
After losing my job, I inherited assets in the game

"During his time at Tang Song University, Tang Song played a single-player simulation business game. In the game, he started from scratch and founded the Tang Song Group, which eventually reached a trillion-dollar valuation. After being laid off by the company, his trillion-dollar corporation from the game suddenly manifested in the real world. 'Quick, bring my in-game female secretary over!' This is a story of a CEO's comeback and gradual inheritance of assets."

Daoist11vo4x · Urban
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28 Chs

16. Cooperative Promotion.

The next morning, Tang Song was awakened by a call from his university classmate Lu Zi Kuan.

"Tang Song, how's the job search going?"

Tang Song, yawning, replied, "Haven't started looking yet."

Lu Zi Kuan said, "Let's meet up for lunch today. I'll invite a few other classmates who are still in Yancheng. We'll go to the barbecue place across from the school and catch up. I'll ask around to see if anyone's company is hiring and give you a referral."

Thinking about the newly triggered sharing task, Tang Song declined, "I've got something to do today. You guys go ahead, next time for sure."

Lu Zi Kuan wasn't pleased, "You're using the same excuse again. Last time, you said 'next time for sure' and now you're still busy? Come on, it's just a two-hour lunch. I'll cover your expenses. Hey, I'll let you in on a secret, the beautiful Tian Han will be there too."

Tang Song reluctantly agreed, "Okay."

Lu Zi Kuan reminded, "Remember to be there at 12 noon, don't be late."

After hanging up, Tang Song checked the time, and since it was already 9 AM, he decided not to go back to sleep.

Downstairs at a breakfast shop, Tang Song, enjoying some dumplings, sent a message to Zhang Lingling, "Good morning, Lingling. Regarding the video we shot last night, when do you plan to post it on Douyin?"

After finishing breakfast and returning home, without receiving a reply, Tang Song took out a book and began his daily study routine.

Although he had some savings, daily expenses were still necessary, and every little bit helps.

"Di~" The sound of a message alert on his phone interrupted his study.

Zhang Lingling: "I'll start editing the video today. It should be posted by next Tuesday. How about that? Can't wait to see your own video?"

Tang Song breathed a sigh of relief, having two days to work on the sharing video.

The next challenge was how to persuade Zhang Lingling.

After some thought, he carefully replied, "I plan to start managing my own Douyin account as well. I want Qiū Qiū to mention me when she posts a video, as a form of promotion. You guys can treat it as an advertising collaboration. What's your rate for that?"

Zhang Lingling remained silent for a moment and responded, "Tang Song, making short videos can earn money, but you need to have your own unique style. Qiū Qiū relies on her looks and figure. With her appearance, she doesn't even need to make jokes. Just standing there and filming something beautiful, she naturally gains followers."

Zhang Lingling continued, "Don't be too hasty just because you see us making money. Becoming an internet celebrity is not easy, at least harder than delivering food. Currently, our main income comes from live stream donations, and even with almost 300,000 followers, we can't entirely rely on ad revenue."

Zhang Lingling added, "It's not easy for you to make some money, going through all kinds of weather to deliver food. Why waste your hard-earned money on this?"

Feeling a bit helpless, Tang Song couldn't reveal the real situation and insisted, "Lingling, I still want to give it a try. I hope you can help. Please consider this collaboration, and it would be great if you could also mention me in the top comments. I assume you guys accept this type of collaboration, so give me a quote."

"Alright, since you're determined to try, I'll get back to you with a quote later. I need to discuss it with Qiū Qiū," Zhang Lingling replied.

"Thanks, I'll wait for your good news."

Putting down his phone, Tang Song resumed his study.


Yancheng Normal University, Girls' Dormitory Room 202.

Zhang Lingling sighed and sat up on her dormitory bed with a somewhat helpless expression.

She then saw Qiū Qiū, who was doing yoga. Qiū Qiū's provocative figure and stunning face radiated an alluring charm. Zhang Lingling, looking at herself, felt rather ordinary.

Sighing deeply again, Zhang Lingling muttered, "People are really incomparable."

Qiū Qiū, with a breathy voice, asked, "Why the sighs so early in the morning? That's not like you."

"Remember the delivery guy Tang Song we met last night?" Zhang Lingling complained to Qiū Qiū. "He seems to know that we can make money as internet celebrities. He just asked me if I could promote his account and bring him some followers. He even asked how much it would cost. I don't know what he's thinking. If becoming popular were that easy, I would have done it too."

Qiū Qiū, stretching her arms backward and grabbing her left shin with both hands, striking an exaggerated pose, said, "No wonder he was so enthusiastic last night. So, he has an ulterior motive. Well, it doesn't matter to us. You can quote him the market price."

Zhang Lingling got up and sat next to Qiū Qiū, rubbing her cheek against Qiū Qiū's shoulder, playfully whining, "Mua, Qiū Qiū, you're so kind. With your great figure, being with you every day, I might get bent out of shape."

"Oh, right, has Wang Yunfeng contacted you today? He stood us up yesterday when we agreed to shoot a video together. Humph! I just can't figure out how a man can stay indifferent when faced with your pursuit. Is he gay?"

Qiū Qiū patted Zhang Lingling's perky little bottom, saying, "Don't talk nonsense. Wang Yunfeng had urgent matters at home yesterday; it wasn't intentional. Besides, I only have a liking for him; it's not to the point of pursuing him."

Rolling her eyes, Zhang Lingling, with a hint of annoyance, said, "You're such a fan of handsome guys. Seeing that Wang is handsome, your album is filled with his photos. As for some people, even though they're stubborn, once they see someone liking motorcycles, they start making motorcycle videos and even dye their hair to follow the trend. Don't think I don't know your little schemes."

"Hey, stop, stop, stop! Don't tickle me! Alright, let's not talk about this. Someone's getting annoyed."

"I'm going to reply to Tang Song's message. By the way, Tang Song is quite a handsome guy. Although he may not match up in some aspects to Wang Yunfeng, he's much more cheerful. When we shot the video last time, I was his pillion, and I secretly touched his abs. He has great body shape, you know. Should I consider a change of heart?"

Qiū Qiū gave her a glare, a bit annoyed, "If he's so good, why don't you keep him for yourself? Tomorrow, go deliver food with him, and you two can be like a married couple, flying together. Since our account has started making money, I don't need to share it with you anymore."

Zhang Lingling quickly apologized, "Qiū Qiū, my bad. Don't be angry. How about I treat you to lunch and a movie this afternoon?"

Qiū Qiū, with a smile that couldn't be hidden, continued with her yoga, "This afternoon, I'm going with Wang Yunfeng to buy a motorcycle. We can watch the movie tomorrow. Lingling, you stay in the dormitory to edit the video diligently. No slacking off."

Perplexed, Zhang Lingling asked, "Doesn't he already have a motorcycle? Why is he buying another one?"

"It's a birthday gift for his cousin."

"What? A motorcycle for a birthday gift? So generous! How come he never gives you gifts?"

Zhang Lingling, grinding her teeth in dissatisfaction, said, "If I were as pretty as you, I'd receive gifts every day and have dozens of followers as backup admirers. I've never seen someone so stubborn. When a handsome guy is surrounded by so many admirers, even if you manage to be with him, there will still be a lot of palace drama to act out."

Qiū Qiū didn't mind and said, "I have confidence in myself."

Zhang Lingling had just replied to Tang Song's message and patted her own head with her phone, looking somewhat dumbfounded. She muttered, "Love brain is really scary! Yesterday, when he stood us up, you were sulking all night. Today, you get an invitation, and you're happy again! I'm willing!" Zhang Lingling continued, "Hey, hey, wake up! You're Money Qiū Qiū, the future big internet celebrity! Our fan base has tripled or quadrupled over this summer break. Do you know what that means? You're not an ordinary college student anymore. You're on your way to getting rich, sister. Lift up your style; you have the qualifications to attract those high-quality guys."

Qiū Qiū remained silent, focusing on her challenging yoga moves.

Helpless, Zhang Lingling sighed and mumbled something.