
After my marriage ended I was reborn

Tina you should have expected this divorce a long time ago, I wanted to compensate you well before but I suddenly see how disgusting you are. Tina looked at the man she had loved whole heartedly for years now, she laughed at herself, and taught, at the end what is not mine is not mine She finally decided it was time to give up. I accept this divorce Micheal suddenly felt something stir in his heart, he taught he was going to be happy when he finally heard this words from her but why was he feeling sad instead, it must be because he taught she will put up a fight but she did not He suppressed this feelings and said, Good just sign the papers, he turned around and strolled out Four years later, Tina came back to the city but, The she moment she steped out of the airport, she was kidnapped when she woke up she saw the man who was seating across her, she opened her eyes in horror Daniel....

roseechim · Urban
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11 Chs

Finally living that bastard

Tina took a pen from the table a looked at the divorce papers, she smiled to her self, her smile was huglier than when she was crying, memories of how they lived for two years flashed.

She had giving two years of her life to Micheal, two years of devotion, yet the outcome was this.

This two years where he'll for her, she kept convincing her self that things would get better, she just needed to love him more

but for some reasons, the more she loved him, the more distanced he became, she knew he would occasionally go clubbing and come back drunk

she had been with him, she taught he would forget loveth soon and notice her

she taught to herself, well maybe I really jinx it.

thinking about it her life was full of sorrow, her loved ones where no more

She breathed deeply and signed the papers.

perhaps it for the best

She went to her room to pack up, thankfully she had a car so she didn't need to worry about transport, she closed her suitcase and left the room

as she was about going down the stairs, she saw loveth, she was wearing a sexy night gown that was see through

Tina smiled at her

Loveth smile suddenly halted and she said, I see that you finally know what is good for you

Tina looked at her lazily

What exactly do you feel is good for me

Loveth looked at her curvy shape and was jealous, of course nothing is ever good for a jinx

Tina smiled and said

when then, since nothing is good for a jinx you are welcome for collecting this jinx hand me down

Loveth face was instantly red with furry but Tina continued

that means you are even worse than a jinx

Loveth felt like strangling her

Tina left immediately without giving her the chance to retort

It was already 10pm when she left the villa, she drove her self and arrived at bello Street, she found a cheap hotel and lodge there for the main time

she would figure out what to do with her life when she woke up tomorrow

but at this moment all the joint in her body was almost breaking

Sex last night was truly rough, she didn't know how she endured it, but she had a guess who had planned it, she had to look for evidence first

She really didn't want to incur Daniel that monsters wrath, so she better look for evidence, she was atleast lucky that he has not pursued this matter yet

but the entire country knew that Daniel was black hearted and won't let things go that easily

as her taught drifted, she fell asleep on the bed

The next morning, she woke up to a phone call, she checked the time, it was 7am in the morning,

Lisa voice was heard from the phone

Tina groggily answered the phone, hello

Tina how are you, hope nothing happened yesterday

Oh, nothing much, I just got a divorce am single again

Lisa was beside herself with joy

you are finally letting go of that bastard

Tina paused her lips

Lisa asked, where are you, are you still home? should I come and pick you

No need, I left yesterday am at the hotel

What which hotel, why didn't you come to my place

I taught we were best friends

I just don't want to inconvenience you

Tina how can you inconvenience me in a mansion, you know what just shut up am coming over to pick you up, send me the address

Tina: ok

Tina was just twenty two years old this July, the next day was her birthday, every birthday when she was still leaving with Micheal

she always hoped for his companionship but he somehow was always not available

she taught to herself, it seems am destined to die lonely, whatever the case

She would just accept the fact that she was bad with relationships

After investigating what happened to her and how she ended up with Micheal, she would focus on her career, if she couldn't be successful inlove she could atleast be rich

with that on her mind she followed her best friend Lisa home