
After My Rebirth, I Escaped My Marriage

When Lin Gantang was reborn, the priest was just asking her, "Do you agree to take him as your lawfully wedded husband? To be loyal to him regardless of sickness or health, wealth or poverty, until death do you apart?" The tragedy of her previous life began with her deep love for Gu Mou, so Lin Gantang replied, "I won't." The guests were in an uproar. Everyone knew that Wen Yanqing had loved Lin Gantang for a solid eight years, but she had never once looked back at him. He wasn't the groom, so Wen Yanqing left with a heavy heart and ventured far away. However, he later learned that the bride had fled the wedding. Lin Gantang had countless ways to salvage the fading relationships with her loved ones and friends, but she didn't know what to do when it came to Wen Yanqing, the one she had deceived, humiliated, and trampled upon his sincerity. Lin Gantang said, "It's so difficult. I can't possibly give myself to him in exchange for everything I've done to him, can I?" Wen Yanqing responded, "Why not? That's all I wish for."

No Candy in My Pocket · Urban
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655 Chs

Forget It, As Long as You're Happy

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Mr. Lin changed the topic. "By the way, where are you going to camp? Is it safe?"

"Of course it's safe. Yanqing said that there's a hill called Zhuo Guang beside Mount Qinghe," Lin Gantang said.

Mr. Lin was relieved. "The place that Yanqing chose will definitely be fine. Alright, you guys have fun. Be careful."

Outside the hospital, the chauffeur who was supposed to take Mr. Lin home was already waiting. Lin Gantang watched him leave before she got into the car and drove to the bookstore.

The bookstore was still open for business. Lin Gantang walked around and planned to bring back a few more stray cats. Ever since the five cat employees successfully brought up the number of views the bookstore videos had, there were many customers who wanted to adopt cats. The stray cats in the store were adopted faster than expected.

There weren't many people reading on the second floor. A few of them were sitting by the wall and reading quietly.