
After losing my job, I inherited assets in the game

"During his time at Tang Song University, Tang Song played a single-player simulation business game. In the game, he started from scratch and founded the Tang Song Group, which eventually reached a trillion-dollar valuation. After being laid off by the company, his trillion-dollar corporation from the game suddenly manifested in the real world. 'Quick, bring my in-game female secretary over!' This is a story of a CEO's comeback and gradual inheritance of assets."

Daoist11vo4x · Urban
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28 Chs

11. Frustrated and infuriated.


The sound of high heels tapping the ground echoed as Bai Xiaomeng, holding a small handbag, swayed her petite waist towards the cashier to settle the bill. Her graceful and charming figure drew the attention of many around.

Zhang Yue was stunned on the spot, his face alternating between pale and red, and it was unclear what he was thinking.

Tang Song smiled and waved at him, then followed Bai Xiaomeng out.

Once outside the Hunan restaurant, Bai Xiaomeng complained with a huff, "I'm so annoyed! Why is this guy such a big talker? Truly a financial guy – can't say three sentences without involving money."

"Humph, if he really were a billionaire pursuing you, I might reluctantly accept a car or a villa from him. But he's just an ordinary worker, earning a modest salary through hard work. Yet, he plays the role of an overbearing CEO."

"The first time we met, he at least restrained himself a bit. This time, he went too far, showing off like a peacock with its tail up. Does he think he's something special just because he sold a house in his hometown to scrape together a down payment in Yancheng? And the car he's driving is probably a family asset. Does he think he's impressive?"

"So annoying! If my aunt hadn't insisted, I wouldn't have come out to meet him."

Bai Xiaomeng seemed to have bottled up her frustration for a long time. In front of Tang Song, she let out everything she had kept inside. Perhaps due to her intense emotions, her chest rose and fell continuously, her long and slender jade-like hands with pink-painted nails kept flicking her disheveled hair, and her angrily blushing face looked even more charming and enchanting.

Tang Song couldn't help but feel a little tempted, wanting to touch her milky-white face. It would surely have a fantastic feel.

Thinking about the limited opportunities for them to meet in the future and the uncertainty of arranging private meetings, Tang Song felt a strange emotion inside.

Especially after seeing her actively participating in blind dates today, he felt a sense of urgency.

In these years, besides Li BaoYue, Bai Xiaomeng was the most attractive person he had encountered.

Now, with the support of the system, the future was destined to be bright. Bai Xiaomeng was no longer an unattainable existence. The strong possessiveness from his genes made Tang Song unable to control his feelings.

Unable to resist, he tentatively asked, "If a real billionaire pursues you, would you be moved?"

Bai Xiaomeng tilted her head, thought for a moment, and said, "It depends on what kind of person he is."

Then Tang Song blurted out, "What if it's someone like me?"

As soon as he said it, Tang Song regretted it, wishing he could slap himself. Why couldn't he control his words? Such nearly confessional words were too awkward, considering they were just ordinary colleagues and hadn't reached that stage yet.

Bai Xiaomeng paused, her eyes avoiding his gaze, then playfully joked, "If you, Tang Song, become a billionaire, I don't mind being your mistress. After all, you're so handsome, and your personality is great. So, you better work hard and become a tycoon soon."

Tang Song took a deep breath, feeling a bit disappointed. This was too much like a tactful rejection.


Hearing Tang Song's confident response, Bai Xiaomeng's heart skipped a beat, sensing an ominous premonition.

As tension filled the air between them, Zhang Yue's urgent voice soon came from behind.

"Sorry, Xiaomeng. I misspoke just now, and I apologize. I meant well, don't take it to heart. It's already past one, and you're about to be late for work. Let me drive you. You can listen to my explanation on the way."

After saying this, he pressed the car key, and the headlights of an old Cadillac CT4 at the entrance lit up. The red car was sparkling clean.

Bai Xiaomeng, however, seemed not to have heard him. She said, "Tang Song, how are you getting back? If it's on the way, let's share a ride. I'll drop you at the company first, and then you can head home."

Tang Song also raised the car key in his hand, smiling, "I came here on a motorcycle. While you were settling the bill, I already arranged for a car for you. It will be here soon."

Seeing Bai Xiaomeng's indifferent attitude, Zhang Yue felt a bit at a loss. His meticulously styled hair was now messy, and even the gel couldn't hold it in place.

"Xiaomeng, I think I may have misspoken just now. It was supposed to be our date, and I was not happy about this third wheel getting involved. That's why I said something unpleasant. I hope you understand my intentions. I genuinely want to be with you for a long time."

After speaking, Zhang Yue, eager to hold Bai Xiaomeng's hand, was directly stopped by Tang Song.

Bai Xiaomeng quickly stopped his nonsense, saying, "Stop, stop, stop! Zhang Yue, you don't need to say anything. Look at you, flaunting your good conditions. There are plenty of excellent girls who would like you. No need to waste time on me. I've said it from the beginning – we're not suitable, our values don't match."

Zhang Yue's eyebrows were twitching, but he didn't dare to flare up at Bai Xiaomeng. Looking at Tang Song standing in front of him, especially with that amused smile, he suddenly felt a surge of anger.

"Do you think you are? A poor little third wheel who can't even support himself properly, yet you keep sticking around Xiaomeng. A toad lusting after a swan! Why did you help call the car? Are you even qualified? Riding your broken motorcycle, helping Xiaomeng call a car – can you afford a car yourself? If it weren't for my Cadillac, who would care about your cheap ride!"

Zhang Yue pointed at Tang Song, speaking louder and louder, his face becoming increasingly dark, which attracted the attention of many people around.

Bai Xiaomeng was startled, hiding behind Tang Song. Zhang Yue's sudden eruption made her feel a bit scared. In her impression, although Zhang Yue was flamboyant and liked to boast, he was generally a decent white-collar worker.

Tang Song couldn't bear it anymore. He directly grabbed Zhang Yue's hand and, relying on his strong physique, squeezed it tightly.

Zhang Yue immediately felt pain, sweating profusely. The hand he tried to resist with could not break free. Tang Song pressed harder, using both hands to exert force.

Damn! Was this guy a beast? So strong!

Zhang Yue, in pain, turned red, his forehead covered in sweat, and he couldn't resist.

Tang Song, with an intimidating gaze, said, "Say one more word and try me. Since I'm currently unemployed, dare you fight with me? Let's go to the detention center together and spend a few more days there. See if you can continue your investment management career."

Zhang Yue's eyes were a bit evasive, reluctant to speak any further.

Confirming through eye contact that this was a person he couldn't afford to offend, Tang Song, tall and strong, with muscles bulging, plus his carefree demeanor, was quite intimidating.

This freshly graduated young man, filled with hot blood, might impulsively do something if provoked. Zhang Yue couldn't beat him, and if a fight really broke out, he would suffer a great loss.

Bai Xiaomeng came to her senses, glaring at Zhang Yue, "You are so shameless, speaking like a piece of crap! Tang Song, calm down. Don't argue with such a person. Let's wait on the side of the road.

Stay away from this lunatic; it's not worth making any mistakes because of him."

White Xiaomeng urgently dissuaded, after all, Tang Song got into trouble because of her, and it wouldn't be good for anyone if things escalated.

Tang Song, about to say something, was pulled away by White Xiaomeng's slender and fair hand.

Zhang Yue stood there in frustration, gasping for breath. In his heart, he vowed to retaliate.

He really regretted it; he couldn't afford to provoke this guy. Tang Song, with his tall and strong physique and a somewhat intimidating demeanor, had demonstrated that he was not someone to mess with.

White Xiaomeng, anxious, continued to dissuade, "Stay away from this kind of madman; there's no need to make any mistakes because of him."

Tang Song, hearing this, released Zhang Yue. He wanted to say something more, but he was pulled away by White Xiaomeng's long and fair hand.

Zhang Yue, frustrated and humiliated, stood there, breathing heavily, and silently vowed to seek revenge.

He was genuinely intimidated just now. He still had a bright future, his career was steadily progressing, and he had a substantial mortgage to pay off. It wasn't worth risking it all to confront a poor loser.

At this moment, a white Audi A4L with hazard lights on parked by the roadside. Tang Song checked the license plate, confirming it was the car he ordered. He waved to signal the driver to stop.

White Xiaomeng looked surprised. "Is this the car you ordered? There's no need to waste money just to spite him. Any regular ride would do."

Tang Song opened the car door and said, "Today, you treated me to a big meal, and I didn't even hold back. You don't need to be polite to me. But because of that idiot, the meal wasn't enjoyable. How about we reschedule for another day?"


White Xiaomeng's face blushed slightly. In her memory, Tang Song was a shy guy. How did he change so much this time?

"I'll go to work now. See you." After speaking, White Xiaomeng bent down to get into the car. Her slender and fair buttocks were particularly noticeable under the long skirt. The slightly messy black hair emitted a faint fragrance.

"Goodbye!" Tang Song waved goodbye, feeling a bit reluctant.

As the car was about to start, it suddenly stopped again. The window slowly rolled down, revealing a beautiful and lively face. "Tang Song, don't forget to find a job, and work hard now that you're at the age to make money. Otherwise, how will you get married? Good luck!"

Watching the car slowly driving away, Tang Song retracted his gaze, feeling a bit emotional about her understanding and encouragement.

Turning back, he saw Zhang Yue poking his head out of his car, staring at Tang Song with resentment. "I won't argue with you for now. We'll see."

After delivering the fierce words, afraid that Tang Song might lose control, he quickly ran away.