
After losing my job, I inherited assets in the game

"During his time at Tang Song University, Tang Song played a single-player simulation business game. In the game, he started from scratch and founded the Tang Song Group, which eventually reached a trillion-dollar valuation. After being laid off by the company, his trillion-dollar corporation from the game suddenly manifested in the real world. 'Quick, bring my in-game female secretary over!' This is a story of a CEO's comeback and gradual inheritance of assets."

Daoist11vo4x · Urban
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28 Chs

27. Wang Yunfeng's hostility.

Seeing a very good Chinese cabbage being rooted by a pig, Tang Song couldn't help but feel a bit heartbroken.

However, he had to admit that the two of them looked very well-matched in appearance.

Both belonged to the outstanding category of people, and in school, they could be considered the school's beauty and handsome guy.

Tang Song's appearance was not bad either, but wearing casual clothes costing just over a hundred yuan and sports shoes, he seemed a bit out of place in front of these two.

"It's okay, he's Tang Song, the delivery guy who helped us take photos last night," Qiuqiu quickly explained to the guy next to her, then pretended to be annoyed and said, "It's all because you stood us up last night, so we had to find someone to help. Be careful, when Lingling sees you, she'll scold you."

The guy didn't mind and just smiled, taking a few steps forward, half of his body blocking Qiuqiu.

As Tang Song was half a head shorter, the guy had to slightly tilt his face upward and said, "Hello, little brother, I'm Qiuqiu's classmate, Wang Yunfeng."

"Hello, Wang classmate."

Not a couple?

Tang Song inexplicably breathed a sigh of relief and then turned to explain to Qiuqiu, "I just happened to come to this shop to buy a car, and I came here before you guys. I just finished testing a car in the parking lot. Do you have something to do today? Why didn't Zhang Lingling come?"

Seeing Tang Song's sincere expression, Qiuqiu finally eased up.

Pointing at Wang Yunfeng, she said, "Lingling stayed at home to edit videos. My classmate wants to buy a motorcycle, and since I'm a bit of an online motorcycle celebrity, I came to help him choose."

"Oh, I see. Well..."

Tang Song was about to speak to get closer, but Qiuqiu interrupted, "Let me accompany my classmate to look at the bikes first. We'll chat later. Bye."

Qiuqiu pulled Wang Yunfeng's shirt hem and signaled him to leave quickly.

With a potential love interest by her side, she had no intention of getting too close to Tang Song, lest Wang Yunfeng misunderstood something. She also feared that Tang Song might say something unpleasant.

However, Tang Song didn't want to miss this opportunity. Confidently, he said, "I have a good relationship with the manager of this dealership. If you guys are buying a bike, I can help you get an internal discount. It will be much cheaper than the price you can get. Trust me."

Upon hearing this, Qiuqiu's eyes lit up, seemingly tempted but also uncertain. She said, "Are you serious?"

Tang Song nodded sincerely, took out his phone from his pocket, and said, "Let's exchange WeChat first. Once you decide on a bike, contact me, and I'll inform the sales team here. You'll get a much better deal."

Saying this, Tang Song had already displayed his QR code.

Qiuqiu opened her bag, ready to take out her phone.

However, Wang Yunfeng, standing beside her, suddenly raised his hand to block her, looking at Tang Song with a playful smile. "Buying a bike? Don't trouble yourself, little brother. You're here to deliver food, right? You've already wasted quite a bit of time. Go and take your next order quickly. Being late will cost you money."

Having said that, he no longer paid attention to Tang Song, turning around to continue selecting bikes.

Qiuqiu gave Tang Song an apologetic smile and, though a bit embarrassed, did not hesitate to follow Wang Yunfeng, leaving him with an attractive figure.

Tang Song shook his head helplessly. It was just adding each other on WeChat; this Wang Yunfeng was being too stingy.

He was at least an acquaintance of Qiuqiu; couldn't he give a little face?

Qiuqiu quickly walked to Wang Yunfeng's side and asked, "Yunfeng, why are you suddenly angry with Tang Song? He was just trying to help."

Wang Yunfeng shook his head, sneered, and said, "Qiuqiu, you are really naive. Can a delivery guy like him have connections with the manager of a dealership?"

"Not that I'm looking down on him, but at most, he often delivers food to a salesperson, gets familiar with them, you know how it is. Nowadays, many salespeople dare to call themselves sales managers. What he said is either stupid or malicious. Why waste time with him?"

"Maybe he wants a commission for introducing us to buy a bike. Be careful in the future; there are many people out there full of big talk, especially when they see a beauty like you, they'd do anything to get close."


Qiuqiu covered her mouth and laughed lightly. Her beige pleated skirt swayed with her graceful figure, and her bright eyes curved like a crescent moon.

Looking up at the handsome boy in front of her, he resembled the romantic male lead she admired in love comics. Softly, she said, "So, are you worried about me?"

"Of course!" Wang Yunfeng nodded gently, his gaze fixed on the charming Qiuqiu.

"In fact, you misunderstood Tang Song. I think he's probably trying to change careers and make short videos. He doesn't have many connections, so he wants to establish a relationship with me and ride on my popularity. Oh, by the way, he also paid 2000 yuan to advertise in my video. It's probably because he wants to collaborate with me in the future, so he wanted to add me on WeChat."

Qiuqiu was very clever; she quickly made a reasonable inference from Tang Song's attitude.

Although Wang Yunfeng didn't think much of Tang Song, his male intuition gave him a sense of crisis, making him subconsciously not want the other party to get close to Qiuqiu.

"Then we definitely shouldn't add him on WeChat. These kinds of people at the bottom of society are the most scheming and shameless. We mustn't let him take advantage of the situation."

Rolling her eyes in a charming way, Qiuqiu pretended to be angry and said, "Blame it on you for standing us up yesterday. We had no choice but to find a delivery guy to fill in."

"Alright, alright, let's not talk about that. Since you don't want me to add him, then I won't."

While listening to the beautiful and ambiguous words of the girl beside him, Wang Yunfeng couldn't help but smile.

He naturally understood Qiuqiu's thoughts about him. However, he had no intention of revealing his true feelings at the moment.

As a prominent figure in the school, he was surrounded by many outstanding girls.

Among the girls pursuing him were the rich and beautiful, the academic achievers, and successful older sisters. He didn't want to rush into a relationship with any one of them too early.

It was like picking stocks; he wanted to find the highest quality one to hold for the long term.

Of course, even among those girls, Qiuqiu was the most beautiful.

Originally, in his eyes, this pretty classmate could only be considered a potential stock.

Although she looked good, her family was quite ordinary, and she didn't usually dress up much. It was said that she lived a frugal life.

From freshman year to junior year, he didn't pay much attention to this female classmate.

Who would have thought that recently she suddenly became a somewhat famous internet celebrity, and her popularity soared like a rising stock.

Wearing beautiful clothes and putting on exquisite makeup, she seemed like a completely different person.

At this moment, Qiuqiu naturally upgraded to a hot candidate for his girlfriend.

Wang Yunfeng restrained his impure thoughts and revealed a standard warm and sunny smile, saying, "If you encounter such people bothering you in the future, just tell me directly. As long as I'm around, I won't let these annoying flies disturb you."

Qiuqiu felt her heart pounding, quickly turned shyly away, and whispered, "Then... let's continue looking at bikes, okay."