
Chapter 31 - As The Waistband Gradually Widens

"Changle is much calmer now!" exclaimed the Empress, a look of joy lighting up her face. " You've taken care of her!"

In truth, Empress Zhangsun didn't hold the same level of disrespect for Su Li as Li Er did. Men and women always have different perspectives. Li Er believed that his precious and exceptional daughter had been forced to marry Su Li, someone he considered entirely unworthy of Princess Changle.

However, in the eyes of Empress Zhangsun, Su Li proved to be a suitable son-in-law by genuinely caring for her daughter and accepting her current unconscious state.

"The princess has been making remarkable progress in her recovery lately," Su Li smiled as he spoke. "Furthermore, I can't really complain about the hardships. I've been staying up all night to take care of the princess."

The Governor of the Princess's residence, a female officer, indeed had a more challenging role than Su Li. Initially, she hardly slept at night, ensuring Princess Changle was attended to prompt, even during bodily functions.

Now that everything was entrusted to Su Li, the female officer would still be present at night to handle any unexpected situations. However, unlike before, Su Li had demonstrated sufficient responsibility and commitment. Perhaps due to this, the female officer had begun to relax and even doze off occasionally, trusting that Su Li would handle things well.

Traditionally, women were accustomed to sleep during the day…

Compliments were cheap, and many people could carry a luxurious carriage. Nonetheless, Su Li genuinely appreciated the hard work and wholehearted dedication of the female officers responsible for the princess, as he had witnessed it firsthand.

The female officers now fully recognized Su Li and even took the initiative to protect his status as the male host in the Princess House.

Today, with an insinuating tone, Zhangsun entered the room, but before Su Li could even intervene, the female officer retorted back at him. Clearly, the female officer was now under Su Li's care, and praising her was similar to praising himself.

When Su Li didn't take credit for the accomplishment, Empress Zhangsun simply smiled. The female officer had been personally selected by Empress Zhangsun as the governor of the Princess's residence and had initially served her. Naturally, Empress Zhangsun was well aware of the female officer's character.

She was instead surprised by Su Li's indifference to honor and disgrace.After all, Su Li was just a peasant, and initially, when Empress Zhangsun and Su Li interacted, there wasn't much contact between them.

However, as Empress Zhangsun started visiting more frequently, she realized that although Su Li had the appearance of a true peasant, he didn't possess much systematic knowledge and didn't even understand the officer system of the Tang Dynasty.

But the young man could read and write. According to Su Li himself, he had taken the initiative to seek advice from passing scholars. Su Li's family didn't even have a proper school or teacher, only a tattered book of poetry, yet he had learned to read and write.

Furthermore, Su Li always displayed a keen interest whenever the officer system of the Tang Dynasty was mentioned. This indicated that Su Li possessed a high level of personal initiative and an ability to learn actively.

In terms of character, the perceptive Empress Zhangsun also noticed that Su Li, despite being a humble peasant, treated her with respect but not excessive fear. His composure and calmness surpassed that of most people.

As Empress Zhangsun, even a county magistrate who could maintain a composed thinking and communicate fluently with her was considered to have a good mentality. And here was a peasant like Su Li exhibiting the same qualities.

She was Empress Zhangsun, revered as the Mother of the Nation. The thoughtful and perceptive Empress held a completely different perspective on Su Li as a peasant son-in-law compared to Li Er.

Empress Zhangsun believed that Su Li was not an ordinary individual. Of course, she didn't express it or forcefully continue to praise Su Li. Instead, she changed the subject and told Princess Changle some interesting stories about the palace.

While she could obtain the information she desired through the female officers, it was too early to discuss anything since Princess Changle hadn't awakened yet. For now, her attention towards Su Li was slightly more than usual.

Empress Zhangsun had extended her stay this time, and Su Li had gleaned a wealth of information from her. It was evident that some of the stories she shared were intended to show him a favor. Thanks to the Empress, Su Li's understanding of the power dynamics within the Tang Dynasty had become increasingly clear.

"Thank you very much, Your Majesty!" Su Li's gratitude was sincere as he respectfully bowed to Empress Zhangsun, who also happened to be his mother-in-law.

Indeed, one should always appreciate the kindness shown to them. "Thank you for your words, Your Majesty," Su Li responded with utmost respect. "Each of your stories and phrases has sparked deep contemplation in me, and I have gained invaluable insights from them."

"Some merely hear a tale, but you possess the ability to discern something beyond. That is your talent," Empress Zhangsun dismissed his gratitude with a wave of her hand.

Su Li bowed deeply and bid farewell, saying, "Farewell, Your Majesty!"

As Empress Zhangsun slowly departed from the courtyard, she abruptly halted and turned back to gaze at Su Li before leaving. "In the future, you must address me as 'Your Majesty'…" she smiled.

This child had truly impressed Empress Zhangsun and exhibited great self-motivation. In her eyes, his qualities were noteworthy. However, what mattered most was that Su Li took exceptional care of Princess Changle. Her tremendous growth within a mere ten days had filled Empress Zhangsun's heart with immense joy.

Empress Zhangsun, her connection with Su Li was established through Princess Changle. Su Li's eagerness to learn and his numerous exceptional qualities, though admirable, were secondary to the fact that he was first and foremost Princess Changle's husband and, subsequently, Empress Zhangsun's son-in-law. Only after that did his ambition and youthful vigor come into play.

The greatest bonus point for Su Li was his ability to be considerate and care for his wife. Otherwise, if Princess Changle were in such a situation, Su Li would have been regarded as a genius. Even if he complained about the immobile Princess Changle, the Empress still wouldn't accept him.

"I obey!" Su Li bowed again to show his respect.

"Take good care of Princess Changle!" Empress Zhangsun waved her hand and gestured for the female attendant to follow her out first.

Once the female attendant and Empress Zhangsun had left, Su Li straightened up and let out a long sigh of relief.

Empress Zhangsun truly deserved to be remembered for generations. Her every move could exert immense pressure with her constant demands. She was straightforward and didn't beat around the bush, expressing her appreciation for him and making it clear that he held an important position as the imperial family's son-in-law and Princess Changle's husband.

"How did Princess Changle's complexion recover so quickly?" Empress Zhangsun asked the female attendant once they were out of the courtyard.

"It's all thanks to the attentive care of the son-in-law," the female officer earnestly replied.

Empress Zhangsun took a serious look at the female officer and then nodded. The Governor of the Princess's residence was personally selected by Empress Zhangsun, who knew the character of the female attendant. Even if Su Li was more talented, it would be useless if the attendant was dishonest. In this respect, the attendant would never deceive her.

"What do you think of the son-in-law?" Empress Zhangsun asked again.

"I dare not speak rashly… but in this past month, the son-in-law has taken care of the princess with utmost dedication. He never undresses or sleeps in bed, and only yesterday he took his first bath since entering the household. The maids in the household even joked that the dirt he scrubbed off could make a basket…" The female attendant recounted Su Li's actions in detail.

Empress Zhangsun looked straight at the female attendant.

"It is not easy, not easy at all, to receive such high praise from you," Empress Zhangsun responded.

To be able to convince the female officer from the bottom of her heart, Su Li must be genuinely good to Changle, and it would be impossible to deceive her halfway.

Based on Su Li's actions, even if he was just putting on a show, he still put in a lot of effort. To win over the trust and admiration of the maid, he must have been genuinely dedicated to taking care of Princess Changle.

That was enough… to be able to treat my daughter well and have a sense of self-improvement.

The female officer was still talking about what Su Li had done until, in the end, she suddenly thought of something.

"By the way… Your Majesty, this is a calligraphy piece that the Duke left on the desk earlier." The female officer took out a piece of half-torn paper from her pocket.

It was the calligraphy piece that Su Li left on the desk after practicing Yan Gong's regular script.

On the torn half of the rice paper, there were two lines of large, square characters, vigorous and majestic.

"The belt gradually widens, but no regrets at last. For her, I become haggard!"

As she slowly recited, Queen Zhangsun's voice was gentle…

As for why this piece of paper was torn in half?

Su Li originally intended to write a whole poem… but he couldn't remember it. He suddenly realized that he could only remember the classic lines from many poems, and he couldn't recite them in full anymore…

Trying to piece together a poem with his limited knowledge didn't leave Su Li with a good feeling, so he decided to tear up his poor attempt and left only the original two lines.