
Chapter130:are you pregnant.

I chuckled at Shawn's nonsense. He's obviously making fun of me." Shawn shut up. That's impossible dummy. I can't be pregnant and please stop joking."I said and Shawn shook his head.

"But I'm really serious. Like really serious. Kim, you can be pregnant. God, that would be happy news. I'm gonna have a neice, you have to give me a neice or nephew. I should call Andy. I have to tell her the good news."he said and I sighed.

"Don't go spreading wrong information Shawn and please shut it. I'm really serious about that because I'm not pregnant."I said firmly this time.

"God Kim , when the fuck did you become such a fun killer."he said and I glared at him." Fine, fine..."he added raising his hands.

"Great. Now I need to go and sleep. I'm really tired. I'm gonna see you later."I said standing up and I left Shawn goofily smiling. He's really thinking about nonsensical things and I am not ready to listen to him. I reached the bedroom but I didn't find Alex in there so I went straight to the bathroom to freshen up.

I went to bed and it didn't take long before I slept and the next time I woke up, Alex was beside me sleeping too. I looked at him and I smiled. I traced my fingers on his handsome face. This man's beauty never cease to amaze me everyday. I traced his well shaped eyebrows and I can't even count the many times I have done this. I just can't get tired. I traced his long eyelashes and his eyes moved a little."honey, are you awake?"I asked and he smiled. He's definitely awake. 

He opened his eyes and those sexy eyes looked at me." Hello baby. "He said his voice horse. He then shifted to sleep on his back and I immediately straddled him. I looked down at his face and I smiled."what is it?"he asked smiling too.

"Nothing. I just find you really handsome."I said and he chuckled."I need to speak to you about something."I said not knowing how to start a conversation with him about him using protection during our love making.

"I'm listening."he said and I took a deep breath. I wiggled a little on him to find a comfortable place so I be ready to talk but my eyes widened.

" Alex, what are you doing?"I asked.

"What? Nothing. I can't can't control it and you sitting on me like that ain't helping at all. All I can think of is you riding me. I can imagine my hands on your hips rocking your them back and forth against my hard dick and then you lowering yourself on me and fucking the shit out of me."Alex said and I my breath hitched. I could feel my pussy getting wet from his words alone and his dick poking me was not helping at all."I would then let you enjoy that little control then after we come, together, I would bring you under my mercy and make you beg to come because I would getting in and out of you slowly and then after you are done begging enough, I would increase the speed slamming into your sweet pussy hard and fast just like how you like it until we come together, again."by the time Alex was getting done saying to me the dirty things he was planning to do to me, I was already rocking my hips on his dick my conversion with him all forgotten.

God!! He just make me like this. He makes me lose control. I rocked my hips faster but then Alex held me still on his dick and I couldn't move but I could see his eyes burning with desire." Alex, what are you doing? I need to..."I couldn't finish the statement because I went scarlet red.

"You need to what baby. I need to hear it."

"I... I..need.. to come Alex."I managed to get the words out of my mouth because I was desperate.

"Sure but what about me?"he asked and I creased my brows in confusion."I can't come in my pants baby. I have done that a lot when I'm with you. I want my dick in you."he said and I didn't waste time to fucking undress myself then I helped him out of his clothes and I can't know how it came to this. Then I remembered the protection conversation. Godammit, I cursed. I forgot to tell him and now it's too late because I need him right now and I can't care less about about some fucking condoms right now.

After endless rounds of pleasure, Alex finally came to a stop. He claimed that I need to eat something and he took me to the bathroom to freshen up then we went downstairs later and I found that Shawn had already left. Alex was cooking dinner while I sat on the kitchen counter watching him and I couldn't admire this man more. He's just fantastic and perfect.

"What did you want to talk to me about baby?"he asked and my eyes widened. Good gracious."what is wrong baby?"he asked but then I looked at him not knowing what to say to him and after a while, I decided to ask something I didn't expect myself to even say in my entire life.

"Would you want kids?"I asked looking away then I looked at Alex and I saw his eyes wide.

"Are you pregnant baby? God!! you are fucking pregnant? Please tell me you are pregnant."he said screaming happily and I frowned. Of course with his reaction he would want kids. With that reaction he would not agree on us using protection because he wants kids. I thought about it and I asked myself if I want kids with him, and my answer surprised me too." Baby, speak to me."Alex broke me out from the conversation with myself.

"No I'm not pregnant Alex. I was just thinking of how we've not been using protection and I thought that maybe we should start using because...."I trailed off because of how Alex's face darkened. Is he mad?

"Because what baby?"he asked his voice husky. I got down from the kitchen counter and I turned the stove off. Alex was getting agitated and I bet the food was all cooked by now." Baby, you need to talk to me. Because of what?"he asked again this time coming close to me.

"I well.. I don't know. I think I.. I'm just... I'm not... I think I'm not ready."I breathed out the words and Alex's face darkened further. He didn't say anything but looking at him, you could tell he was mad. He looked at me without saying anything and my  poor heart was beginning to beat really fast. I don't know what he's gonna say or do and I anticipated his reaction holding my breath impatiently.

He just looked at me and he didn't say anything. He went upstairs and I was left in the kitchen not knowing what to do. Should I run after him and immideately the thought came in my mind, I run after him upstairs. I went to our bedroom first because I thought he would go there first and when I found him, I sighed a relief but what I saw next shock the fucking hell out of me.

There was a secret safe that I didn't know about. Wait, are those guns there? My hand flew to my mouth and I stayed rooted on the ground watching Alex choosing a gun among the different collection in there. Oh my fucking God!! I screamed inside my head. What the fuck did I just walk into.