
Chapter152: Ice cream Inn

Alex got in their bedroom and found his wife asleep and he smiled. He walked to the bed and he got in the covers and spooned her his hands on her belly. It's bulging a little but it's not noticeable. People wouldn't notice it easily. He just didn't understand why she wants to keep it a secret but whatever, he would respect her wishes.

He brought his head to the crown of her head and he breathed in her hair. He heard her groan and he looked at her."baby, are you awake?"he asked hoping he didn't wake her up.

"Alex..."she called out. Alex sighed unhappily that she woke his wife when he literally wanted her to rest.

"Go back to sleep sweetheart."he said but Kimberly turned around and looked at him smiling. Alex felt really happy that she was really smiling at him and no longer sad and angry with him, like she was before he left.

"I want to go for a walk."Kimberly suddenly said and Alex frowned.

"What?"Alex asked.

"Yes, take me for a walk. I want to go for a walk because I'm really tired of sleeping."she said snuggling in Alex's arms.

"But you haven't even slept for more than two hours?"Alex asked and Kimberly looked at him.

"Are we going for a walk or not?"she asked and Alex looked at her not knowing what to do. God!! His wife is becoming something else. She's putting him in this situations he can't tell what to choose from.

"Okay. Where do you want to go?" Alex asked her and Kimberly smiled then she kissed him and Alex was caught off guard but before he could even kiss her back she pulled away. What the hell?

"Alex, let's go to ice cream Inn. I want ice cream."she said and Alex frowned some more.

"You just said you want to go for a walk. Ice cream Inn is not a place for walking."Alex said and Kimberly looked at him innocently.

"Really? Whatever, I still want to go."she said shrugging arrogantly. Alex looked at her not knowing if he should laugh or cry. His wife just tricked him into doing what he doesn't want.

"You do know you just tricked me right. Where the hell did you learn something like that? You are becoming my little devil always tempting me and making me do things."Alex said looking at Kimberly who pouted.

"So you don't love me anymore?"she asked and Alex cursed. Why the hell would she think like that?

"No baby, I love you more than anything else in the world. You are my life, my everything baby."Alex said quickly and Kimberly smiled.

"Great, because you are about to have a fat wife. You don't mind me being fat right?"she asked and Alex creased his brows in confusion.

"I would love you even if you became fat baby, but why would you become fat?"

"I'm pregnant and I am about to gain weight Alex. Ain't you bothered?"she asked.

"Why would I be bothered by that? By the way, why do you want to keep your pregnancy a secret? I really want to let everyone know my wife is pregnant with our kids. Do you know how happy I am that I'm about to become a father? God!! I can't explain that feeling."Alex said looking up dreamily.

"I'm scared. I'm scared that the moment I tell everyone, it won't be true. I want to have these kids so badly and I'm scared of losing them. I really love them."she said and Alex looked at her.

"It's okay to be scared sweetheart. I'm scared too but I face my fears but not with you. I can't risk facing my fears with you because I can't have you getting a small scratch on you, that's why I'll always be scared. You don't have to face your fears, you just have to be positive. Be positive and everything will work out and you will realise that you aren't scared that much."Alex told Kimberly who just nodded and smiled.

"Okay! I'll try. I also want to let my family and my friends know. I just need time."she said and Alex nodded then he kissed her forehead.

"It's okay baby. I totally understand."Alex said and Kimberly smiled.

"I still want to go out Alex. I have been indoors and I miss the fresh air outside. Please, I want to go out. I really want to eat ice cream outside."she said and Alex smiled.

"Okay baby. Let's go and help you change your clothes. You can't possibly go with a pajama short and your husband's oversized t-shirt, can you?"Alex said getting out of the bed then he lifted Kimberly and he carried her in his arms.

"I still want to wear your clothes when we are going out."Kimberly said giggling and Alex chuckled. How he loves it when his wife is happy.

Alex sat her on the dressing table and looked for clothes she could wear then he went and helped her remove the clothes she had on. He started dressing her and when he helped her wear her bra, he sighed.

"You really need new clothes. These beautiful boobs here are now getting bigger. I'm sure some clothes won't be getting in you in the near future because your belly is now bulging and I can't wait for it to be bigger."Alex said looking at Kim's belly and Kim giggled.

"Why don't we go shopping after eating ice cream?"Kim suggested and Alex thought for a while and he nodded.

"Sure but listen to me. Always stick with me. It's not that safe out there but I don't think anyone would be stupid enough to take you away from me when I'm there. We'll be fine."Alex said then he helped Kim do her make up where Kim teased him that if he continues like that he would really turn to be a woman. He just laughed and he let her say whatever she wanted as long as she was happy.

After they were done, Alex drove his wife wherever she wanted to go. He made sure that bodyguards were on the lookout even if he told them not to follow them up close. He told them to make sure that no paparazzi would make it to where they were too.

He took his wife to the ice cream Inn and even if he didn't approve coming out that much, but seeing her this happy was all that mattered now. He forgot about anything else and focused on his wife's pretty face when she smiles. He even made the manager close the Inn so that people won't get in and disturb Kim's bliss. He wants her to eat without any stares from people which he knows she hate. People already know who she is now and they won't give her the peace she needs.

I ate ice cream and I couldn't thank Alex enough for bringing me here. I'm craving for these things and I feel like I can just stay here and eat ice cream my whole life. I was fully aware of the fact that we were the only one's in the place, well except for the workers. There were no customers around but I didn't care. All that matters was my ice cream but I chocked due to how fast I was eating and started coughing but Alex was there in seconds rubbing my back.

"You gotta slow down baby. The ice cream ain't going anywhere. I can buy you an ice cream maker if you want ice cream that much and then I'll have the maids make it for you whenever you want."Alex told me and I smiled.


"Yeah. Anything for you baby."he said smiling at me and I nodded then his phone rung. He picked it up and I looked at him talk with whoever called. I saw how his face darkened and wondered what the hell is wrong.

"Is everything okay?"I asked him after he hung up the phone.