
After losing my job, I inherited assets in the game

"During his time at Tang Song University, Tang Song played a single-player simulation business game. In the game, he started from scratch and founded the Tang Song Group, which eventually reached a trillion-dollar valuation. After being laid off by the company, his trillion-dollar corporation from the game suddenly manifested in the real world. 'Quick, bring my in-game female secretary over!' This is a story of a CEO's comeback and gradual inheritance of assets."

Daoist11vo4x · Urban
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28 Chs

21.Industry Exchange Card

"People gather by class, and things are grouped by category.

They all hold substantial positions or directorships in well-known companies in Yan City, and while they also hold company shares and wield considerable power, they are not considered part of the truly top-tier individuals.

In the eyes of someone like Liu Tianhao, they might be considered significant figures.

However, looking at the entire Yan Province, and even the entire Huaxia, they are nothing special.

The wealthiest among them, Wang Desheng, has assets just barely surpassing a hundred million, including many stocks and real estate.

People like the banquet hall owner, Xie Xiaolei, who owns four restaurants in Yan City, have a net worth of only around 20-30 million.

However, the Tang Song Group spans multiple industries and is a giant in the national business scene.

With a net asset value exceeding a hundred billion, it not only holds shares in several industry unicorns but also has many industries as support, with an estimated actual valuation possibly exceeding a trillion.

It can be said that the every move of this giant affects the foundation of certain industries.

The executives of Tang Song Group, especially those from the President's office, are individuals they absolutely cannot afford to offend.

According to known information, the actual controlling entity of Tang Song Group is an overseas trust, and the true beneficiary is still unknown.

Although the name Tang Song might evoke some absurd associations among those present, no one takes it seriously.

How could a recent college graduate be the real owner of Tang Song Group?

"Mr. Tang, this is our banquet hall's diamond membership card. It gives you a 50% discount on all expenses at all stores in Yan City. Feel free to bring friends in the future and help us out."

Xie Xiaolei, in the restaurant business, is versatile and, upon learning Tang Song's identity, immediately wanted to build a relationship.

"Mr. Tang, if you plan to invest in Yan City in the future, you can contact me. Here's my personal business card."

"Haha, Mr. Tang, give me a call when you're buying a car. I guarantee the lowest price. Several luxury car 4S stores in Yan City are affiliated with our Bao Long Auto Trade."

Several people took out their business cards and handed them to Tang Song, warmly striking up conversations.

Each person handled it well, not overly flattering nor distant.

Tang Song took the cards, as he didn't have his wallet, he casually tucked them into his pocket and said, "I don't have a business card, how about we add each other on WeChat?"

"That's even better."

Except for Li Mingbo, the five others quickly took out their phones and opened their personal QR codes.

Tang Song added them one by one, labeling them with company and name.

After pouring Tang Song a glass of white wine, Li Mingbo loudly said, "Come, let's have a drink together. Here's to a pleasant cooperation in the future."

Tang Song, caught up in the enthusiastic atmosphere, couldn't refuse. After clinking glasses with everyone, he emptied the glass.

Just as he put down the glass, Dang Yuyan blushed and shyly approached Tang Song, whispering, "Tang Song, let's exchange WeChat too."

As soon as these words were spoken, Dang Yuyan felt embarrassed, wishing she could dig a hole and hide.

During college, Tang Song was relatively independent and didn't socialize much with classmates. His reputation among them wasn't good, occasionally working part-time jobs and being seen as someone from a financially struggling family.

This kind of inconspicuous classmate like Tang Song wasn't even on Dang Yuyan's radar, considering her a university flower.

In her WeChat friends list, she only added people she thought were worth befriending, those who might be helpful to her in the future.

For example, Liu Tianhao, who was generous in college and had good personal abilities.

It wasn't until today, seeing Tang Song, that she realized what she missed in college.

This top-tier handsome rich guy was definitely irresistible to her.

"Sure, I've always wanted to add the beautiful Dang to my WeChat. Today's a chance."

Tang Song didn't think too much about it; his overall impression of Dang Yuyan was good.

During college, she kept a clean image and had a gentle personality, with no rumors about her.

Dang Yuyan instantly smiled brightly, and most of her nervousness disappeared.

"Ding, detecting the host proactively establishing social connections, taking a solid step toward the road of the elite. Completed hidden mission, rewarded with item [Industry Exchange Card (1 million)]."

Hearing the pleasant notification sound, Tang Song was overjoyed.

After delivering takeout, which became a cash cow, he now completed another hidden mission just by making a few connections and received assets worth 1 million.

This 1 million could easily buy a small apartment in Yan City.

The thing he once dreamed of was now easily fulfilled by the system.

"Tang... Tang Song, are you okay?" Dang Yuyan brushed her hair, blushing with a mix of joy and shyness, avoiding direct eye contact.

While the two were about to add each other as friends, Tang Song suddenly stared at her.

That focused gaze seemed to treat her as a rare treasure.

"Does he like me?" Dang Yuyan began to let her imagination run wild. "Could it be that he secretly liked me throughout college and is now using this class reunion to confess?"

"What should I do? Should I agree? Is it too..."

The other several bosses exchanged glances, seasoned veterans in the business world who thought they understood the situation. They tacitly decided not to disturb them.


"Lao Li, about the pricing issue of the batch of components you mentioned last time, I'll discuss it with the chairman when I go back. I'll try to negotiate and get you another 3-point reduction." Liang Zong from Guangyuan Trading and Li Mingbo clinked glasses, smiling.

Li Mingbo quickly shook Liang Zong's hand, sincerely saying, "Thank you very much! You've really helped me a lot. Our cost pressure is quite high now, and headquarters is becoming increasingly strict in assessing us."

"Haha, we've been friends for so many years, no need to be so polite. Come, have another drink with me."

Tang Song suddenly woke up, looking at the refined urban woman in front of him. Thinking about the item he had just obtained, his emotions surged. He almost wanted to hug her and give her a few passionate kisses.

"It's okay, it's okay. I just zoned out a bit."

"Then quickly add me as a friend." Dang Yuyan didn't dare to make eye contact with him, her eyes dodging.

Tang Song happily sent a friend request, which was promptly accepted.

She replied with a cute emoji: shy.jpg

Tang Song was a bit puzzled, wondering why she suddenly became shy.

But he had no time to think about it now. He casually replied with: hug.gif

It was just a reflex action. The number of girls in his friends' list was quite limited, mostly relatives. The one he often chatted with was just one, Liu Baoyue.

Liu Baoyue often liked to send shy and cute emojis.

Usually, at times like this, Tang Song would respond with a hugging or lifting-up emoji.

However, he was completely unaware that at this moment, Dang Yuyan became even more convinced of one thing.

He likes me!

He even sent such emojis. So how should I reply to him?