
Chapter66: cliché story

I heard Val leave stomping her foot harshly to the floor. Alex and I laughed out loud and I've not had such fun tormenting someone for a long time.

"That was amazing baby."Alex said pushing my hair away from my face.

"I know right?"I said smiling at Alex."I wonder what she's doing here. She's the last person I expected to be Henry's girlfriend. But whatever. Though I think something is not right. I mean everything just doesn't add up."I told Alex then I continued with my work preparing the fruit salad.

"Yeah. Something is not right but leave everything to me. You don't have to worry about anything."Alex said and I looked at him. Now that's what is not right. Him worrying about things alone.

"Worrying is also my responsibility. Like worrying why my boyfriend is hiding stuff from me. You have to tell me what you are going through so that we can know the way forward, together. When you hide things like this, I think it's a bad thing and I start to worry."I tell him so he can know that I know he's hiding something from me. He can't keep everything to himself anymore. He has doing that all his life and it has really poisoned him.

"I'll tell you everything when we go back home."he finally said and I smiled. I nodded and I take the bowl ready to leave. Alex came to help and he has done nothing of the sort other than lean on me.

"Baby, can you not please put the salad on my dish." He said smiling.

"Why? You don't like fruit salad?"I asked him now shocked. I just said I didn't care if anyone didn't like the salad, I didn't think that anyone would be Alex.

"Yeah, just give an excuse that I have had my fill in the kitchen or something."he said and I laughed.

"That won't do. My grandma will still tell you to eat. You can't sit at the dinner table eating nothing. She would force you, trust me."I told him smiling at him.

"Okay, I'll just go to the room and do some work. Just give an excuse for me please. I can't eat the salad."Alex said eyeing the salad as if it's gonna kill him when he eats it. He's so cute that I could not help but smile.

"Okay."I said and an idea came in my mind but that is for later. He perked my lips and left. I can't believe Alex hate fruit salad and he just found his way out not to eat it. Then I remembered I just prepared it with him on my shoulder and he didn't say anything. What kind of a man is he. He would have at least said something and that's what I'm talking about. Him keeping things to himself instead of saying something.

I left after he left and went to the dining table. My grandma was happily chatting with the guests who apparently were so annoying.

"Kimberly, you are here. I thought you would have stayed forever."grandma said and I smiled.

"Where is Alex?"the annoying Val asked. I glared at her for being so shameless. For god's sake her boyfriend is right beside her. I think it's good Alex isn't here anymore for this bitch to oggle her eyes on.

"Yeah, where is Alex?"grandma added on the questioning.

"He ummm. He went to take a call. Business."I told them smiling.

"Oh, I understand. Him being a Scott he has a lot of responsibilities in the company."grandma said happily and I smiled for her understanding even though Alex is not really involved in his family business.

"He's Alexander Scott?"Henry asked this time.

"Yeah, you didn't know?"grandma asked frowning.

"I was not sure, I just thought he looks familiar but woow... It's great to see him face to face. He doesn't appear so much in public and all he has are stories about him."he said and continued to eat his salad.

"You should be friends with him Henry, maybe you can learn a thing or two from him that can help your company too. Who knows, one day you can be his competitor."grandma said and I almost chocked, again. I don't like where this is going at all.

"Yeah grandma, we'll see about that."Henry said and I looked at Val who was looking down eating her salad. She didn't show any reaction. Henry owned a coperation in Miami but it was not that big. We could call it growing but growing very fast.

"Heey Henry, you didn't tell me how you guys met. You just told me you have a girlfriend. Valentine is really beautiful. I wonder where you met such a beauty."grandma said and Val looked up. Great, I want an answer too. Well not the part how Henry met a beauty like Val. She is beautiful that's for sure I bet more beautiful than me. I can't expect anything less from Alex's ex's, it doesn't matter if they were in love or not. But I just noticed that everything around Alex is stunning. I mean his friends are stunning, his sister and now his ex. I wonder how his parents look like. If he looks like his dad then his dad is for sure handsome.

" Kim?"grandma called and I returned to earth.

"Sorry, what is it?"I asked.

"You have been to Miami right?"grandma asked and I nodded.

"Great, that's where Henry and I met. It was a business gala."Val said briefly.

"How long have you been together?"grandma asked.

"More than a month. I was in New York city two months ago, then things didn't go well for me so I decided to leave and start a new life in Miami. Who would have known that the new life would be getting a boyfriend."Val said looking at me smiling and I sneered at her.

That's a cliché story and if she thinks it was well made up then it's not. I don't believe her story even for a second. Considering how Henry is scratching his neck I don't believe the story. He does that when he's nervous and right now he's beyond nervous and that means that Val can be lying but why would she be? This is getting complicated and I don't want my head to hurt thinking about non important things.

"You know something, why don't you and Valentine come tomorrow and we all have some fun with the horses at the ranch tomorrow. It would be a good opportunity for you Henry to be friends with Alex. As you can see he's not that talkey talkey."grandma made a suggestion and I graoned inside. I can't stand a day with these two, importantly Val." If you have time that is."grandma added.

Val happily nodded and I looked at Henry who didn't look as happy. I thought he would be happy since the ranch was the best place he wanted to spend his time in since we were younge.

"Sure grandma. That's a great idea."he said and grandma smiled.

"I knew it. You always loved the ranch. Okay it's a plan then."grandma said happily.

"Grandma I think we will be leaving. It's kinda late. Thanks so much for the dinner."Henry said and I could see that something was wrong. He's always so energetic and now he's opposite of what I thought he would be. He and Val stood up and we escorted them to the their car. I didn't have to but I wanted to see and understand what actually is wrong. They got in the car and I was left there looking at the car as it sped away.

"Kimberly, what are you looking at?"grandma asked and I turning back to follow her back to the house.

"I just feel something is not right but maybe I'm just overthinking."I said.

"Really? Because I felt it too. Henry talked less today and that's so unlike him. I thought he was not talking because of Alex but after Alex left, he still didn't talk." Grandma said in her thoughts.

"I have something to tell you."I said to Grandma.

"What is it?"she asked.

"Val is Alex's ex. I know it's so surprising and she was the last person I expected to see as Henry's girlfriend. I didn't want to expose her since she pretended not to know us. I think it's weird and Henry obviously doesn't know about Alex being her ex. She was so pretentious and I wonder why."I revealed to Grandma leaving our encounter in New York last time when she embarrassed me.