
After losing my job, I inherited assets in the game

"During his time at Tang Song University, Tang Song played a single-player simulation business game. In the game, he started from scratch and founded the Tang Song Group, which eventually reached a trillion-dollar valuation. After being laid off by the company, his trillion-dollar corporation from the game suddenly manifested in the real world. 'Quick, bring my in-game female secretary over!' This is a story of a CEO's comeback and gradual inheritance of assets."

Daoist11vo4x · Urban
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28 Chs

23. Promotion and salary increase.

Someone who knew what was going on took a sharp breath upon seeing the wine on the table.

"Did you guys notice the wine on the table? It must be worth tens of thousands altogether!"

"Who cares about the wine? Look at who's sitting on the right side of Dong Yuyan."

"Oh my god! Isn't that Manager Li from Hengda? Our boss invited him for a drink last month, but he was too busy to come."

"And there's Bai Shengli, General Bai. Our company has been trying to secure the vehicle transportation order from Baolong for a long time. Heard it's tough to meet him in person."

"We thought everyone was just ordinary workers, turns out they are undercover big shots."

Huayu Logistics was engaged in transporting goods in Yancheng and its surrounding areas. Due to its short establishment time and lack of connections, they mainly transported low-priced, diverse products like food, beverages, and hardware accessories, with low profits.

Until last year, the boss took the lead in forming a project team and managed to secure the order from Hengda Motors. This marked a significant breakthrough for the company.

For a company to grow and strengthen, it needs orders from large corporations. This not only proves the company's strength but also brings more stable income.

With the largest motorcycle shop in Yancheng as a client, other small and medium-sized companies can trust Huayu Logistics more.

Car transportation was the next breakthrough for Huayu, and they had been working hard on it. It was the current focus of the entire sales department.

Not long after, Dong Yuyan was pulled into another group by Xu Lei, the director of the development department.

Looking at the group member list, Dong Yuyan's heart was in turmoil.

Not only were the main leaders of each department in the group, but even the company boss and two vice presidents were also there. This seemed to be a discussion group for the company's leadership.

Xu Lei: "Xiao Dong, sorry to disturb your rest. Are you busy right now? I saw the group photo in your Moments and wanted to ask, how's your relationship with Manager Li and General Bai?"

Dong Yuyan was still considering how to reply when Zhang Huayu, the boss of Huayu Logistics, spoke.

"Don't be nervous. We don't have any other intentions. Hengda Motors is an important client for us, and Baolong Motors is the direction we're striving for. As an employee of our company, actively building good relationships with clients is your ability, and it is of significant importance to the overall development of the company."

Dong Yuyan immediately sensed that this was an opportunity to change her life trajectory.

As long as she bravely accepted it, not only would her previous troubles be resolved, but her position and treatment within the company would also undergo a drastic change.

She glanced at Tang Song sitting at the wine table.

If he found out she lied, what kind of woman would she be in his eyes?

Opportunistic? Motivated by impure motives?

Thinking of this, Dong Yuyan decided to tell the truth: "My friend has a good relationship with Manager Li, and I just met General Bai today."

After saying that, she took a real-time photo and sent it to the group.

In the photo, Li Mingbo was pouring wine for Tang Song, and Bai Shengli was patting Tang Song on the shoulder, smiling warmly.

Although Dong Yuyan only mentioned them as friends, combined with her intimate appearance with Tang Song in her Moments before, these big leaders understood it all.

The group fell silent for a while, and then Boss Zhang Huayu continued.

"Yuyan, although you are an employee of the development department, maintaining good business relationships with our clients should also be recognized. We have just adjusted your position in the human resources department. While keeping your original position, you can also serve as the supervisor of Sales Department 5. In addition to receiving double salary, you can also apply for a business entertainment fee of 10,000 yuan per month."

"Of course, if you can facilitate cooperation with Baolong, our company will not mistreat you as a significant contributor. I can personally grant you stock options!"

Seeing these conditions, Dong Yuyan's heart began to race uncontrollably.

The chairman of the company, in front of so many leaders, offered such generous treatment to make her understand the company's sincerity.

The so-called stock options are equivalent to shares of the company. If the quantity is substantial, when Huayu Logistics successfully goes public, she can achieve financial freedom directly.

Even without considering stock options, double salary + 10,000 entertainment fee + performance bonus would guarantee an annual income of over 300,000.

In a second-tier city like Yancheng, an annual income of 300,000 is definitely considered top-tier treatment.

For Dong Yuyan, who comes from an average family and recently graduated, this is simply a dream come true.

And the creator of this dream is Tang Song.

However, what made her feel uneasy was that her relationship with Tang Song was not as deep as others imagined.

To turn this dream into reality, she needed to be truly with him.

Dong Yuyan had many aspirations for her love life and didn't want it entangled with interests. But when faced with the temptation of these benefits, she realized she had no resistance.

Or rather, 99% of women couldn't resist such a huge temptation.

The pursuit of strength is inherent in human nature, and the sense of security Tang Song provided her was unparalleled.

Dong Yuyan now regretted why she didn't spend more time with Tang Song in college, why she didn't discover his strengths earlier, and why she wasted time in various useless social circles.

Those alumni who seemed so successful in college were now nothing compared to Tang Song.

Thinking of this, she silently made up her mind and replied in the group, "Thank you for the trust of the leaders. I will continue to work hard."

Standing up, she walked towards the nearby wine table.

A sweet fragrance filled the air, and a pleasant voice sounded in her ears, "Tang Song, I'll go back to Room 308 first. It's awkward to stay here without joining the conversation."

Tang Song thought for a moment and nodded, "Sure, I'll go back later. After all, today is our classmates' gathering."

"Okay, deal. I'll wait for you over there. If you don't come, I won't leave," Dong Yuyan casually picked up the half-filled wine glass that Tang Song had been drinking from, brought it to her nose, and took a sip. She playfully stuck out her pink tongue and said, "It smells so good. Can I taste it?"

This intimate and ambiguous interaction made Tang Song feel a bit dazed, as if Liang Baoyue had done something similar before.

Seeing Tang Song staring at her in a daze, Dong Yuyan smiled triumphantly.

"Oh, it's a bit bitter. Red wine is still better," Dong Yuyan lightly sipped the white wine and then turned to Li Mingbo, saying, "Manager Li, let me toast to you again."

Li Mingbo smiled, "I must drink this toast."

The two finished their drinks, and Dong Yuyan continued, "Can I add your WeChat? I've heard a lot about Manager Li."

"No problem," Li Mingbo readily agreed. With the goal achieved, Dong Yuyan didn't linger any longer.

She playfully winked at Tang Song, turned around, and left.

Her graceful figure, the cascading waves of her long hair, coupled with a unique white-collar temperament, exuded charm.