throat and suddenly become able to see inside it.

[X-ray eyes]

A.I.C just briefly said.

His vocal cords look odd.

I thought while watching it slightly move as Mr. Blair breaths.

Just like what I did to his eyes, I pour the gathered mana on my palms at it.



It took a while to "restore" everything that looks "gray" on Mr. Blair's body.

I wipe the sweat that is slowly falling on my forehead.

My eyes and hands feel quite tired, as I ceaselessly focus them while healing the whole body's worth of injuries.

I shake my hands and rub my eyes for a bit, but then suddenly, feel someone's hands on my shoulder.

The hands started carefully massaging my shoulders.

I get taken back and writhed.

"Thank you..."

I started wondering who was it, when I heard Yuka's voice, very close behind me.

I felt his breathing so I get startled and suddenly shook my head behind me.

What I see is a very handsome face, and he's smiling warmly.


I'm speechless.

He just continues massaging my shoulders and I started consciously feeling it.

He's good.

But my heart is beating so fast and I can feel my face getting hot.

I'm scared to look behind a second time so I let it be.

I then see the scene where Morticia is hugging his husband tightly.

"Thank goodness, I'm very glad... You are finally back to normal. I can't almost believe it. Now, you can do everything you want again. You don't have to suffer while being trapped inside alone"

Tears are falling on Mr. Blair's back.

Blair slowly raises his hands to wrap his crying wife's back and started rubbing it softly.

"Thank you... For always being there for me..."

Blair creates a smile, that resembles the one Yuka showed me, just now.

"Thank you..."

Morticia glance at me and said so, while Blair also briefly look and nodded at me.

I also reply with a nod and smile at them.

I feel like it's natural to help them since they accepted me kindly.

I thought, but then, notice Yuka's hands on my shoulder for a while now.

"I...I think I'm fine now. Thanks for that. I feel a lot relaxed after all that"

I slowly break free from Yuka's hands that keep massaging my shoulders.

I awkwardly look at him and said thanks.

Honestly, any more than that, and my heart would burst.

How can he suddenly just start a skinship?

I look at him and he slowly shifts his gaze towards his parents.

"Thank you..."

He said the second time.

I can feel his sincerity, although, I can also feel that he's a bit awkward.

It must be that he is not used to saying his gratitude.

I look again at Yuka's parents and copied him, to see a lovey-dove scene.

I feel very good helping them.

I smile, as I think that helping others can also give happiness to both ends.

Back on earth, I'm always the one who keeps getting the receiving end after all.

I hate to say this, but I'm clumsy and would always make mistakes here and there.

People just keep pardoning me while looking showing a pleasant face, saying "it's okay"

But it was troublesome for me.

Honestly, I would be glad if at least, I don't make trouble at all, if I can't even help anyone.

That's why this is actually the first time I am able to help someone like this.

For the first time, I finally helped anyone and found out that I love the pleasant feeling after being thanked like this.

I should keep helping others from now on.

"M-maybe we should go now..."


Yuka just obediently nods with my sudden offer.

At that time, I and Yuka quietly left, to not disturb the couple.

They were about to kiss when we left them, so I should just leave it to your imagination what they should be doing next.


I laugh in my mind while taking a side glance at Yuka.

This guy might get a sibling in the future.

"It seems like, as what you said, you have an unimaginable amount of "skill set"..."

Yuka suddenly broke me into reality by saying something I almost did not understand.

I forgot, but I must have said something along the lines, like that.

"W-well... Yes. I was also surprised you can use light magic though. I was so sure that your specialty is your speed and sneaking ability after all"

"I inherited it from mother... She also taught me how to use them"

"Inherited huh? So skills and magic in this world are something that can be inherited..."

I keep repeating the new information I obtained.

"By the way, is there a "level-up system?"..."


Yuka tilted his head when he encountered a word that is something unfamiliar to him.

"Ah. I'm sorry, it's something out of the "iskai" back in my word... You see..."

Yuka looks more puzzled when I explain to him what is a level-up system, so I started explaining everything about "isekai"


I keep explaining games, novels, anime, and manga contents even after arriving home.

Seeing the heavens blanketed with the starry sky outside, I instinctively entered the bedroom.

When I realized it, both me and Yuka are sitting on my bed.

It seems like he doesn't realize anything going wrong, as he just listens to my story amusedly the whole time.

After realizing that, my consciousness returned to the fact that I and Yuka are currently alone in the house, sitting in the bed inside the room.

I can't believe this is happening right now!

J-just what is going to happen next?

Don't tell me, he's going to sleep with me tonight?!

I won't be able to sleep at all with that!


My heart started beating faster while imagining wild things, so I stood up and started talking in a stutter.

"S-say... Yuka! You're going to sleep here from now on right?! L-let me show you around and help you pick a room. There's still a lot of them that is empty right now! I-I can also make a bet for you to sleep in tonight!"

My tone unconsciously raised quite high; almost shouting, while my eyes keep rolling around, trying to avoid him.

Yuka who was just listening to a story just now showed a puzzled face, but then just agreed to what I said.


In the end, for some reason, Yuka picked the room in front of mine.

I let him watch as I make a bed, bedside table that has three drawers, a big wardrobe, and a study table, set with a matching chair.

That got me busy, and thanks to that, I was able to distract my perverted thoughts.

I look at the room with a satisfied expression.

Altho it still looks lacking for me, I made everything that he might need.

Thinking that he's going to sleep here, I realize that he might need the bathroom at night.

"Yuka, did I show you where the bathroom yet?"


"Oh, see the door near the living room? That's the bathroom. Now that I think of it, I'm going to take a bath now. I can't sleep peacefully if I don't do it before going to bed after all"


Yuka just looks at me.

Is he not going to reply?

Just what is he thinking right now?

Is he disappointed that I did not finish my story?

But it's very late now!

I'm also already starting to get drowsy.

Let me just outright escape!

After deciding that, I reluctantly left him there and just headed my way to take a bath.


I should've swum around in a ball of water, but creating that scale of magic, I need to do it outside.

Now I'm with others, I decided not to.

It might cause a commotion after all.

There's a bathtub I made especially for that.

I'm currently enjoying myself in a warm bath when I notice Yuka's presence in front of the door.

"What is he doing?"

He's just standing motionlessly though.

I slowly make my way out of the bathtub, creating waves, and cause the water to overflow on the floor.

I grabbed a towel nearby to wrap my bare self, and slowly make my way towards the door.

"Um, Yuka? What are you doing?"




What does he mean?

Does he want to take a bath?

Is it with me or just by himself?

My face started warming up until it turns hot.

God, just what the hell is he thinking?

Why is he so quiet?!

I feel like a cloud of smoke must be coming out of my ears, like those comedic scenes in anime, right now.

I began imagining wild things and started feeling weird down there.

Hell, the stimulation is too much for a virgin like me!

I was spaced out but suddenly feel Yuka's presence moving.

Before I get to react, the door already started opening.



Behind the door, Yuka's silhouette slowly reveals.

The first thing I notice is the muscle-built, chest.

His collarbone above that looks beautiful and compliments his twin peaks.

Down to his tummy I can see a bread-, I mean, bulging abdominal muscles and created eight packs.

His arms are to the slim side, but are also very tight, firm, and must also be muscle-filled.

I bet that it's going to make a big bulge once he curls his arms up.

All in all, I see yuka in topless.

I move suddenly while in shock, and somehow, the towel on my lower half started loosening.

I wonder what happened to my "reaction speed" skill as I see the towel getting lower and lower.

It must be from the shock of seeing Yuka's body that I froze.

The towel finally landed on the floor.

My junior that was already standing up got revealed.



Yuka slowly looks down.

My mind is blank and I can't even try to think about doing anything.

It seems like Yuka can see my junior as he is staring down there motionlessly.

His face is slowly turning red and he created a somehow shy expression.


He just said one word and slowly close the bathroom door.


Left behind, my mind can't still process the whole thing that just happened, as I was left on my previous frozen pose.


I crouch down on the ground, and almost started rolling if only the bathroom is a bit bigger.


Yuka behind the door just keeps silent.

I slowly enter the bathtub with a blank face.

You know, I liked that we somehow became quite close.

He started attacking me earlier, but now I understand that his animosity towards humans is the root of all that.

His personality became pleasant for me over time.

I think that we'll also get more closely in the future too.

In short, I want to befriend him, seeing his interesting personality.

But it seems like all that was blown to bits just now.

My head slowly becomes lower and lower on the water as my body becomes sluggishly loosened like a dead person.

"How the hell... am I going... to face Yuka tomorrow?"

I said, creating bubbles on the surface of the water.
