
Chapter174:be in an hour

" you think I didn't want to talk to her? I really did but I kinda knew you would be with her so I stopped picking her calls then I switched my phone off but then, she called at around midnight when I turned my phone on to actually call her but she called first. She had just said my name when my battery died and before I knew it, I was lying down groaning in pain due to the gun shot and now I'm here with you guys who I don't fucking know where you came from when I had tasted death with my own lips."Alex said dramatically and Anderson sighed.

"This is not a joke Alex. You think it is but it's not. You should call your wife or else she will faint waiting for you."Sheebalie said and Alex turned serious. He took a deep breath and the. Dialed his wife's number and he called her.

 Kimberly picked on the first ring. " Hello baby."Alex said.

"Alex honey. Where are you? Are you okay?"she asked immideately.

"I'm great and you? I miss you."he said trying to make his voice sound so normal. He was in pain but for his wife he can try being strong. Just for her.

"I miss you too. Alex, I'm waiting for you at home, why aren't you home at this time? Where are you?"she asked myriad of questions simultaneously.

"Calm down baby, I'm safe. Right now I'm having something I need to deal with and when I'm done I'll be home. Why aren't you asleep?"Alex asked to dismiss the questions about where he was.

"I can't sleep. Why didn't you call? Do you know how worried I have been? And when you mean something you need to deal with, you mean dealing with the whoever kidnapped Anderson? Alex I want you home by morning. You can't go to such places because it's dangerous."Kimberly scolded and warned at the same time not knowing what she was warning Alex about, he's already done.

"Okay I won't go anywhere but I can't be home by morning baby. I'm with Sheebalie and Stefan if you don't believe me. They will report to you if I do such a thing because they are against it too so relax okay?"Alex coaxed. His heart was beating so fast right now. Mostly when he heard her say he be home by morning, he can't go home in the condition he is in right now.

"I want chocolate Alex. Right now."Kimberly said and Stefan who was treating Alex's wound while pretending not to listen to his conversation with his wife burst out laughing. Alex glared at him warning him not to stop laughing or else he will face his wrath but Stefan laughed even louder." Who is that?"she asked.

"It's Stefan who's being a dick. So you want a chocolate?"Alex asked now frustrated. How the hell is he supposed to get a chocolate this late and to add to that he's hurt and again he can't go home.

"Yes... I want to eat chocolate now."she said again and Alex looked at Sheebalie who raised a brow at him.

"Tell you what though, I'm sending someone to come bring you chocolate right now. When I come home, I'll bring you so many chocolates. So much that you wouldn't even finish."Alex said.

"But I want you to bring them. I miss you Alex. I can't sleep. If you don't come in an hour I'm gonna cry because I feel like crying right now."she said and she hung. 

"Fuck!!"Alex cursed loudly. He tugged his hair really hard that some hair must have been pulled from the root.

"What is it? Your 'baby' giving you hard time? If you had listened to us you wouldn't be here right now."Stefan mocked.

"Shut up Stefan. I need you to hurry with this wound I'm going home. Sheebalie help me find a chocolate shop that is open at this time and order every chocolate in that place. Then order as many chocolates from the company that makes chocolate and tell them to deliver them in my mansion by tomorrow evening."Alex said and everyone looked at him shocked.

"Are you really serious? What the hell are all those chocolates for? It's not like she will eat all those chocolates."Sheebalie said .

" Do as I said Sheebalie. She just said that if I won't be home in one hour she's gonna cry."Alex said and Anderson chuckled." What's so funny?"

"She's just like her mother you know. When she was pregnant with the triplets, she used to throw such tantrums and believe me when you won't be there in an hour, you won't get her to stop to cry. Kimberly is so much like Isabelle."Anderson said sighing and Sheebalie looked at her dad as if wanting to ask more questions but she didn't. She just continued doing what Alex told her to do in her laptop.

"Sheebalie, you are gonna throw such tantrums too?"Stefan teased and she glared at him.

"I'm gay dummy."she said and Stefan was caught off guard.

"Ooh shit, really? Damn, how come I hadn't figured this sooner."he said and Sheebalie looked at him angrily and annoyed.

"Are you seriously judging me? What a jackass."she said.

"What? No.. I didn't do such....."

"Quit your dumb argument and do what you are supposed to be doing. My life is at stake here and you are just arguing?"Alex scolded and Stefan continued with his wound.

Alex dialed a number and he called someone." Jaden, prepare the car."he said and he hung up. He then looked at Stefan, "we'll do this in the car. Sheebalie have you found anything?"Alex asked.

"Yeah...chocolates are now on their way to your home but I haven't ordered for the....."

"Leave the other part I'll do it myself tomorrow. I'll contact the chocolate company myself. Let's go but you Anderson are staying here and let me warn you, if you get yourself in trouble again, I'm not Saving you. The negotiation I made was a one time thing."Alex said.

"Thanks for saving me but you shouldn't have though."Anderson said and Alex looked at him trying to wake up but Stefan helped him up.

"I didn't do that for you."Alex said and Anderson looked at him in confusion and before he could ask anymore questions," I don't want to talk. I better save the energy for my wife."Alex said and they left leaving him Sheebalie and her dad there.

They drove to Alex's mansion and Stefan was done treating his wound by the time they reached. He had gotten the bullet out and stopped the bleeding and although it hurt like hell, Alex still managed to stand still for his wife. He opened the door Stefan looking at him worried.

"Are you sure about this? If you strain so much you are gonna bleed because it's still a fresh wound."Stefan warned.

"I'll be fine. It doesn't hurt like before."he said and he got in the house to be welcomed by Samuel his butler." Sam...where is Kimberly?"Alex asked.

"The madam is lying on the couch master. There was a parcel that arrived earlier and I don't know what it entails. Do you know anything about it.?" Samuel asked.

"Don't worry about it. You can rest now."Alex said and at that time Stefan entered.

"Where is Kimberly?"he asked confused.

"Let me check on her."Alex said and he walked to the sitting room to find Kim fast asleep. Alex chuckled because he can't believe his wife just threatened him only to find her fast asleep without any care.