
Chapter171: selfish.

"What did you do?"I asked Sheebalie.

"I...well the truth is... dad was ummm... kidnapped."she started and I can't lie that I didn't feel anything but I'm not gonna show it on my face."after our call yesterday, Alex called me later, I guess you were asleep at that time. He called to tell me he's gonna help me. He asked me to track his phone and I found where it was and that's why I called him today in the morning to inform him because he said that I inform him once I find something. He started saying something about giving them a visit, you know the guys who has kidnapped dad. I told him it's such a bad idea but he still insisted on going. I tried convincing him but he didn't listen too until I threatened that I will inform you of what he's about to do. He said he'll back down and that was our last conversation. He didn't listen to me, he tricked me and I know he's gone to the lion's den where of course they are waiting for him."she said and I felt like my air pipes have been cut off and I couldn't breathe at all.

"Y.. you mean he went to see Xavier?"I asked but she shook her head.

"No...this is not Xavier's plan. It's his dad's plan."

"Ooh my God!! Will he be okay?"I couldn't help but ask. This is just too much.

"I don't know but Alex can keep himself Safe. He can take care of himself."she said and I frowned. What the hell is she talking about.

"You can't think like that when he literally walked himself in the enemy's camp. Do you know how fucking dangerous it is? You shouldn't have involved him in this matter in the first place. If you think Alex can take care of himself why didn't your dad take care of himself too and he let a bunch of people kidnap him?"I said angrily. I can't believe she helped Alex go to the enemy.

"I'm sorry okay? I didn't know Alex would do such a thing,he promised he won't go. And when you say my dad, you mean your dad too. He's your dad too. Remember that."she said the last part in a whisper.

"My dad? He's not my dad. He's never been and he will never be so don't you ever bring the dad shit on my face. He might be your dad but he's not my dad."I said raising my voice.

"Does that mean you don't acknowledge we are sisters?"she asked and I looked at her.

"Why would I? Give me one fucking reason why I should acknowledge that we are sisters. I have never seen you not until a year ago. For twenty four years, you decided to appear just a year ago. You fucking knew you had a sister but what did you do? You kept living your best life comfortably with your dad and whoever the other person is. You could have looked for me sooner because if roles were reversed, I would have looked for you as soon as possible."I told her and I could feel tears stinging my eyes but I blinked them away. I can't allow myself to cry in front of her. I have to be stronger than this.

"It's not like I didn't want to look for you, trust me I did but dad won't let me. He made sure that there won't be possible contact with you. Our brother tried, but dad didn't let him too."she said and I scoffed.

"You expect me to what? Calm down that you tried? Well then sorry to burst your bubble because I don't care that you tried. You could have tried harder. I would have tried harder. Nobody gives up on something she wants and the fact that y'all gave up, indicates something. So don't bullshit me with the I tried shit because I don't give a damn."I told her and I saw her eyes welling up with tears. I can't feel guilty because those tears can't be compared to the ones I have cried all my life.

"Kimberly, I... dad was just....."

"I don't want to hear anything else. Neither about you, nor Anderson or even whoever else is part of your family. Since you all came in my life, you have done nothing but messed it up. I'm being chased by a Mafia group and I can't live my life peacefully with my husband and friends. I can't even get out of this place. It's like I'm caged and I can't get out because the moment I get out, there are wolves waiting for me to savour on me."I paused

"I know you fucking don't understand because it's not you who is going through all this. You get to go out, have fun, go to work. But I can't. I stay here because this is my only safe heaven, so sorry if I'm really mad and so angry because I should be. You don't get to give excuses for what I am going through since you and your dad came in my life. You know what, fuck this. I don't even know why I'm wasting my energy on you, I need ice cream right now."I finished talking and I can't believe Sheebalie was a crying mess when I the cry baby, haven't shed a single tear.

"I'm really sorry."she said and I looked away then at her.

"What do you want me to do with your apology? It can't change anything."I said and I started walking away from her. I needed to get downstairs for an ice cream because I feel like I can't continue without it.

When I had just walked past her she said something." It wasn't just hard for you too. It had been hard for me and my brother too."she said and I stopped walking but my back was facing her." It was really hard on us when we knew we had a mom but we couldn't see her. We've also lived for years suffering too so don't you think this is all about you." She said and that statement hit me really hard that if it was an object, I would be bleeding right now. At that moment, Melissa and Andy came to where we were. I guess they heard our raised voices but I couldn't see Sheebalie stopping what she wanted to say.

"It was fucking hard just as it was for you but you are too selfish to see that, about what we went through. The same way you suffered because of missing out on having a father it's the same way we missed out not having a mother."she said and I looked at her my mouth agape. Did she just call me selfish? No.... don't even remind me of her comparing our situations. I could hear the confused voices of Melissa and Andy but that was not my concern right now. I was raging that I could kill someone.

"Don't you ever think our situations were the same. You fucking knew what was going on. You knew mom didn't abandon you guys, you knew that she didn't even know of your existence. How can you be this stupid to even compare our situations? I have lived for years, waiting for my dad to come, he knew I existed but he didn't care. But you, you had all the information, and just like I said earlier, if you missed Mom that much, you could have made an effort to look for her but no, you didn't. You are just taking it out on me for something you yourself didn't do."I told her.